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Rao J.R. — Extensions of the UNITY Methodology: Compositionality, Fairness and Probability in Parallelism |
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"." 12
35 53
34 45
34 43
34 46
, intuitive significance 48
35 53
35 53
34 50
34 49
34 51
-fairness 101
18 19 23
66 68
14 67
-calculus 7 63 64
14 67
82 129
103 131
:= 20
< 12
<> 12
= 12
> 12
A 65
Algorithm design 8
Always section 18
Assign section 19
Augmentation rule 31 138
Body of a guarded statement 52 59
Branching time temporal logic 63 64
Byzantine agreement problem 151
Calculational proofs 15
Closure 34 38 40
Closure ordinal 97
coin toss 99
Commutativity conditions 6
Commutativity conditions, Lipton 6 33 35 53
Commutativity conditions, Misra 6 33 35 53
Complete lattice 68
Completeness 7
Compositionality 6 8 30 33 62
Conclusion 138
Conditional multiple assignment 20
Conditional properties 138
Conflict-resolution 8 150
Conjunctive 12
CTL* 63 64
Deadlock freedom 8 153
Declare section 17
Decoupling 6 34 38 166
Deterministic 8 19 99
Deterministic correctness 100 113
Dining philosophers problem 8
Dining philosophers problem, Chandy — Misra algorithm 8 153
Dining philosophers problem, Eventually-determinizing algorithm 155
Dining philosophers problem, Lehmann — Rabin algorithm 8 152
Disable 35 52 59
Disjunctive 12
e 65
ENABLE 35 52 53 59
ensures 5 27
Ensures, conjunction 29 112
Ensures, consequence weakening 28 111
Ensures, disjunction 29 112
Ensures, E-continuity 29 112
Ensures, impossibility 28 112
Ensures, reflexivity 28 111
Entails 103 124
entails, conjunction with unless 127
entails, conjunction with upto 127
entails, consequence weakening 126
entails, corollaries about 128
entails, disjunction 128
entails, impossibility 126
entails, reflexivity 126
Euclid's Algorithm 17
Eventual determinism 8 103 149
Everywhere operator 11
execution 64 105
Execution sequence 59 64
Extreme fairness 8 101 102 125
Extremely fair 106
f 65
Fairness 5
Fairness constraint 24 64 105
Finite state 8
Fixpoint operators 67 97
Fork 152
Formal derivation 165
FullPath 66
Function application 12
G 65
Generalized weakest precondition 7 62
Generalized weakest precondition, intuitive significance 80
Goedel's incompleteness theorem 95
Greatest fixpoint 14 67
guard 52 59
Guarded statement 52 59 64
gwp 7 62
Hoare triples 4 7 63 94
Hypothesis 138
Industrial strength programs 166
Infinite computation tree 59 64
Infinitely often 115
Initial condition 26
initially section 18
Invariance 4 25
Junctivity 12
Junctivity, and-continuous 13
Junctivity, denumerably junctive 13
Junctivity, finitely junctive 13
Junctivity, monotonic 13
Junctivity, or-continuous 13
Junctivity, positively junctive 13
Junctivity, relating junctivity properties 13
Junctivity, universally junctive 13
Knaster — Tarski theorem 15 97
Law of the Excluded Miracle 14
leads-to 5 28 60 83
leads-to, cancellation 29 113
leads-to, completion theorem 29 113
leads-to, disjunction 29 112
leads-to, implication 29 112
leads-to, impossibility 29 112
leads-to, induction principle 29 113
leads-to, PSP 29 113
Least fixpoint 14 67
LED 84
Left movers 53
Locality 150
Logic variables 35 57
Loose-coupling 33 37
| Maximal sequence 69
Measure 115
Message-passing 37
Methodology for proof rule design 68
Metric 29 113 134
Minimal progress 60 69 88
MODE 8 104 149
Model checking 101
Multiple assignment 5 104
Mutual exclusion 8 103 144 153 155
Ordinals 7 63 94 97
Partial correctness 4
Path quantifiers 65
PathForm 65
PCCS 102
Post's correspondence problem 95
Pred 11 12 65
Predicate transformer 7 12 13
Predicate transformer, healthiness conditions 14
Probabilistic 99
Probabilistic correctness 100 113
Probabilistic multiple assignment 102—104
Probabilistic powerdomain of evaluations 102
Probabilistic programs, 111
Probabilistic programs, completeness of proof rule 139
Probabilistic programs, ensures 111
Probabilistic programs, soundness of proof rule 139
Probabilistic programs, unless 109
Probabilistic transitions 7
probabilistically leads-to 103 115 131
probabilistically leads-to, cancellation 133
probabilistically leads-to, completion theorem 134
probabilistically leads-to, general disjunction 133
probabilistically leads-to, implication 132
probabilistically leads-to, impossibility 132
probabilistically leads-to, induction principle 134
probabilistically leads-to, PSP 134
Producer-consumer 37 42
Program derivation 4
program design 62
Program state 64
Program testing 3
Program verification 4
Program verification, a posteriori 4 102
Program verification, sequential programs 4
Progress properties 5 60 100
prompts 129
prompts, cancellation 130
prompts, completion theorem 131
prompts, disjunction 130
prompts, finite disjunction 130
prompts, implication 129
prompts, impossibility 129
prompts, PSP 130
Proof format 15
Proof rule design 61
Proof rules for fairness 5 61 86
Proper set of equations 18
Propositional variables 67 97
Pure nondeterminism 71 88
Quantification, notation 11
Quantification, state space 11
Quantification, statements 23
Quantification, [] 11
race conditions 38
Random walk 8 103 141
Random walk, absorbing and reflecting barrier 143
Random walk, absorbing barriers 141
Random walk, reflecting barriers 142
Reactive programs 4
Recursively enumerable 95
Reduction 33
Relative completeness 7 63 95
Relative completeness in the sense of Cook 94 96
request token 152
Restricted union rule 31 138
Right movers 53
Safety properties 5 100
Schedule 105
Second Borel — Cantelli theorem 106
Self-stabilization 8 150 161
Self-stabilization, Eventually-determinizing algorithm 162
Self-stabilization, probabilistic algorithm 162
Semantics of -calculus 68
Semantics of branching time temporal logic 66
Sentence of -calculus 68
software crisis 3
Soundness 7
sp 13
Specification refinement 4 144
Stability 25
Starvation freedom 8 155
State 104
State space 11
StatForm 65
Strong fairness 60 61 75 89
Strongest postcondition 13
Strongest solution 14 15 67
Substitution axiom 30 135
Substitution operation 12
Superposition 30 31 138
Superposition theorem 31 138
Symmetric random walk 141
Symmetry 99 149 150
Symmetry, breaking 8
Systematic design 165
Temporal logic 7
Temporal modalities 67
Temporal operators 65
Temporal structure 66
Term 11
terminating 19
Termination 4
Tightly-coupled 38
Total correctness 4
Transformational programs 4
Transparency 150
Transparent variables 18
U 65
Unconditional fairness 24 75 89 105 125
Underlying program 31 138
Underlying variables 31 138
Unified theory 165
Uniformity 150
union 30 135
Union theorem, corollaries about 137
Union theorem, ensures 31 136
Union theorem, entails 136
Union theorem, unless 31 135
Union theorem, unless and entails 137
Union theorem, upto 136
UNITY logic 5
UNITY program 115
UNITY program execution 24
UNITY program state 24
UNITY program statements 20
UNITY program, progress properties 24 27
UNITY program, safety properties 24 25
unless 5 25
unless, anti-reflexivity 26 109
unless, cancellation 26 110
unless, consequence weakening 26 109
unless, general conjunction 26 110
unless, general disjunction 26 110
unless, reflexivity 26 109
unless, simple conjunction 26 110
unless, simple disjunction 26 110
Upto 103 118
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