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Small C. (ed.), Douglas P. (ed.), Johnson R. (ed.) — Advances in databases. Lecture notes in computer science 1271
Small C. (ed.), Douglas P. (ed.), Johnson R. (ed.) — Advances in databases. Lecture notes in computer science 1271

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Название: Advances in databases. Lecture notes in computer science 1271

Авторы: Small C. (ed.), Douglas P. (ed.), Johnson R. (ed.)


This volume contains the proceedings of the 15th British National Conference on Databases held at Birkbcck College, London, in July 1997. The College has played a major role in database research since the early 1970s, and it is altogether fitting that the conference should at last be held at Birkbeck.
The changes in the area of databases that have occurred since the conference was first held in 1980 have been phenomenal. Databases are now ubiquitous, ranging from PC databases which sit atop almost every desktop, through data warehouses, to the vast, heterogeneous, unstructured "database" which comprises the Internet. One of the key unresolved questions is how the wealth of information within the Internet can be integrated and exploited. Our invited speaker, Larry Kerschbcrg, considers exactly this problem. In his keynote paper he proposes the use of co-operating intelligent agents called "knowledge rovers", which can be configured to seek out, retrieve and integrate data and knowledge that is specific to their mission.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1997

Количество страниц: 233

Добавлена в каталог: 05.12.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
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Balownew, O.      116
Benford, S.      135
Berti, L.      119
Bode, T.      116
Bratbergsengen, K.      69
Bratsberg, S. E.      23
Carnduff, T. W.      184
Chau, H. L.      139
Conrad, S.      200
Cremers, A. B.      116
Dunlop, A. N.      131
Faulstich, L. C.      169
Ferreira Rezende, F. de      54
Fiddian, N. J.      129
Gloeckner, A.      54
Gluche, D.      84
Gravlen, O.      38
Gray, W. A.      129 184
Grust, T.      84
Gupta, H.      121
Haase, O.      123
Harder, T.      54
Henrich, A.      123
Heuer, A.      84
Hey, A. J. G.      131
Hoding, M.      200
Hvasshovd, S. -O.      23 38
Jin, J. J.      126
Kalinski, I.      116
Kambayashi, Y.      137
Kerschberg, L.      1
Kroeger, J.      84
Lam, F. M.      139
Lei, R.      126
Linnemann, V.      169
Lutze, J.      54
Madurappemma, A. P.      129
McLaren, I.      121
Miles, J. C.      184
Ngu, A. H. H.      126
Norvag, K.      69
Papiani, M.      131
Poulovassilis, A.      215
Rnafla, N.      154
Roberts, S. A.      133
Rollinson, S. R.      133
Rottmann, R.      116
Saake, G.      200
Santoyridis, I.      184
Schmitt, I.      200
Scholl, M. H.      84
Spiliopoulou, M.      169
Taylor, I.      135
Tiirker, C.      200
Torbjornsen, O.      23 38
Vella, A.      121
Winiwarter, W.      137
Wolff, I. E.      116
Wong, R. K.      139
Xu, L.      215
Zurek, T.      101
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