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Perner P. (ed.) — Advances in Data Mining: Applications in E-Commerce, Medicine, and Knowledge Management
Perner P. (ed.) — Advances in Data Mining: Applications in E-Commerce, Medicine, and Knowledge Management

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Название: Advances in Data Mining: Applications in E-Commerce, Medicine, and Knowledge Management

Автор: Perner P. (ed.)


This book presents papers describing selected projects on the topic of data mining in
fields like e-commerce, medicine, and knowledge management. The objective is to
report on current results and at the same time to give a review on the present activities
in this field in Germany. An effort has been made to include the latest scientific
results, as well as lead the reader to the various fields of activity and the problems
related to them.
Knowledge discovery on the basis of web data is a wide and fast-growing area. Ecommerce
is the principal theme of motivation in this field, as companies invest large
sums in the electronic market, in order to maximize their profits and minimize their
risks. Other applications are telelearning, teleteaching, service support, and citizeninformation
systems. Concerning these applications, there is a great need to
understand and support the user by means of recommendation systems, adaptive
information systems, as well as by personalization. In this respect Giudici and Blanc
present in their paper procedures for the generation of associative models from the
tracking behavior of the user. Perner and Fiss present in their paper a strategy for
intelligent e-marketing with web mining and personalization. Methods and procedures
for the generation of associative rules are presented in the paper by Hipp, Güntzer,
and Nakhaeidizadeh.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/AI, knowledge/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2002

Количество страниц: 108

Добавлена в каталог: 04.12.2010

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