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Nelson E.W., Best C.L., McLean W.G. — Schaum's outline of theory and problems of engineering mechanics. Statics and dynamics |
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A-frame 68
Acceleration 195 261
Acceleration components, radial and transverse 199
Acceleration components, rectangular 196 200 218—219
Acceleration components, tangential and normal 197 208—209
Acceleration, angular 199 215
Acceleration, average rectilinear 195 200 201
Acceleration, circular path 199
Acceleration, constant rectilinear 195 204 231
Acceleration, constant rotational 215—216
Acceleration, Coriolis' acceleration 263—264 286—287 270—271
Acceleration, determination of 230
Acceleration, instantaneous rectilinear 195
Acceleration, relative 261 263
Accelerometer 387
Addition of vectors 1
Air speed of airplane 268
Amplitude of vibration 195—196 465
Angle of friction 127
Angle of repose 127
Angular impulse 425
Angular vibrations 469
Annular torus 169
Aperiodic motion 476—477
Aphelion 255—256
Atwood's machine 391
Axis of rotation 332
Banking of curves 368
Base point 261
Beams 115
Beams, cantilever 115
Beams, moment 115—117
Beams, overhanging 115
Beams, shear 115—117
Beams, simple 115
Belt friction 129
Billiard ball 348 447
Brake band 129
Brake horsepower 403
Braking mechanism 374 403
Cables, catenary 98 107
Cables, parabolic 97 104
Cantilever beam 65 115
Cantilever truss 110
Center of curvature 198
Center of mass 155—156 168 189 429
Center of percussion 332 425
Center of pressure 157 170 173
Centrifugal force 392
Centroid 155
Centroid surface 155 167
Centroid table of values 175
Centroid, arc 159 495
Centroid, area 175 495
Centroid, assemblage 155
Centroid, built-up line figure 160
Centroid, cone 164 167 495
Centroid, lines 155 495
Centroid, mass 155 168—169
Centroid, sphere 165
Centroid, triangle 161
Centroid, volumes 155—156 158 165 495
Chain sliding off table 247 409
Circle, axial moment of inertia 304
Circle, centroid of arc 159
Circle, centroid of sector 162
Circle, eccentricity 252
Circle, Mohr's 300 313—316
Circle, polar moment of inertia 305
Circular frequency 196
circular motion 200
Coefficient of damping 474
Coefficient of friction 127 129
Coefficient of restitution 428 446—449
Coefficient of rolling resistance 129 143
Components of forces 4 10 12
Components, radial and transverse 199
Components, rectangular 196
Components, tangential and normal 197
Components, vector 1 5
Composition of Vectors 2
Computer solutions 497—499
Concentrated load 115
Concurrent forces 31 46 56 80
Cone clutch 146
Cone, centroid of surface 167 495
Cone, centroid of volume 164 495
Conic section 252
Conservation of angular momentum 428 445—446
Conservation of energy 398 407
Conservation of linear momentum 419—420 428 444—445
Coplanar force systems 26 31 56
Coriolis' acceleration 263—264 286—287
Coulomb damping 463
Couples 20
Couples, forces combined with 21 25
Couples, magnitude of 20
Couples, manipulations of 21 24—26
Couples, moment of 20—21
Critical damping 476—479
Cross product 5 13—14
Curvature 196—197 207
Curves, banking of 368
Curvilinear motion 196—197
Cylinder dynamics 360 335—336
Cylinder floating 467
Cylinder impulse-momentum relations 439—441
Cylinder kinematics 278—282
Cylinder work-energy relations 406 408
Damped vibrations 476—478
Damping coefficient 476
Damping factor 477
Damping solid 463
Damping viscous 476 484
Damping, Coulomb 463
Damping, critical 478
Decay of oscillations 478—479
Decrement, logarithmic 479
Degrees of freedom 462
Differential chain hoist 75
Differentiation of vector 6 14
Displacement 195 219
Displacement, absolute 266 282
Displacement, rectilinear 195 200—202
Displacement, relative 266
Distributed forces 32 63
Distributed load 63 98 115 119 122
Dot product 4 13
Dynamics, particle 229
Dynamics, rigid body, plane motion 348
Dynamics, rigid body, rotation 332
Dynamics, rigid body, translation 331
Earth 255—256
Eccentricity 252
Effective force 333 364—366
Efficiency 395
Elevator 356
Ellipse, axial moment of inertia 305
Ellipse, eccentricity 252
Ellipse, polar moment of inertia 305
Energy, conservation 398
Energy, kinetic 396
Energy, potential 392—395
Epicyclic gear train 284—285
Equations of motion for particle 229
Equations of motion for plane motion 330
Equations of motion for rotation 332
Equations of motion for translation 331
Equilibrium of force systems, coplanar, concurrent 56 58
| Equilibrium of force systems, coplanar, nonconcurrent, nonparallel 57 66—70
Equilibrium of force systems, coplanar, parallel 56 62—65
Equilibrium of force systems, noncoplanar, concurrent 80 81—85
Equilibrium of force systems, noncoplanar, nonconcurrent, nonparallel 80 87—92
Equilibrium of force systems, noncoplanar, parallel 80 86—87
Equilibrium system 184 188—189
Equilibrium, neutral 185
Equilibrium, particle 184
Equilibrium, rigid body 184
Equilibrium, stable 184
Equilibrium, unstable 185
Fink truss 102
First moments 155
First moments area 156 495
First moments, arc 135 495
First moments, assemblage 155
First moments, dimensions 156
First moments, lines 156 495
First moments, volume 156 495
Flywheel, dynamics of 367 368 391
Flywheel, kinematics of 215—216 265
Flywheel, moment of inertia 323—324
Flywheel, stress in rim 367
Force system see "Equilibrium of a force system" "Resultant
Forced vibrations 462 431 483
Four-link mechanism 275—278
Free vibrations 462
Free vibrations, angular 469 471
Free vibrations, linear 464
Free vibrations, torsional 470
Free vibrations, viscous damping 476
Free-body diagram 57
frequency 242 462
Friction coefficient of kinetic 127
Friction coefficient of rolling 129 143
Friction coefficient of static 127
Friction, angle of 127
Friction, belt 129 141
Friction, laws of 127
Friction, limiting 113 127
Friction, moment of 143
Graphical analysis 400
Gravitational constant 250 253
Gyroscope 452—453
Heading of an airplane 268
Hemisphere, centroid of mass 168 495
Hemisphere, centroid of surface 167 495
Hemisphere, moment of volume 174 495
Horsepower 395 408
Howe truss 108
Hyperbola 252
Impact force 449
Impact, direct 428
Impact, direct central 428
Impact, direct eccentric 428
Impact, elastic 447
Impact, inelastic 447
Impact, oblique 428
Impulse units 427
Impulse variable 435
Impulse, angular 425 437
Impulse, linear 424 434
Impulse-momentum relations for assemblage of particles 424
Impulse-momentum relations for cylinder 438
Impulse-momentum relations for particle 424
Impulse-momentum relations for plane motion 426 438—439
Impulse-momentum relations for rotation 426 437
Impulse-momentum relations for sphere 446
Impulse-momentum relations for translation 426 434
Inclined plane, rolling on 283 335 338 341—342 401 406 439
Inclined plane, sliding on 230—231 234 232—241 400 434—435
Indicated horsepower 403
Indicator card 402
Inertia-force method, rotation 360
Inertia-force method, translation 333 365
Instantaneous axis (center) 362 273—274 276 450
Integration of vector 7 14 394
International System 7 493—494
Jack-screw 128 141
Jets, dynamic action of 442—443
Kinematics, particle 195
Kinematics, rigid body 261
Kinetic energy, particle 396
Kinetic energy, plane motion 397
Kinetic energy, rotation 396
Kinetic energy, translation 396
Kinetic energy, units 396
Laws of friction 127
Lift truck 360
Linear impulse 424
Linear momentum 299 424
Linear vibrations 463—469
Logarithmic decrement 478
Loop-the-loop 245—246
Magnification factor 482
Manometer 437 467
Mass 7 229 330 396 424 427
Mechanism, four-link 275—279
Mechanism, quick-return 211
Mechanism, Scotch yoke 210
Mechanism, slider crank 212 272—275
Metric units see "SI"
Mohr's circle 300 313—316
Moment in beam, change 117
Moment in beam, definition 115—116
Moment in beam, diagram 116 118—122
Moment in beam, sign 116
Moment in beam, slope 117
Moment of couple 20
Moment of force 19 21—23
Moment of inertia of area 298
Moment of inertia of mass, axial 300 302
Moment of inertia of mass, bar (slender rod) 316—318
Moment of inertia of mass, centroidal 317 318—319
Moment of inertia of mass, cone 317 322—323
Moment of inertia of mass, cylinder 317 321—322
Moment of inertia of mass, flywheel 323—324
Moment of inertia of mass, hollow cylinder 322
Moment of inertia of mass, parallelepiped 315—319
Moment of inertia of mass, polar 301 320
Moment of inertia of mass, sphere 317 321—322
Moment of inertia of mass, thin disk (lamina) 317 319
Moment of inertia of mass, units 427
Moment of inertia, axial 296 300—304
Moment of inertia, built-up section (composite) 305—308
Moment of inertia, channel section 307
Moment of inertia, circle 304
Moment of inertia, ellipse 305
Moment of Inertia, Polar 299 305
Moment of inertia, principal (maximum) 300 312—316
Moment of inertia, rectangle 300—301
Moment of inertia, rotated set of axes 300 312—316
Moment of inertia, triangle 303—304
Moment of inertia, units 300
Moment of inertia, Z-section 308
Moment of momentum, assemblage of particles 428—429
Moment of momentum, definition 425
Moment of momentum, plane motion 432
Moment of momentum, rim 432
Moment of relative momentum, assemblage of particles 430
Moment of relative momentum, definition 425
Moment of relative momentum, plane motion 432
Moment of relative momentum, rim 432
Momentum, angular 425 438
Momentum, linear 424 435
Momentum, units 427
Natural frequency 242—243 462
Newton's laws of motion 6 229 231
Nodal section 471—472
Nonconcurrent, nonparallel forces 31 47 57 81
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