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Название: Advances in web based learning
Авторы: Leung H. (ed.), Li F. (ed.), Lau R. (ed.)
This year, we received a record high of about 180 submissions to ICWL 2007. From
these, a total of 55 full papers plus one keynote paper were accepted for this LNCS
proceedings volume, representing an acceptance rate of about 30%. The authors of
these accepted papers were of a remarkable international diversity. We would like to
thank all the reviewers for spending their precious time reviewing the papers and for
providing valuable comments that aided significantly in the paper selection process.
Authors of the best papers presented at this conference will be invited to submit
extended versions of their papers for possible publication in 1) a special issue of IEEE
Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering, for those papers relevant to knowledge
and data engineering; and 2) a special issue of the International Journal of Distance
Education Technologies (JDET), for papers of other areas.
This was the first time that the ICWL conference was organized in Europe and 27
papers were from European researchers. We would like to thank our Organization
Chair Dr. Taku Komura for spending an enormous amount of energy in coordinating
the local arrangements. In fact, we would like to thank the entire conference
organization committee for their hard work in putting together the conference. In
particular, we would like to express our appreciation to our Registration Chair Dr.
Jiying (Jean) Wang for her tremendous efforts in communicating with the authors
regarding registration matters and keeping the registration and accommodation
booking lists up-to-date. Our Workshop Co-chairs, Dr. Joseph Fong and Dr. Philips
Wang, organized a Workshop on Blended Learning (WBL 2007), which was
co-located with ICWL 2007. At this workshop, participants could share their ideas
and experiences on supplementing e-learning with classroom learning.
We would also like to thank Prof. Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, Prof. Myunghee Ju
Kang and Prof. Won Kim for delivering keynote speeches and sharing their insightful
views on web-based learning research issues. Finally, we would like to thank all the
authors of the submitted papers, whether accepted or not, for their contribution to the
high quality of this conference. We count on your continued support of the web-based
learning community in the future.