APL 14
assignments 39
Attribute 21
AVG 16
Bag(s) 13
BTS 14
calc 89
CNT 14
Component 21
Construction 21
Data signature 10
Declarations examples 40 48
Declarations final form 48
Declarations simple form 39
Disjointness in the calculus 39
Disjointness of sets in definitions 12
DSL 84
Entity type 21
Equivalence rules 64
Extended Entity-Relationship calculus assignments 39
Extended Entity-Relationship calculus declarations 39 48
Extended Entity-Relationship calculus duplicates in bag-valued terms 42
Extended Entity-Relationship calculus equivalence rules 64
Extended Entity-Relationship calculus finiteness of calculus terms 61
Extended Entity-Relationship calculus formulas 45
Extended Entity-Relationship calculus integrity constraints 66
Extended Entity-Relationship calculus non-hierarchical structure 37
Extended Entity-Relationship calculus queries 52
Extended Entity-Relationship calculus ranges 47
Extended Entity-Relationship calculus relational completeness 62
Extended Entity-Relationship calculus safeness 62
Extended Entity-Relationship calculus sorting feature 60
Extended Entity-Relationship calculus terms 40
Extended Entity-Relationship calculus transitive closure 59
Extended Entity-Relationship calculus variables 39
Extended Entity-Relationship model calculus definition 38
Extended Entity-Relationship model comparison to other data models 32
Extended Entity-Relationship model schema definition 21
Extended Entity-Relationship schemas 21
Extended Entity-Relationship schemas attributes 23
Extended Entity-Relationship schemas components 26
Extended Entity-Relationship schemas entity types 23
Extended Entity-Relationship schemas examples 23 32
Extended Entity-Relationship schemas graphical representation 24
Extended Entity-Relationship schemas relationship types 23
Extended Entity-Relationship schemas role names 31
Extended Entity-Relationship schemas type constructions 26
Extended Entity-Relationship schemas undefined value 30
Final form of declaration 48
Finiteness of calculus terms 61
formulas 45
Formulas examples 46
Graphical representation of attributes 25
Graphical representation of cardinality constraints 71
Graphical representation of components 25
Graphical representation of construction types 25
Graphical representation of derived relationships 71
Graphical representation of entity types 24
Graphical representation of extended Entity-Relationship schemas 24
Graphical representation of functional relationships 71
Graphical representation of key attributes 70
Graphical representation of optional and non-optional attributes 70
Graphical representation of relationship types 25
Graphical representation of weak entity types 72
IN 14
ind 14
Infix position for operations 12
Integrity constraints 66
List(s) 13
LTB 14
LTS 16
MAX 16
MIN 16
Notation d# with 105
Occ 14
Operations induced by the sort expressions 14
OPNS for extended Entity-Relationship calculus 38
OPNS in data signature 10
OPNS, in data signature 10
OPNS, 38
pos 14
PRED for extended Entity-Relationship calculus 38
PRED in data signature 10
PRED, 38
Predicates induced by the sort expressions 14
PRJ 14
| PROLOG implementation CALC 89
PROLOG implementation calculus translation declarations 93
PROLOG implementation calculus translation formulas 92
PROLOG implementation calculus translation ranges 93
PROLOG implementation calculus translation terms 92
PROLOG implementation data operations 86
PROLOG implementation data predicates 87
PROLOG implementation data sorts 85
PROLOG implementation data specification language DSL 84
PROLOG implementation DSL 84
PROLOG implementation generate-and-test strategy 95
PROLOG implementation query and constraint language CALC 89
PROLOG implementation schema definition language SDL 87
PROLOG implementation schema part of the database 87
PROLOG implementation schema translation attributes 88
PROLOG implementation schema translation components 88
PROLOG implementation schema translation construction types 89
PROLOG implementation schema translation entity types 88
PROLOG implementation schema translation relationship types 89
PROLOG implementation SDL 87
PROLOG implementation, working with the system 79
Queries 52
Queries examples 52
ranges 47
Ranges examples 48
Relational completeness 62
Relationship type 21
Safeness 62
SDL 87
SEL 14
Set(s) 13
Simple form of declarations 39
sort 38
Sort expressions 13
Sort expressions, 13
Sort expressions, bag(s) 13
Sort expressions, list(s) 13
Sort expressions, operations induced by the sort expressions 14
Sort expressions, predicates induced by the sort expressions 14
Sort expressions, set(s) 13
SORT for extended Entity-Relationship calculus 38
SORT in sort expressions 13
SQL semantics aggregation functions 114
SQL semantics, ALL 105
SQL semantics, ANY 105
SQL semantics, EXISTS 105
SQL semantics, IN 105
SQL semantics, SELECT FROM WHERE 105
SQL semantics, UNION 105
SQL standard 108
SQL syntax aggregation functions 111
SQL syntax comparisons 103
SQL syntax, ALL subqueries 102
SQL syntax, ANY subqueries 102
SQL syntax, AVG 111
SQL syntax, COUNT 111
SQL syntax, EXISTS subqueries 102
SQL syntax, HAVING conditions 109
SQL syntax, IN subqueries 102
SQL syntax, MAX 111
SQL syntax, MIN 111
SQL syntax, requirements for SELECT FROM WHERE GROUP-BY HAVING queries 111
SQL syntax, requirements for SELECT FROM WHERE queries 104
SQL syntax, search conditions 102
SQL syntax, SELECT FROM WHERE queries 102
SQL syntax, SUM 111
SQL syntax, terms in GROUP BY queries 111
SQL syntax, UNION queries 102
SQL theorems, ALL versus ANY 119
SQL theorems, properties of IN, ALL, ANY, and EXISTS 117
SQL theorems, property of the FROM clause 117
SQL theorems, unnesting of SQL queries 118
SUM 16
Terms 40
Terms examples 42
Theorems, extended Entity-Relationship calculus, finiteness of terms 61
Theorems, extended Entity-Relationship calculus, relational completeness 62
Theorems, SQL, ALL versus ANY 119
Theorems, SQL, properties of IN, ALL, ANY, and EXISTS 117
Theorems, SQL, property of the FROM clause 117
Theorems, SQL, unnesting of SQL queries 118
Transitive closure 59
Type construction 21
Undefined value in data signatures 12
Undefined value in extended Entity-Relationship schemas 30
Variables 39