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Kuo C.J., Tsai M.H. — Three-dimensional holographic imaging
Kuo C.J., Tsai M.H. — Three-dimensional holographic imaging

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Название: Three-dimensional holographic imaging

Авторы: Kuo C.J., Tsai M.H.


A comprehensive survey of the state of the art in 3-D holographic imaging techniques and applications.
This book introduces the general concepts of both real-time and non-real-time 3-D holographic imaging techniques for scientific and engineering applications. It offers readers a fundamental understanding of the concepts of 3-D holographic imaging as well as cost-effective design and implementation. World-renowned experts in the field provide in-depth discussion of the following topics:
* Holograms of real and virtual point trajectories
* Self-stabilized real-time holographic recording
* Principles and applications of optical scanning holography
* Tangible, dynamic holographic images
* Holographic laser radar
* Preliminary studies on compression of interference patterns in electronic holography
* Photoelectronic principles, components, and applications
* Design and implementation of computer-generated hologram and diffractive optical elements
* Catastrophe analysis as the basis for visual perception
Three-Dimensional Holographic Imaging is the most complete survey available of the fundamental topics in the field, ideal for electrical engineers, optical scientists, and advanced CAD/CAM systems engineers engaged in the design and construction of advanced imaging systems.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Нет и не будет

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Год издания: 2002

Количество страниц: 202

Добавлена в каталог: 19.10.2005

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