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Название: Spatial modeling principles in Earth sciences
Автор: Sen Z.
Abstract Earth sciences events have spatial, temporal, and spatio-temporal variabilities
depending on the scale and purpose of the assessments. For instance, in
geology, geophysics, rock mechanicals, and alike aspects the spatial variability is
dominant, whereas in hydrology, meteorology, etc., aspects the temporal variability
has preference; but in general, irrespective of time scale, all of the earth sciences
events have spatio-temporal variability. Plate tectonics has temporal variations during
millions of years whereas spatial variability exists at any time instant. Hence,
variability is one of the major factors in the modeling of earth sciences events for
their future behavior predictions or estimations at any given location where there is
no sampling information. Variability implies similarity at some instances and therefore
similar representative patterns play significant role in earth sciences modeling.