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Bishop M.J. — Genetic Databases (Biological Techniques Series)
Bishop M.J. — Genetic Databases (Biological Techniques Series)

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Название: Genetic Databases (Biological Techniques Series)

Автор: Bishop M.J.


Computer access is the only way to retrieve up-to-date sequences and this book shows researchers puzzled by the maze of URLs, sites, and searches how to use internet technology to find and analyze genetic data. The book describes the different types of databases, how to use a specific database to find a sequence that you need, and how to analyze the data to compare it with your own work.
The content also covers sequence phenotype, mutation, and genetic linkage databases; simple repetitive DNA sequences; gene feature identification; and prediction of structure and function of proteins from sequence information. This book will be invaluable to those starting a career in life sciences research as well as to established researchers wishing to make full use of available resources.

Key Features
* Describes a wide range of databases: DNA, RNA, protein, pathways, and gene expression
* Enables readers to access the information they need from databases on the web
* Includes a directory of URLs for easy reference
* Invaluable for those starting a career in life sciences research and also for established researchers wishing to make full use of available resources.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Биология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 1999

Количество страниц: 311

Добавлена в каталог: 20.11.2010

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