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Graham R.A. — Solids under high-pressure shock compression: mechanics, physics, and chemistry
Graham R.A. — Solids under high-pressure shock compression: mechanics, physics, and chemistry

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Название: Solids under high-pressure shock compression: mechanics, physics, and chemistry

Автор: Graham R.A.


Since the 1950s shock compression research contributed greatly to scientific knowledge and industrial technology. As a result, for example, our understanding of meteorite impacts has substantially improved, and shock processes have become standard industrial methods in materials synthesis and processing. Investigations of shock-compressed matter involve physics,electrical engineering, solid mechanics, metallurgy, geophysics and materials science. The description of shock-compressed matter presented here, which is derived from physical and chemical observations, differs significantly from the classical descriptions derived from strictly mechanical characteristics. This volume, with over 900 references, provides an introduction for scientists and engineers interested in the present state of shock compression science.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1993

Количество страниц: 221

Добавлена в каталог: 18.10.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
PVDF gauge      64—65
Quartz, crystalline      8 21 25 31 41 43 73 80 81 86 99 102 107 108 116
Quartz, fused      41 44 61
Quartz, gauge      80
Ramp wave      23 60 108
Rayleigh line      17 18
Recovery experiments      67
Recovery fixtures      151
Reed, R.P.      72 105
Regimes of mechanical response      15—21
Release wave      41
Reviews, general      9
Reynolds, C.      114
Rice, M.      6
Rubidium chloride      130
Rubidium iodide      130
Rutile      25 149 162—167 172
Samara, G.A.      112
Sandia Corporation      7
Sandia National Laboratories      7 65 91 105
SAPpHiRe      21 31 86 87 107 108
Sawaoka, A.B.      i viii
Schetzina, J.F.      92
Schmalzreid, H.      142
Schuler, K.W.      45 46 60
Seay, G.E.      114
Second-order behavior      51
Semiconductors      90—94
Setchell, R.E.      44 108
Shaner, J.W.      49
Shear loading      24
Shear strength      27 32
Shear stress      26
Shock processes      145
Shock viscosity      20 34 35
Shock wave      16
Shock-induced polarization      6 128—134
Shock-induced polymerization      143
Sign convention      12 72 101
Silicon      25 94
Silicon carbide      31
Silicon nitride      162 172 173
Silver, resistivity      127 128
Smith, E.      61
Snow-plow model      51
Sodium chloride      25 130
Sodium fluoride      130
Solid state chemistry reviews      10
Solov'ev, V.S.      148
Soviet Union      7 143
Spall      45 46
Spall, reviews      47
Spall, smooth      43
Stanford Research Institute      7
Static high pressure scale      37
Steinberg, D.J.      36
Strength, corrections      31
Strength, loss      32 33 35
Strength, shear      27 32 34
Stress tensors      27
Stuetzer, O.M.      76
Styris, D.L.      127
Superparamagnetic phases      183
Symmetric impact      58
Syono, Y.      40 103
Tang, Z.P.      40
Tantalum      8
Taylor, J.W.      7 29
Teflon      132 133
Temperature      3 33 136 151 181
Thadhani, N.N.      178 185 188 189
Thermochemical      194
Thermodynamic equilibrium      6
Thermomechanical      35
Thick sample      97 106 107
Thin sample      97 106 107
Three-zone model, piezoelectrics      99—101
Thurston, R.N.      23 73 76
Time resolution      vii 27
titanium carbide      162—165
Titanium diboride      31 162—165
Titanium dioxide      25 163—165
Titanium-aluminum synthesis      191
Tokyo Institute of Technology      vii
Transformations, chemical      8
Transformations, melting      11
Transformations, structural      28 37
Ultrasonic measurements      24 25 95
Uniaxial strain      21 26
Venturini, E.G.      166 167 169
VIR model      148 194
VISAR      35 45 65
Viscoelastic      45 46
Viscoelastic, reviews      10
viscosity      20 34—36
Vitreous silica      23 25 26 61
Voigt, condensation of subscripts      23
Voigt, elastic stiffnesses      22
Wackerle, J.      24 32
Wallace, D.C.      35
Walsh, E.K.      45
Walsh, J.M.      6 7
Washington State University      29
Wave profiles      45
Wave profiles, elastic-plastic      28 29 118
Wave profiles, phase transformations      38
Wave profiles, release      35 41—44 48 49
Wave profiles, reviews, measurements      54 63
Wave, centered decompression      23
Wave, simple centered      21
Wayne, R.C.      116 124
Weak ferromagnetism      169 170
West, A.R.      142
Williams, F.L.      161 172
Williamson, D.C.      169 170
X-ray diffraction line broadening      163—166
Young, D.A.      11 40 49
Yu, L.H.      194
Zener model of ferromagnetism      122
Zinc ferrite synthesis      180—184
Zinc oxide      162 181
Zirconia      162 163 174 176 177
Zukas, J.A.      51
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