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Fundamentals of engineering. Supplied-reference handbook
Fundamentals of engineering. Supplied-reference handbook

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Название: Fundamentals of engineering. Supplied-reference handbook


This is a copy of the only reference material allowed in the FE exam room. Review this book prior to the exam to become familiar with the charts, formulas, tables, and other reference information it provides.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: first edition

Год издания: 2001

Количество страниц: 171

Добавлена в каталог: 17.10.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$2^n$ factorial experiments      145
AASHTO, automobile pavement design      114
ac circuits      74
AC machines      134
Accelerated cost recovery system (ACRS)      80
Acids and bases      64
Activated carbon adsorption      120
Activated sludge      122
Addition      6
Adiabatic humidification (evaporative cooling)      156
Adiabatic mixing      156
Adiabatic process      50
Aerobic digestion      123
Air pollution      124
Air refrigeration cycle      155
Air stripping      121
Airport layout and design      113
Algebra of complex numbers      75
Allowable stress design (ASD), steel      96
Anaerobic digester design      123
Analysis of variance for $2^n$ factorial designs      146
Anode      64
Anode reaction (oxidation)      69
Approximations      143
Archimedes principle and buoyancy      39
Area formulas for surveying      114
AREA vertical curve criteria for track profile      112
Arithmetic progression      7
ASHRAE psychrometric chart No. 1      56
ASTM      163
ASTM grain size      71
ASTM standard reinforcing bars      94
Atmospheric dispersion modeling      124
Atomic bonding      68
Atomic number      64
Automobile pavement design      114
Average and range charts      143
Average value      74
Avogadro’s number      64
Backwash      119
Bag house filters      128
Balanced three-phase systems      135
Ball/roller bearing selection      163
Banking of curves (without friction)      27
Batch reactor      89
Batch reactor constant T and V      89
Beam deflection formulas - special cases      37
Beam design, steel (LRFD, ASD)      97
Beam design, steel (LRFD, ASD), allowable moments curves (ASD)      106
Beam design, steel (LRFD, ASD), allowable stress $S_x$ table (ASD)      105
Beam design, steel (LRFD, ASD), design moments curves (LRFD)      102
Beam design, steel (LRFD, ASD), load factor $Z_x$ table (LRFD)      101
Beam fixed-end moment formulas      94
Beam-columns, steel      99
Bed expansion      119
Benefit-cost analysis      80
Binary phase diagrams      69
Binomial distribution      8
Bioconcentration factor      130
Biomechanics of the human body      146
Biotower      123
Bipolar junction transistor (BJT)      136 137
BOD      117
BOD exertion      122
Boilers, condensers, evaporators, one side in a heat exchanger      48
Boiling point elevation      64
Bolted and riveted joints loaded in shear      162
Bolted connections, steel      99
Bolted connections, steel, bolt capacity tables      99
bonds      80
Book value      79
Brake power      158
Brake thermal efficiency      159
Brake-band or belt friction      23
Brayton cycle (steady-flow cycle)      159
Brayton cycle with regeneration      160
Break-even analysis      80
Break-through time for leachate to penetrate a clay liner      131
Cancer slope factor      129
Canonical product of sums (POS)      142
Canonical sum of products (SOP)      142
Capacitors and inductors      73
Capacitors and inductors in parallel and series      73
Capitalized costs      80
Carmen — Kozeny equation      118
catalyst      64
Cathode      64 69
Centrifugal force      27
Centroids and moments of inertia      18
Centroids of masses, areas, lengths, and volumes      22
Chemical reaction engineering      89
Chemical reaction equilibrium      88
Chemical, thermodynamics      88
circle      4
Circular sector      16
Circular segment      16
Clarification      119
Clarifier      119
Clausius’ statement of second law      50
Closed thermodynamic system      47
Closed-system availability      51
Column design, steel      98
Column design, steel, allowable stress table (ASD)      107
Column design, steel, design stress table (LRFD)      104
Column effective length KL      98
Column effective length KL, K-values and alignment chart      103
Columns, concrete design      95
Columns, Euler’s formula      36
Columns, steel design      98
Combustion in air      50
Combustion in excess air      50
Combustion, incomplete      50
Combustion, processes      50
Common metallic crystal structures      68
Common thermodynamic cycles      52
Communication theory concepts      135
complex numbers      5 75
Complex power      75
Composite flip-flop state transition      142
Composite materials      71
Compressible fluid      43
Compression ratio      159
Computer knowledge      76
Concept of weight      25
Concurrent forces      23
Condensation, outside horizontal tubes      60
Condensation, pure vapor on a vertical surface      60
Conduction      58
Conduction, through a plane wall      58
Conductive heat transfer      60
Confidence interval      10
Confidence interval for a      145
Confidence interval for b      145
Conic section equation      4
Conic sections      3
Construction      114
Continuity equation      39
Continuous distillation (binary system)      90
Continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR)      90
Continuous stirred tank reactors in series      90
control systems      77
Convection      58 91
Convolution      135
Cooling and dehumidification      155
Cooling load      157
Coordination number      68
Corollary      50
Corrosion      69
CPM precedence relationships (activity on node)      114
Crest-vertical curve      110
Critical depth      109
Critical Path Method (CPM)      148
Critical values of the F distribution table      13
Critically damped      18 78
Crystallography      68
Current      72
Curvature in rectangular coordinates      14
Curvature of any curve      14
Cyclone 50% collection efficiency for particle diameter      128
Cyclone collection efficiency      128
Cyclone separator      128
Cylindrical pressure vessel      33
Daily dose      130
Darcy’s equation      108
Data quality objectives (DQO) for sampling soils and solids      131
DC machines      134
Deflection of beams      36
Deflection of trusses and frames      94
Deflectors and blades      42
DeMorgan’s theorem      141
Density, specific volume, specific weight, and specific gravity      38
Depreciation      80
Depth of sorption zone      120
Derivative      14
Derivatives and indefinite integrals      15
Design criteria for sedimentation basins      119
Design data for clarifiers for activated-sludge systems      119
Design of experiments one-way anova table      149
Determinants      6
Determined from the noncarcinogenic dose-response curve using NOAEL      130
Deutsch equation      129
Diesel cycle      158
Difference equations      19
Differential (simple or Rayleigh) distillation      90
Differential calculus      14
Differential equations      18
Diffusion      69 91
Diffusion coefficient      69
Digital Signal Processing      135
Dimensional homogeneity and dimensional analysis      44
Dimensionless group equation (Sherwood)      91
dimensions      120
Diodes      137
Discount factors for continuous compounding      79
Dispersion, mean, median, and mode value      9
Displacement volume      159
Distibution      9
Distillation      90
Distortion-energy theory      35
Dose-response curve      129
DQO      131
Drag coefficients for spheres, disks, and cylinders      46
Drilling      148
Dual linear program      143
Earthwork formulas      114
Effect of overburden pressure      131
Effective flange width-concrete t-beams      95
Effective or RMS values      74
Effective stack height      124
Elastic potential energy      26
Elastic strain energy      36
Electrochemistry      64
Electrodialysis      121
Electromagnetic dynamic fields      134
Electrostatic fields      72
Electrostatic presipitator      129
Electrostatics      72
ellipse      3
Endurance limit      161
Endurance limit modifying factors      161
Endurance test      70
Energy conversion and power plants      158
Energy line (Bernoulli equation)      40
Engineering strain      33
Enhancement MOSFET (low and medium frequency)      140
entropy      50
Entropy change for solids and liquids      51
Environmental engineering      117
Environmental microbiology      122
Equilibrium constant of a chemical reaction      64
Equimolar counter-diffusion (gases)      91
Equipment requirements      147
Equivalent mass      64
ergonomics      146 152
Ergonomics, hearing      153 154
Essential prime implicant      142
Euler’s approximation      21
Euler’s formula      36
Euler’s identity      5
Exposure and intake rates      129
Face milling      148
Facility planning      147
Facultative pond      123
Fan characteristics      157
Fans, pumps, and compressors      157
Faraday’s law      64 72
Fastener groups in shear      162
Fate and transport      130
Fatigue loading      161
Feed condition line      90
Feedwater heaters      160
Field equation      40
Filtration      118
First law (energy balance)      48
First law of thermodynamics      47
First-order linear difference equation      20
First-order linear nonhomogeneous differential equations      18
First-order reaction      89
Fixed blade      42
Fixed film      119
Fixed-film equation with recycle      123
Fixed-film equation without recycle      123
Flash (or equilibrium) distillation      90
Flip-flops      142
Flocculation      119
Flow in noncircular conduits      41
Flow of a real fluid      40
Flow reactors, steady state      89
Flow, open-channel      109
Flow, parallel to a constant-temperature flat plate      60
Flow, past a constant-temperature sphere      60
Flow, perpendicular to axis of a constant-temperature circular cylinder      60
Fluid flow      40
Fluid measurements      43
force      22
Forces on submerged surfaces and the center of pressure      39
Fouling factor      59
Four-variable Karnaugh map      142
Fourier series      19 135
Fourier transform      19
Free vibration      27
Freezing point depression      64
Freundlich isotherm      120
Friction      23 26
Friction factor for Laminar flow      41
Friction factor to predict heat-transfer and mass transfer coefficients      63
Froude number      109
Fundamental constants      1
Fundamental relationships      144
Gain margin      77
Gamma function      10
Gas flux      130
Gas turbines      159
Gaussian      124
Gear trains      164
Gearing      164
general considerations      76
Geometric progression      7
Geotechnical definitions      92
Gibbs, free energy      50
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