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Portela A., Charafi A. — Finite Elements Using Maple: A Symbolic Programming Approach |
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Accuracy 3 59 82 88 89 123 188 189 229 261 262
Admissibility, conditions 53 62 71 72 84 91 94 95 97 145 162 186 187 261
Admissibility, kinematic 58 181—184 252 255 256 258
Admissibility, static 58 182 252 255
Approximation, error 60 229
Approximation, floating-point 3
Approximation, global 54 62 64 88 89 136 142
Approximation, local 54 62 88 89 91 92 94 144
Approximation, methods 46 47 52—54 59
Aquifer 231 240
assembly 94—96 103 144 179 190 192 193 261 264 312
Bernoulli, equation 225
Bernoulli, hypothesis 310
boundary conditions 49 54 59 65 89 179 180 252
Boundary conditions, essential 61 63 90 93 96 98 180
Boundary conditions, nonessential 61 63 90 93 98 100 180
Collocation point 80 97 109 110 128
Compatibility 45 50 58 94 145 180 181 252 309
Completeness 62
Condition number 23
Constitutive relationships 45
Continuity 62 63 84 117 127 143 145 162 186 192 261
Continuity, element 147
Continuity, element 147
Convergence 63
Coordinates, curvilinear 156
Coordinates, generalized 144
Coordinates, length 150
Coordinates, natural 150
Coordinates, parametric 161
D'alambert's principle 49
Darcy's law 49 229
Data structures 34
Degrees of freedom 46 47 55 58 144 168 179 187 189 193 260 263 265 270 312
Differentiation 12 85 93 97 164 261
Dirac delta function 68
Discretization 45 47 53 58 156 179 185 189 192 259 262 275
Displacement 50
Displacement, constrained 262
Displacement, generalized 303
Dupuit's hypothesis 231
Element, beam 315
Element, isoparametric 161—163 168 169 190 197 271 273
Element, rectangular 147
Element, skew 314
Element, tetrahedron 265
Element, triangular 147 153 154 157 171 186 196 275
Element, truss 312
Energy, potential 183 188 256 257 261
Energy, strain 182 261
Equation, Laplace 47
Equation, Poisson 48
Equilibrium 45
Finite element mesh 144 150 168 179 186 188 189 202 227 233 261 262 275 288
Flow, confined 227
Flow, groundwater 229
Flow, irrotational 224
Flow, potential 48
Flow, seepage 48 232
Flow, steady-state 224
Flow, unconfiried 228
Flow, velocity 48
Fluid mechanics 45
Fluid, incompressible 223
Fluid, inviscid 224
Fourier's law 51
Fundamental solution 109
Generalized, displacement 303
Generalized, strain 303
Generalized, stress 303
| Geometric isotropy 146
Gradient 49 174 175 181 185 226 233 248 262 293
Hooke's law 50
Initial conditions 52
Integral, boundary 53 54 59 65 87 93
Integral, domain 53 54 59 65 85 93
Integration 12
Integration by parts 54
Integration, numerical 166
Interpolation 62 89 91 1 155 179 261 298
Interpolation, Hermite 135
Interpolation, Lagrange 135
Interpolation, orthogonal 135
Interpolation, spline 143
Jaeobian 91 165 191 271
Kronecker delta 91
Linear algebra 20
Linearly independent 62
Local region 89 92 100 115
Maple object, array 7
Maple object, list 6
Maple object, set 6
Maple object, string 8
Maple object, table 7
Maple programming 16
Mesh, finite clement 37
Method, boundary elements 45
Method, collocation 54 68
Method, direct 52
Method, finite differences 45
Method, Galerkin 54 66
Method, indirect 53
Method, least squares 54 67
Method, moments 54 67
Model, asymptotic 56 58 251 269 303
Model, continuous 45
Model, discrete 45 52 55 59 180 311
Model, mathematical 45
Nodal values 89
Node 89
Numerical algorithms 1
Permeability 230 232 241
Processing, post- 196
Processing, pre- 196
Residual, boundary 53 59 65 89 90
Residual, domain 53 66 72
Shape function 94 102 117 144 148—150 161 162 185 186 190 191 260 266 272 313
Singular matrix 23
Soil, isotropic 48
Soil, orthotopic 229
Soil, permeability 48
Solid mechanics 45
strain 49 252—254 260 267 269 306
Stream function 226
Stress 50 252 255 260 265 269 273
Symbolic Operations 1
Theorem, of virtual displacements 256
Theorem, of virtual power 182
Theorem, of work 182 256
Theory of structures 56
Trial functions 62 64 72 79
Velocity potential 226
Wave equation 49
Weighted residual equation 53 62 65 79 145 164 258
Weighted residual equation, strong form 54 84 85 88 89 91 96 127
Weighted residual equation, transposed form 54 85 88 97 110
Weighted residual equation, weak form 54 85 88 93 102 117 183 185 258 260
Weighting function 53 54
Well posed problem 52
Worksheet interface 1
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