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Dickey F.M., Holswade S.C. — Laser beam shaping. Theory and techniques
Dickey F.M., Holswade S.C. — Laser beam shaping. Theory and techniques

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Íàçâàíèå: Laser beam shaping. Theory and techniques

Àâòîðû: Dickey F.M., Holswade S.C.


A guide to the most fundamental theories and techniques in laser beam shaping. Covers a wide breadth of topics which include shaping element design, current applications, and potentials of the laser beam shaping field. Reviews the underlying theory behind the applications involved.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2000

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 428

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 16.10.2005

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$\beta$(Beta)      23 26 98 123 126 129—130 135—138 279—280 284 289 300 308
$\beta$(Beta), constraints for successful shaping      13 26 289
$\beta$(Beta), defined      12 23 130
$\beta$(Beta), dimensionless parameter      127
$\beta$(Beta), effect on target spot quality      135—138 280
$\beta$(Beta), uses      8
Anamorphic lenslets      see "Lenslet"
Arc sources      298
Archimedes      see "History"
Aspherical deformation coefficient      182 229
Aspherical surfaces      174 188
Aspherical surfaces of beam shaper      217
Aspherical surfaces of lens system      239
Aspherical surfaces, fabrication      233
Aspherical, piano-      186 187 191
Asymptotic approximation      126
Attenuation      380—387
Attenuation, beam pickoff      381—384
Attenuation, in-line      384—387
Attenuation, in-line, bulk absorbing      385—387
Attenuation, in-line, neutral density filters      385—387
Attenuation, in-line, reflecting surface      385
Attenuation, in-line, scattering surface      387
Averaging      276 282—284 304—305
Beam, analysis      11—12 see
Beam, attenuation      see "Attenuation"
Beam, collimated      132—134
Beam, diameter      187 192 see width"
Beam, integration      128
Beam, integration, diffracting      276 278—281
Beam, integration, imaging      274 275 288—289 290—291
Beam, integration, non-imaging      274 275
Beam, integration, zoom      291
Beam, profile      349—420
Beam, profile, industrial applications of      360
Beam, profile, instruments for      355
Beam, profile, medical applications of      358
Beam, profile, scientific applications of      352
Beam, profile, significance of      350
Beam, profile, viewing      see "Viewing beam profiles"
Beam, shaper, far field      253
Beam, shaper, near field      250
Beam, shaper, one-mirror      324—332
Beam, shaper, two-lens      227 239
Beam, shaper, two-mirror      203 208—209
Beam, shaping, categories      3
Beam, shaping, defined      1
Beam, shaping, diffractive theory of      98—117
Beam, shaping, geometrical, equations for      87—88
Beam, shaping, geometrical, numerical solutions      97
Beam, shaping, geometrical, radially symmetric systems      89
Beam, shaping, lossless      see "Lossless"
Beam, single mode      120 see
Beam, truncation effects      139—140
Beam, waist      131 169 220
Beam, width      395—405 see diameter"
Beam, width, accuracy      396—398 400—405
Beam, width, accuracy, camera baseline offset      396—398
Beam, width, accuracy, noise      396—398 400—405
Beam, width, definitions      398—399
Beam, width, second moment      399—405
Bundle of rays      166 316
Camera-based instruments, cameras      373—380 see
Camera-based instruments, computers      372
Camera-based instruments, description      371—389
Camera-based instruments, frame grabbers      372
Camera-based instruments, software      373
cameras      373—380
Cameras, CCD      373—379
Cameras, CCD, frame transfer      378—379
Cameras, CCD, interline transfer      378—379
Cameras, CID      373—375
Cameras, cooled infrared      375
Cameras, infrared bolometer      375
Cameras, InGaAs      375
Cameras, lead sulfide      374
Cameras, pyroelectric vidicon      374
Cameras, pyroelectric, solid-state      374 379—380
Cameras, signal-to-noise ratio of      377—378
Categories, beam integration      3
Categories, field mapping      3
Categories, multi-faceted      3
Caustic surfaces      323 see
Caustics      58
Coherence      284—288
Coherence, mutual      285—288
Coherence, partial      285—288 298
Coherence, spatial      282 284—288 298 301
Collimated beam      200 203
Collimated light      320 322
Combinatorial minimization      221
Conic constant      174—175
Curvature, Gaussian      321 327 348
Curvature, mean      321 327 347
Curvature, normal      321 327 347
Curvature, principal      317
Curvature, principal, radii of      315 322—324 347
Curvature, radii of      321 343 347
Curvature, surface      175 229 345
Curvilinear coordinates      341
d-spacing      175
Detector      179
Differential arc-length      342
Differential equations      170—174 201-209
Differential equations, solution of      172—174
Differential geometry      341—348
Diffracting beam integrator      see "Beam integration"
Diffraction      276 278—281
Diffractive evanescent order      257
Diffractive order      250
Diffractive theory      see "Beam shaping"
Diffuser      249—271
Diffuser, applications      269—270
Diffuser, band limited      249
Diffuser, binary      260
Diffuser, example      260—264
Diffuser, fabrication      264—267
Discontinuities in stationary phase approximation      37 39
Discontinuities, effect on beam shaping      23—24 26 105
Discrete parameters      235
Eikonal equation      60—64 165
Element of area      317 330 343
Energy, balance      168—171 324 331 335
Energy, conservation of      163 184—189 203 217—218 316—319 329—335
Energy, density      166 172
Equation of surface      341
Errors, alignment      142—145
Errors, scaling      142—145
Fabrication      180 182 233
Fabrication of diffracting beam integrator, photolithographic      296—298
Fabrication of diffracting beam integrator, surface measurement      297—298
Fabrication of prototype laser beam shaper      193 197
Fabrication, GRIN      199
Fermats principle      54 68—70
Fiber injection      see "Injection"
Fitting, accuracy of      182
Fitting, least squares      197
Fitting, process      174
Flux, density      315 323 330
Flux, flow equation      314—319 322—327
Fly's eye lens      128
Focal (imaging) points      323
Fourier, optics      73—74
Fourier, transform      122 125—126
Fourier, transform, lens      121—122 128 132
Frequencies, spatial      254
Fresnel, diffraction theory      70—82
Fresnel, lens, classes, or orders      5
Fresnel, lens, defined      4—5
Fresnel, lens, lighthouses      5
Fresnel, number      77 279—281 289 300 308
Gaussian beam      120 125—126
Gaussian beam, circular      129
Gaussian beam, conversion of, to flat-top      93—95 107
Gaussian beam, conversion of, to polynomial      107—109
Gaussian beam, conversion of, to radial flattop      95 113
Gaussian beam, conversion of, to stairstep function      95—97 113
Gaussian beam, conversion of, to triangle function      109
Gaussian beam, Gaussian mode      169
Gaussian beam, resizing      14
Generalized ray trace equations      324
Genetic algorithms (GAs)      215—217 222—224
Genetic algorithms (GAs), macro      244—248
Genetic algorithms (GAs), micro-GA code      223
Genetic algorithms (GAs), optimization with      227—241
Genetic algorithms (GAs), parallelization of      222 224—227
Geometrical optics      54—70 127 163 165—168
Geometrical wavefront      165 167
Gradient-index (GRIN), axial      188—191
Gradient-index (GRIN), materials      221
Gradient-index (GRIN), using GRIN lenses      191—199 227 235—239
Grating      255—258
Grating, equation      257
Grating, vector      257
Hankel transforms      35
Hankel transforms and radially symmetric beam shaping      104—105
History of beam shaping      3—5
History of optics      3
History, Archimedes and the siege of Syracuse      3—4
Homogeneous wave equation      see "Wave equation"
Illumination      333
Image processing      186
Imaging beam integrator      see "Beam integration"
Index of refraction      167 191
Index of refraction, wavelength dependence of      181—182 184—185
Injection, fiber      299—309
Injection, lens      299 307
Intensity of beam      196—199 322
Intensity, distribution      177 196 199
Intensity, law      166
Intensity, profile      182—183 189 200—205
Intensity, profile, measuring      186—188
Interference      276 282—283 301 303
Irradiance      175 179 220 331 324—325
Irradiance, calculations      217 233 313 315—324
Irradiance, prescribed      333
Irradiance, profile      199 216 237—239 314 325
laser beam      see "Beam"
Least squares technique      194 197
Lenslet, anamorphic      295
Lenslet, array      275 283 288—295 302 305
Lithography      265
Lithography, binary mask      265
Lithography, direct write      265
Lithography, gray scale mask      265
lossless      120—121 128
Lossless, versus lossy techniques      3
Magnification      178
Magnification, inverse      178 208
Magnification, radial      209
Magnification, rectangular      178 205
Measurement Methods      360—371
Measurement methods, electronic      363—371
Measurement methods, electronic, attenuation      363
Measurement methods, electronic, camera-based systems      371
Measurement methods, electronic, mechanical scanning instruments      365—371
Measurement methods, non-electronic      360—363
Measurement methods, non-electronic, acrylic mode burns      362
Measurement methods, non-electronic, burn paper      362
Measurement methods, non-electronic, fluorescing plates      362
Measurement methods, non-electronic, wooden tongue depressors      362
Measurement methods, quantitative      see "Quantitative measurements"
Merit, beam integration      11 13
Merit, choosing      12—14
Merit, diffraction-based      8—9 13
Merit, diffusers      10—11 13
Merit, figures of      see "Metrics"
Merit, function      215 221—224 228—231 236—239
Merit, geometric      9 13
Merit, Gerchberg — Saxton      14
Merit, irradiance mapping (non-laser)      11
Merit, measurement      see "Measurement methods"
Merit, optimization-based      9 14
Merit, super-Gaussian      14
METHODS      see also "Beam"
Metric coefficients      327 342
Metrics, absolute difference      5
Metrics, choosing      6
Metrics, minimum mean square error      5 122—124
Metrics, peak-to-average      300 303 309
Metrics, pitfalls      6—7
Minimum mean square error      see "Metrics"
Mirror      320 322 325 333
Mirror, surface      201
Monotonic and non-monotonic schemes      2
Multi-faceted      273 274 276 282
Mutual intensity      285—287
Non-imaging beam integrator      see "Beam integration"
Non-projective transformation      164 177 199 200 203
Optical design      163 168 172 180 191 216 222 224 241 324
Optical field      165
Optical path difference (OPD)      183—184 280
Optical path length (OPL)      163 171 178 187 203 207
Optical surfaces      174
Optics, sign convention      324
Optics, surface equation      174
Optimization      215—216 220—224 240
Parallel processing      231
Peak-to-average      see "Metrics"
Phase      122
Phase, collimated and uncollimated output      1
Phase, conjugate      132—134
Phase, constrained vs. unconstrained      1
Phase, correction      131 132
Phase, element      120 122 135 145—146
Phase, function      127 131
Phase, Gaussian beam      131
Phase, positive and negative      130—131 140—141
Phase, uniform      131
Photo-radiometric calculations      314
Plane wave      see "Wavefront"
Polar, coordinates      325 333
Polar, symmetry      200 208
Poynting vector      53
Profile      see "Beam"
Projective transformation      176—177
Propagation vector      see "Vector"
Quantitative measurements      393—419
Quantitative measurements, $M^{2}$      411—415
Quantitative measurements, beam width      395—405
Quantitative measurements, centroid location      395
Quantitative measurements, divergence      408
Quantitative measurements, ellipticity      405—406
Quantitative measurements, Gaussian fit      406—407
Quantitative measurements, ISO standard      412—414
Quantitative measurements, pass/fail      411
Quantitative measurements, peak location      394
Quantitative measurements, peak power or energy      394
Quantitative measurements, power or energy      393—394
Quantitative measurements, signal processing      415—419
Quantitative measurements, statistics      408—411
Quantitative measurements, top hat      407—408
Quantitative measurements, wavefront phase      416—419
Radiant energy      166
Radiation      315
Ray      165 167
Ray, equation      168 188 335
Ray, path      170
Ray, reflected      317
Ray, trace equations      202 203 205 314 316 332
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