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Capes C.E. — Particle size enlargement |
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High speed shaft mixers, pin mixer, carbon black 87 88 90
Hignett, T.P. 20 21 26 51 80 82 83 96
Hoffman, E. 29 31 33 49
Holden, F.C. 34 50
Hornke, G.R. 86 96
Hovmand, S. 20 21 150 151 153 155 160
Hunter, A.R. 34 50
Iammartino, N.R. 129 137
Inclined disc agglomerators see "Disc agglomerators"
Induration see "Heat hardening"
Inmiscible liquid wetting see "Agglomeration by inmiscible liquid wetting"
Instantizing and agglomeration, Blaw-Knox Instantizer Agglomerator 94 95
Instantizing and agglomeration, food items produced, table 94
Instantizing and agglomeration, spray drying 144 145
Intermolecular and long-range bonds, electrostatic forces 28
Intermolecular and long-range bonds, van der Waals forces 27
Iron ore see "Minerals processing"
Ishikawa, Y. 86 96 126 137
Janikowski, S.M. 57 82
Jeffrey, W.J. 93 96
Jensen, J.D. 26 51 94 96
Johanson, J.R. 102 104 105 106 107 108 109 122
Johnson, H.G. 101 122
Johnson, J.R. 36 50
Kaiser, R. 26 34 50 51 63 82
Kanig, J.L. 7 20 21 39 41 50 89 91 96 118 122
Kapur, P.C. 35 37 50 52 60 61 63 81
Karpinski, J.M. 34 35 50
Keairns, D.L. 20 22 150 151 153 155 160
Kelly, J.L. 174 175
Kibbe, W.R. 7 21
Kihlstedt, P.G. 39 50
King, R.E. 4 7 9 20 21 26 41 51 101 122
Kingery, W.D. 4 7 9 20 21
Kinney, S.P. 162 174
Kitchener, J.A. 161 170 174
Kleinsteuber, A.T. 174 175
Knepper, W.A. 7 9 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 33 37 38 40 49 51 79 82 125 127 137
Komarek, K.R. 41 51 99 100 122
Koski, R.A. 76 82 131 137
Kramers, H. 149 160
Kriegel, W.W. 4 20
Krupp, R 27 49
Kunii, D. 153 160
Lachman, L. 7 20 21 39 50 89 91 96 118 122
Lahiri, A. 26 51
Lee, W.F. 93 96
Leva, M. 150 153 160
Levenspeil, O. 153 160
Levine, S. 41 51
Lewis, C.S. 4 21
Lieberman, H.A. 7 20 21 39 41 50 89 91 96 118 122 150 153 160
Linder rotating furnace test 36
Linder, R. 36 50
Linkson, P.B. 52 63 81
Liquid bridges see "Mobile liquid bridges"
Liquid media, agglomeration in see also "Thermal methods" "Spray
Liquid media, agglomeration in, definition and scope 161
Liquid media, agglomeration in, dispersion in liquid phase 174
Liquid media, agglomeration in, inmiscible liquid wetting 161ff
Liquid media, agglomeration in, polymeric flocculants 161 170ff
Lofgren, O. 80 82
Lopez, R.D. 126 129 132 137
Macleod, W.D. 167 176
Markov, A.V. 56 81
Markvart, M. 153 160
Marshall, K. 34 36 50
Martin, J. 4 20 21 113 122
Mason, G. 62 82
Masters, K. 20 22 57 82 94 96 140 141 142 144 160
Mathur, K.B. 20 22 158 160
Mazumdar, B.K. 26 51
McCabe, W.L 135 138
McCurdy, W.A. 45 46 51
McIlhinney, A.E. 26 44 51 52 78 81 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 174 175 176
McKeever, R.E. 162 164 165 166 174
McMorris, W.L., Jr. 162 174
Mead, W.J. 20 21 134 138 159 160
Meadus, F.W. 166 167 176
Meissner, H.P. 26 34 50 51 63 82
Messer, L. 162 164 165 166 174
Michaels, A.S. 26 34 50 51 63 82
Middleton, J.M. 41 51
Minerals processing, abrasion resistance, dry iron ore balls 35
Minerals processing, applications of size enlargement 16 18
Minerals processing, ASTM tumbler test 36
Minerals processing, balling circuit control 75
Minerals processing, balling drums 78
Minerals processing, coal cleaning processes 162 165 168 170
Minerals processing, drop test, wet iron ore balls 35
Minerals processing, fired pellets, shell and core structure 45
Minerals processing, heat hardening 124 127ff
Minerals processing, Linder rotating furnace procedure 36
Minerals processing, moisture content, green pellets 56
Minerals processing, nodulizing 132
Minerals processing, pelletizing 124 127
Minerals processing, sinter feed preparation, drums for 79 86
Minerals processing, sintering 123ff
Minerals processing, sludge dewatering 170ff
Minerals processing, strength, iron ore agglomerates 127 128
Mixer agglomeration 83ff
Mixer agglomeration, comparison with tumbling methods 83
Mixer agglomeration, continuous flow mixing systems 93
Mixer agglomeration, falling curtain agglomerators 92
Mixer agglomeration, high speed shaft mixers 86
Mixer agglomeration, horizontal pans 83
Mixer agglomeration, mixer-granulator 91 92
Mixer agglomeration, powder blenders 88
Mixer agglomeration, powder mixers 88
Mixer agglomeration, pugmills 84
Mixer agglomeration, wet granulation 89 91
Mobile liquid bridges, "entry" suction pressure 31
Mobile liquid bridges, capillary bridges 31
Mobile liquid bridges, comparison of predicted and measured strengths 31
Mobile liquid bridges, effect of liquid content on strength 28ff
Mobile liquid bridges, funicular bridges 31
Mobile liquid bridges, Laplace equation 31
Mobile liquid bridges, pendular bridges 29
Mobile liquid bridges, pressure deficiency 31
Mobile liquid bridges, strength of pendular vs capillary bridges 32
Mobile liquid bridges, theoretical calculations 28ff
Mokelbust, O. 101 122
Molding presses see "Piston presses"
Moore, J.E. 103 122
Moore, J.G. 94 96
Mortensen, S. 20 22 150 151 153 155 160
Moser, J.F. 150 160
Moss, A.A.H. 134 138
Mular, A.L. 165 175
Mykytiuk, A. 167 176
Newitt, D.M. 28 29 31 32 37 44 48 49 51 60 61 81
Newton, J.M. 34 50
Newton, W.C. 87 88 90 96
Nicol, S.K. 60 61 62 81 168 175
Nilsson, C.G. 80 82
Nodulizing 132
Nonhebel, G. 134 138
Nordengren, S. 83 96
Nucleation in fluid bed spray granulation 151
Nucleation in tumbling agglomeration 52 62 75
O'Brien, E. 92 93 96
Objectives of size enlargement 1
Oedman, R. 80 82
Orr, C. 38 50
Othmer, D.F. 150 153 160
Otten, L. 33 50
Ouchiyama, N. 62 82
Paddle mixers see "Pugmills"
Paillard, G. 165 175
Pan agglomerators see "Disc agglomerators"
| Papadopoulos, A.L. 44 48 51
Patrick, R.L. 27 49
Peg granulator see "High speed shaft mixers"
Pellet flocculation see "Polymeric flocculants agglomeration
Pellet mills, designs 115 116
Pellet mills, gear-type machine 115 117
Pellet mills, materials pelleted, table 113
Pellet mills, operating data, table 116
Pellet mills, operating principle 115 116
Pelletizing see "Heat hardening"
Pendular liquid bridges 29 32
Perkins, W.J. 78 82
Perrott, G.St.J. 162 174
Perry, R.H. 20 21 66 82 99 122 165 174 175
Pharmaceutical industry, applications of size enlargement 16 18
Pharmaceutical industry, binder and lubricant selection 42
Pharmaceutical industry, fluid bed spray granulation 153 154 155
Pharmaceutical industry, forming methods 6 8
Pharmaceutical industry, screen granulator 120 121
Pharmaceutical industry, screw extruder, wet granulation 118
Pharmaceutical industry, slugging 101
Pharmaceutical industry, tablet disintegration test 36
Pharmaceutical industry, wet granulation 89 90 91 118 120 121
Picor, J.W.D. 150 153 160
Pietsch, W.B. 7 20 21 25 26 29 30 31 33 44 48 49 51 66 67 69 82 102 115 122
Pin mixer see "High speed shaft mixers"
Pintauro, N. 4 20 21
Piston extrusion presses, capacity 115
Piston extrusion presses, description 113 114
Piston extrusion presses, operating characteristics 114 115
Piston extrusion presses, power requirements 115
Piston presses, "slugs" 101
Piston presses, brick machinery 101
Piston presses, briquetting presses 101
Piston presses, concrete block machinery 101
Piston presses, extrusion press, piston type 113
Piston presses, ram presses 101
Piston presses, table presses 101
Plate agglomerators see "Disc agglomerators"
Pneumatic conveying or flash drying 158 159
Polymeric flocculants, agglomeration by, comparison, with normal flocculation 170
Polymeric flocculants, agglomeration by, drum for 170 171 172
Polymeric flocculants, agglomeration by, filter belt system 171 173
Polymeric flocculants, agglomeration by, flocculant selection 174
Polymeric flocculants, agglomeration by, sludge dewatering 170ff
Popper, P. 7 20 21
Poster, A.R. 4 7 9 20
Powder metallurgy, applications of size enlargement 16 18
Powder metallurgy, binder and lubricant selection 42
Powder metallurgy, forming methods 6 8
Powers, R.E. 86 96
Pressure compaction see "Pressure methods" "Compaction"
Pressure methods, compaction aids 99
Pressure methods, extrusion presses 112
Pressure methods, mechanism of compaction 97
Pressure methods, piston presses 100
Pressure methods, ram presses 100
Pressure methods, ring roller presses 109
Pressure methods, roll presses 102
Pressure methods, screen granulators 119
Pressure methods, screw extruders 117
Prilling of fertilizers, table 147
Prilling, description 145 147
Prilling, design considerations 146ff
Prilling, droplet formation in 146 147 148
Prilling, into liquid medium 145 174
Prilling, materials processed, table 146
Prilling, typical units, table 147
Puddington, I.E. 7 21 163 165 166 167 174 175 176
Pug mixers see "Pugmills"
Pugmills, description 84
Pugmills, drum pugmill, sinter feed preparation 86
Pugmills, typical units for fertilizer granulation 85
Purves, W.F. 93 96
Ragozina, N.M. 151 160
Raistrick, B. 36 50
Rankell, A.S. 150 153 160
Records, F.A. 7 21
Reed, J.S. 40 50
Renneburg, J.W. 84 96
Reynolds, A.D. 7 21
Richardson, J.F. 149 160
Ries, H.B. 22 39 84 96
Rieschel, H. 101 109 112 114 115 122
Ring roller presses, comparison with roll presses 112
Ring roller presses, operating principle 109 111 112
Ring roller presses, typical units, performance data 112
Rippie, E.G. 21 36
Roberts, A.G. 146 147 148 149 160
Roberts, E.J. 150 154 155 160
Robinson, R.A. 113 122
Roll briquetting see "Roll presses"
Roll compaction see "Roll presses"
Roll extrusion presses see "Pellet mills"
Roll presses, description 103
Roll presses, design 104ff
Roll presses, feeding 103 104
Roll presses, forms of product 103
Roll presses, operating principle 103
Roll presses, performance data 109 110 111
Roll presses, roll extrusion presses 115ff
Roll presses, theoretical press design 104ff
Roller presses see "Ring roller presses"
Rowen, H.E. 4 21
Ruchkin, I.E. 56 81
Rudnick, A. 34 50
Ruel, M.M.J. 26 51 165 175
Rumpf, H. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 33 37 38 40 44 48 49 50 51
Runk, R.B. 40 50
Russel, C.C. 4 20 21
Ruzhichka, Z. 62 63 82
Sanyal, J.M. 26 51
Sastry, K.V.S. 20 21 26 48 51 52 53 56 60 61 76 80 81 82 86 92 93 96 126 131 137 162 164 168 175
Sauchelli, V. 20 21 26 36 50 51 80 82 83 96
Schubert, H. 44 51
Scott, M.W. 150 153 160
Screen granulators, industrial, heavy unit 119 120
Screen granulators, operating principle 119 120
Screen granulators, pharmaceutical granulation 119 120 121
Screw extruders for pelletizing catalysts, machine characteristics 117
Screw extruders for wet granulation 118
Screw extruders, cooker-extruder 118 119
Seeds see "Nucleation"
Selection of size enlargement methods 18
Selective agglomeration see "Agglomeration by immiscible liquid wetting"
Seymour, R.B. 4 7 9 20 21 117 122
Shakhova, N.A. 151 160
Shallock, E.W. 4 21
Shell and core effect, fired pellets 45
Sherrington, P.J. 52 55 58 77 81 83 96
Shot forming see "Prilling"
Sienkiewics, B. 93 96
Sifting see "Screen granulators"
Sintering, air rate through bed 127
Sintering, bed permeability 127
Sintering, comparison with pelletizing 124
Sintering, definition 123
Sintering, design 126 127
Sintering, grates, sintering and pelletizing, differences 129
Sintering, operating data 126
Sintering, process description 123
Sintering, sintering grate, description 125 126
Sirianni, A.F. 7 21 26 51 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 175 176
Size enlargement, applications of, summary table 16 18
Size enlargement, benefits and objectives 1
Size enlargement, bulk methods 10 12 14
Size enlargement, classification of methods 5ff
Size enlargement, definition 1
Size enlargement, equipment suppliers 177
Size enlargement, factors leading to growth of 4
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