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Matthew N., Stones R., Clements B. — Professional Linux Programming
Matthew N., Stones R., Clements B. — Professional Linux Programming

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Название: Professional Linux Programming

Авторы: Matthew N., Stones R., Clements B.


As Linux increases its presence throughout the world as a target platform for professional application development, its growth as a powerful, flexible system offering many free development tools assures its place in the future. By giving you easy access to this comprehensive range of tools, supporting new and nascent technologies, at little or no cost, developing with Linux allows you to apply the solution that's right for you.
In this follow-up to the best-selling Beginning Linux Programming, you will learn from the authors' real-world knowledge and experience of developing software for Linux; you'll be taken through the development of a sample 'DVD Store' application, with 'theme' chapters addressing different aspects of its implementation. Meanwhile, individual 'take-a-break' chapters cover important topics that go beyond the bounds of the central theme. All focus on the practical aspects of programming, showing how crucial it is to choose the right tools for the job, use them as they should be used, and get things right first time.

Who is this book for?
Experienced Linux programmers and aspiring developers alike will find a great deal of practical information in this book on libraries, techniques, tools and applications. You should be familiar with a simple Linux system, have a good working knowledge of programming in C, and a basic understanding of object-oriented programming with C++ for the Qt/KDE chapters.

What does this book cover?
Data storage in Linux - including coverage of PostgreSQL, MySQL and XML
Implementation of Linux GUIs - covering both KDE and GNOME
Web-based interfaces - using the PHP module for Apache
Python - including extending and embedding the language
Using RPC and CORBA to construct distributed object-based applications
Versioning (with CVS), documentation, internationalization and project distribution
Distributed hardware solutions such as diskless Linux and Beowulf clustering

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Издание: 1st edition

Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 1200

Добавлена в каталог: 07.11.2010

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