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Plummer J.D., Deal M.D., Griffin P.B. — Silicon VLSI Technology: Fundamentals, Practice, and Modeling |
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Semiconductor manufacturing, methods/equipment 165—169
Semiconductor manufacturing, methods/equipment, clean factories 165
Semiconductor manufacturing, methods/equipment, gettering 167—169
Semiconductor manufacturing, methods/equipment, wafer cleaning 166 167
Semiconductor manufacturing, models/simulation 180—193
Semiconductor manufacturing, models/simulationclean factories 181—184
Semiconductor manufacturing, models/simulationgettering 186—193
Semiconductor manufacturing, models/simulationwafer cleaning 184 185
Semiconductor manufacturing, technologies/models, limits/future trends in 193 194
Semiconductor manufacturing, wafer cleaning 154 159—161 166 167 173—176 184 185
Semiconductor surfaces, behavior of 7
Semiconductor technology families 41—43
Semiconductor technology families, CMOS devices 42 43
Semiconductor technology families, NMOS devices 41 42
Semiconductor technology families, PMOS devices 41 42
Semiconductors 13—33
Semiconductors, band model 18 19
Semiconductors, bandgapin 27
Semiconductors, bond model 18 19
Semiconductors, defined 13
Semiconductors, degenerate semiconductors 26
Semiconductors, direct band gap semiconductors 30
Semiconductors, dopants 13
Semiconductors, electrical properties of 18 19
Separation by implanted oxygen (SIMOX) 145
Shallow donors/acceptors 19 20 134
Shallow junctions 373 374
Shallow receptor 20
Shallow trench isolation (STI) 57—60 63
Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH) recombination process 30 31 33 57
Shockley—William 7 44 451
Short channel effects 78
Short-distance interconnects see "Local interconnects"
Sidewall spacers 76 78
Silane 102 558
Silicide, formation deposition 567 568 699—702 716—718 738—744
Silicide, oxidation 350—352
Silicide, properties 700
Silicon 8 9 131 287
Silicon crystal orientations 96 97
Silicon dioxide, deposition 563—565
Silicon dioxide, growth see "Oxidation"
Silicon dioxide, plasma etching 644—647
Silicon interstitials 142 143
Silicon lattice attom, missing 97
Silicon nitride 109 110
Silicon nitride, deposition 561—563
Silicon nitride, films 562 563
Silicon nitride, growth and oxidation kinetics 347—350
Silicon On Insulator (SOI) structures 145 146
Silicon oxidation 290
Silicon tetrachloride 102
Silicon wafers, basic properties of 93
Silicon wafers, characterization of 117
Silicon wafers, cleaning 154 159—161 166 167 173—176 184 185 193 194
Silicon wafers, dislocation free wafers 98
Silicon wafers, electrical measurements of 111 112
Silicon wafers, exposure systems 234—241
Silicon wafers, preparation/specification, crystals 105—109
Silicon wafers, tracking 108
Silicon, as representative semiconductor 14
Silicon, carbon in 142—144
Silicon, diamond crystal structure 95 96
Silicon, future projections for 3
Silicon, LOCOS process 53
Silicon, oxygen in 138—142
Silicon, traps in 30—32
SIMBAD 573 602
Sims see "Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS)"
Single-crystal wafers 93
Sirtl etch 188
Slow diffusers 386
Smart-cut process 146
Solid solubility data 377
Solid-phase epitaxy 482—484
Source/drain formation 80—82
Spacer formation 642
Spatial coherence of practical light sources for lithography 217 218
Spatial frequencies of the diffraction pattern 248
Specific contact resistivity 689
Spectrometry, Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS) 133 175 483 732
Spectrometry, SIMS (Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry) 175 176 396 397
Spectrometry, sputter neutral mass spectrometry 397
Spectrophotometers 45
Spectroscopic ellipsometry 572
Spectroscopy, AES (Auger Electron Spectroscopy) 174 176 651
Spectroscopy, DLTS (Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy) 180
Spectroscopy, Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis (ESCA) 732 733
Spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) 118 119 732
Spectroscopy, XES (X—ray Electron Spectroscopy) 174 176
Spectroscopy, XPS (X—ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy) 175
SPEEDIE 573—574 582 590—598 653 710 737
Spiking (contact) 692
Spin-On-Dieleciric (SOD) 714 715
Spin-On-Glass (SOG) 512 711 712 714 715 723
Spontaneous chemical etching 627
Spreading resistance 117 397 398
Sputter deposition 511 539—554
Sputter deposition, processes in 542
Sputter etching 549—551 634—636
Sputter neutral mass spectrometry 397
Sputtered flux, topography models 579 580
sputtering 530
Sputtering, targets 543
Sputtering, yield 543 580 656
SRH (Shocklev, Read, Hall) recombination 30 32 33 190
Stacking faults 100 132 192
| Stefan—Boltzmann constant 123
Step coverage 509 510 538 589
Steppers 12 54 207 235—237
Sticking coefficient 538 578 624
Sticking coefficient, table of 588
STM see "Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM)"
Stress dependent oxidation 333—339
Stress, during electromigration 769—772
Stress, in thin films-measurement 734—737
Stuffed barriers 693
Sub-atmospheric CVD (SACVD) 564
Substrate doping effects 343—345
SUPREM IV 312 333 334 336 337 341 347 350 357 403 405 418 420 428 435 738
Surface analysis 173
Surface curvature 748
Surface diffusion fluxes, topography models 577 578
Surface energy 747
Surface inversion 37
Surface recombination velocity 32
Surface SIMS 397
Swirl defects 118 133
TAURUS—TOPOGRAPHY 653 670 671 737
TCA (trichloroethane) 297
Technology Computer-Aided Design (TCAD) simulators 44 91 181
TED see "Transient Enhanced Diffusion (TED)"
TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope) 120 121 293
Temperature dependence of bandgap 26—28
Temperature gradients 99
Tetraethooxysilane (TEOS) oxide deposition 563 710 718
Tetrakis—diethyamino titanium (TDEAT) 569
Tetrakis—dimethyamino titanium (TDMAT) 569
Thermal energy, and Si-Si bonds 14
Thermal expansion 734
Thermal stress 734
Thermionic emission 689
Thomas-Fermi model of the atom 472
Threshold voltage 42 71
Ti deposition 566 567
Ti-W deposition 566
TiN barrier 695 720
TiN deposition 568 569
TiN local interconnect 83 702 717
Tip or extension (LDD) formation 76—80
Ti—W barrier 694
Total stopping powers 475
Total X-Ray Fluorescence (TXRF) 733
Transfer length 727
Transient—Enhanced Diffusion (TED) 82 375 389 393 469 484—497
Transient—Enhanced Diffusion (TED), atomic-level understanding of 488—497
Transmission Electron Micrograph (TEM) interface 293
Traps, in silicon 30 31
Trenching 635
Tri-isobutyl-Al (TIBA) 566
Trichlorosilane 102
TSUPREM IV 312 403 416 431 462 464 743
Tungsten deposition 567 720
Tungsten plugs 567 704 705
Tungsten silicide 567 701
Tunneling 289 689
Ultra violet (UV) light—sensitive part, of resist 54
Ultralow energy implants 468 469
Ultrashallow SIMS 397
Ultrasonic cleaning 160 161
Unintentional doping, methods used to produce atom flux in 511
Unintentional doping, of deposited layers 522
Vacancy 97
Vacancy, diffusion 417—426
Vacancy, oxidation 339—345
Vacuum deposition method, PVD 511
valence electrons 14
Van der Pauw method 373
Vapor pressures of metals 536
Vertical etching 611 666
Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuit process 49 89 220
Via formation 724
Vias 681 706
View Angle 577
Viscoelastic flow 336
VLSI circuit process flow 49
Voids 510
Volume defects in crystals 101
W deposition 567 720
Wafer cleaning 154 159—161 166 167 173—176 184—188
Wafer exposure systems 234—241
Wafer exposure systems, demagnification in 204
Wafer preparation/specification, crystals 105—109
Wafer tracking 108
Wet deposition 567 568
Wet etching 609 612—619
Wet etching, Buffered HF (BHF)/Buffcrcd Oxide Etch (BOE) 612 618
Wet etching, common etchants (table) 619
Wet etching, etch bias 613
Wet etching, etch rates 618 619
Wet etching, etch thick ness/depth 613 614
Wet etching, overethcing 614 615
Wet etching, selectivity 612 613
Wolff rearrangement 224
XES (X—ray Flectron Spectroscopy) 174 176
XPS (X—ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy) 175
XRF (X—ray Fluorescence) 175 176
X—ray Diffraction (XRD) 418 733 736
X—ray Fluorescence (XRF) 175 176
X—ray lithography 275—277
X—ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) 651 732 733
Yield Models 181—184
Zernike polynomial 252
Zone refining, and FZ growth 128—131
Zone refining, defined 129
“In situ" doped poly 74
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