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Plummer J.D., Deal M.D., Griffin P.B. — Silicon VLSI Technology: Fundamentals, Practice, and Modeling |
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Lithography, photoresists, i—line resists 223 224
Lithography, placement accuracy 201
Lithography, projection printing 209
Lithography, projection systems 212—218
Lithography, proximity printing 208 209
Lithography, ray tracing 209—212
Lithography, resolution requirements 201
Lithography, technologics/models, advanced mask engineering 277 278
Lithography, technologics/models, electron beam lithography 273—275
Lithography, technologics/models, limits and future trends in 272—281
Lithography, technologics/models, new resists 278—281
Lithography, technologics/models, X—ray lithography 275—277
Lithography, wafer exposure systems 208—209 234—241 247—253
Loading effect in etching 641
Local electronic stopping 474 475
Local interconnects 75 82—84 681 699—702
Local Oxidation of Silicon see also "LOCOS process" 561 562
Local planarization 710
Localized light scatterers (LLS) 153
LOCOS process 53 289 291 292 333 348 349 561 562
LOCOS process, poly-buffered 55 56
LOCOS regions 54—59
LOCOS regions, field implants under 63—65
Long throw colliniaton 553
Long throw sputtering 553
Lot tracking 108
Low K deposited dielectrics 290
Low temperature oxide (LTO) 563
Low-Frequency CV curve 306
Low-Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition (LPCVD) 512 525—527 582 583
Low-Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition (LPCVD), systems 54 78 289 582 583
LSS range theory 470
Mack's model 267—269
Macroscopic loading 641
Magnetic CZ ingots 144
Magnetron sputter deposition 551
Mask count 3
Mask engineering 230—234
Mask engineering, advanced 271 272 277 278
Mask engineering, Optical Proximity Correction (OPC) 230—232
Mask engineering, Phase Shift Masks (PSMs) 230 232—234
Mask inspection 204
Mask penetration 455
Mask transmittance 248
Masking 54
Mass action, law of 21
MEMS (Micro—Electro—Mechanical Systems) 675
Metal atoms, basic properties of 163 164
Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) transistors 4
Metal, diffusivities in Si 163
Metal, mechanical properties (table) 697
Metal, resistivities (table) 688
Metal, vapor pressures 536
Metallurgical Grade Silicon (MGS) 101 102
Micralign 234
Microdiffraction stress analysis 736
Microscopic or micro-loading 641
Microtrenching 635
Microwave heating 240
Miller indices 95
Mixed ambient growth kinetics 332 333
Mobile oxide charge 295
Modern scientific discovery 43—45
Modern silicon integrated circuit, schematic cross section f 12 13
Modulation transfer function (MTF) 215—218
molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) 468 558
Molecular Dynamics (MD) calculations 602
Molecular flow 536
Monte Carlo calculations 602
Monte Carlo simulations 471
Monte Carlo simulator 475 489 490 654
Moore's law 1
MOS (Metal Oxide Semiconductor) 36—39
MOS Capacitance-Voltage measurements (MOS CV) 177
MOS capacitor 301—312
MOS gate oxide 72 73
Multilevel metal formation 84—90 702 703
N-type dopants 17
National Bureau of Standards 244
National Technologv Roadmap for Semiconductors (NTRS) 2—4 44 686
Native point defects 97 98
Near field diffraction 212 219—221 247
Nerst—Einsiein relationship 172
Neutron Transmutation Doping (NTD) 131
Nitride growth kinetics 347
nMOS technology 41 42
Non-ideal cosine emission 535
Nonlocal electronic stopping 473 474
Nuclear stopping 471—473
Nucleation surface 102
Numerical aperture (NA) 213
Numerical solutions of diffusion equations 403
Off-axis illumination 236 237
Ohmic contacts 688—692
One-dimensional defects in crystals 98—99
Open circuit voltage decay method 178
Optical intensity pattern in the photoresist 255—259
optical lithography 202 203
Optical path difference (OPD) 252 253
Optical proximity correction (OPC) 230—232 271
Overall chip size 1
Overetch 614
Oxidation 184 287—370
Oxidation enhanced diffusion (OED) 339 422
Oxidation furnaces 297 298
Oxidation Induced Stacking Faults (OISF) 100
Oxidation of silicon nitride 347
Oxidation Retarded Diffusion (ORD) 339 422
Oxidation, basic concepts 290—296
Oxidation, growth kinetics, growth and oxidation kinetics 347—350
Oxidation, growth kinetics, 2D 333—339
Oxidation, growth kinetics, dependence on crystal orientation 329—332
Oxidation, growth kinetics, dependence on pressure 328 329
Oxidation, growth kinetics, mixed ambient 332 333
Oxidation, growth kinetics, models/simulation, advanced point detect based models for oxidation 39—43
Oxidation, growth kinetics, polysilicon oxidation 345—347
Oxidation, growth kinetics, substrate doping effects 343—345
Oxidation, historical development 290—296
Oxidation, manufacturing methods/equipment 296—298
Oxidation, measurement methods 298—312
Oxidation, measurement methods, electrical measurements 301—312
Oxidation, measurement methods, optical measurements 299—301
Oxidation, measurement methods, physical measurements 299
Oxidation, models/simulation 312—359
Oxidation, models/simulation, interface changes 352—357
Oxidation, models/simulation, complete oxidation module simulation 357—359
Oxidation, models/simulation, linear paraholic model 313—322
Oxidation, models/simulation, models for planar oxidation kinetics 322—326
Oxidation, models/simulation, silicide oxidation 350—352
Oxidation, models/simulation, technologies/models, limits and future trends in 359—361
Oxide trapped charge 295
Oxygen in silicon 138—142
Oxygen in silicon, diffusivity 140
Oxygen in silicon, oxygen atoms 139
Oxygen in silicon, oxygen donors, formation of 139
Oxygen in silicon, precipitation 139 140
Parallel oxidation model 323
Particle detection 157 169 181
passivation 10 650 725
Passive barriers 693
Pauli exclusion principle 23
Pearson’s distribution 460
Pellicle 204
Periodic table, portion relevant to semiconductor materials/doping 15
Perkin—Elmer Corp 234
Phase Shift Masks (PSMs) 230 232—234
Phosphine 561
Phosphorus 62 72—74 344 415
Phosphorus, implant 62 63
Phosphosilicate glass (PSG) 85 162 709
| Photo-Acid Generator (PAG) 222 223
Photoconductive decay 177
photolithography 11 12
Photolithography, ensuring resist adhesion 238 239
Photolithography, postbake 241
Photolithography, postexposure bake (PEB) 240 241 264—266
Photolithography, prebake 240
Photolithography, spinning the resist onto the wafer 239 240
photoresist 54 61—63 71 84 154 221—230 238—241
Photoresist developing 267—270
Photoresist exposure 259—264
Photoresist exposure, DUV resists 264
Photoresist exposure, g—line/i—line DNQ resists 259—263
Photoresist postbake 270 271
Photoresist, basic properties/charactcrization of 227—230
Photoresist, Deep UV (DUV) resists 225 226
Photoresist, g—line resists 223 224
Photoresist, i—line resists 223 224
Physical etching, in plasma systems 625 626
Physical measurements, and characterization of silicon wafers 117
Physical vapor deposition (PVD) 511 512 522 530—554
Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD), evaporation 511 531—539
Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD), sputter deposition 511 539—554
Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD), sputter deposition, bias-sputter deposition 549—551
Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD), sputter deposition, collimated sputter deposition 551—554
Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD), sputter deposition, DC sputter deposition 539—546
Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD), sputter deposition, high-temperature deposition 554
Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD), sputter deposition, ionized sputter deposition 551—554
Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD), sputter deposition, magnetron sputter deposition 551
Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD), sputter deposition, reactive sputter deposition 547
Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD), sputter deposition, RF sputter deposition 547—549
Placement accuracy, lithography 201
Planar process, and integrated circuits 7
Planar process, invention of 9 10
Planarization 85 710—714
Planarization, etehback 711
Planarization, global 710
Planarization, local 710
Planck's law 207
plasma 529 539 619
Plasma density 621 638
Plasma etching 76 619—637
Plasma potential 541
Plasma sheath 541 620
Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) 512 527—530 584—587
Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD), coverage/filling 529 530
Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD), reactions/processes in PECVD systems 529
Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD), typical equipment configuration 528 529
PMMA 279—281
pMOS technology 41—42
PN diodes 33—35
Point defects 97 98 131—138 417 442
Point defects, charged 134
Point defects, chemical pumping of 427 428
Point defects, diffusivilies 133
Point defects, OED, ORD 339—343 422—426
Poly-buffered LOCOS process 55 56
Polycrystalline 13
Polycrystalline, diffusion 762—765
Polycrystalline, materials 93 94
Polycrystalline, semiconductor materials 13
Polygranular clusters 768
Polysilicon 75 558—561
Polysilicon, deposition 558—561
Polysilicon, doping 561
Polysilicon, oxidation 345—347
Polysilicon, plasma etching 647—649
Polysilicon, resistivity 561
Postbake 241
Postexposure bake (PEB) 240 241 264—266
Postexposure bake (PEB), DUV resists 266
Postexposure bake (PEB), g—line/i—line DNQ resists 264 265
Prebake 240
Predeposition, preferred method for 374 375
Printing, contact 208
Printing, projection 209
Printing, proximity 208 209
Projection aligners 234
Projection printing 209
PROLITH (Finle Technologies) 247
proximity effect 274
Proximity printing 208 209
PSG (phosphosilicate glass) 85 86 162 709
Pure silicon, and band model 19
PVD see "Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD)"
P—type dopants 17 20 24
QCM (Quartz—Crystal Microbalance) 572
Quartz 109 110
Radiation damage, and sputter etching 635
Rapid Thermal Annealing (RTA) 99 393—395
Rapid Thermal Oxidation (RTO) 99 298
Rapid Thermal Processing (RTP) 99
Ray tracing 209—212
RBS (Rutherford Backscattcring Spectrometry) 133 175 483 732
RCA dean 156 157 160 184 193 194
Reactive Ion Beam Etching (RIBE) 636
Reactive Ion Etching (RIBE) 280 631 632
Reactive sputter deposition 547
Redeposited flux, topography models 579
Reemission 514
Reflow 86 709 718 746—753
Refractory metal compounds, as barrier layers 695
Refractory metal contact—adhesion layers 694
Refractory metal silicides, as barrier layers 694
Reliability of interconnects 730—732 767
resistivity 18 372 688
Resolution requirements, lithography 201
Reverse Short—Channel Effect (RSCE) 499
RF sputter deposition 547—549
RIE see "Rapid Thermal Annealing (RTA)"
RTO see "Rapid Thermal Oxidation (RTO)"
RTP see "Rapid Thermal Processing (RTP)"
Rutherford Backscattcring Spectrometrv (RBS) 133 175 483 732
Sacrificial barriers 693
Salicide 568 700
Sample 573
Saturation/adsorption model for ion—enhanced etching 663—669
Saucer pits 118
SCALPEL system 274
Scanning capacitance microscope (SCM) 400 401
Scanning electron microscope (SEM) 170 173 651
Scanning systems 235—237
Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) 400
SCM see "Scanning capacitance microscope (SCM)"
Scotch tape method for adhesion 737
Secondary defects 481
Secondary grain growth 761
Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) 117 175 176 396 397 733
Segregation 125 344 413—415
Segregation and float-zone process 129
Selective Si deposition 557
Selective W deposition 567
Selectivity in etching 609—611 613
Self-aligned silicide 568 770
SEM see "Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)"
SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) 120
Semiconductor devices 33—41
Semiconductor devices, bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) 39—41
Semiconductor devices, MOS transistors 36—39
Semiconductor devices, PN diodes 33—35
Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) 2
Semiconductor manufacturing 151—199
Semiconductor manufacturing, basic concepts 154—164
Semiconductor manufacturing, clean factories 157—159 165 169—173 181—184
Semiconductor manufacturing, gettering 161—164 167—169 176—180
Semiconductor manufacturing, historical development 154—164
Semiconductor manufacturing, measurement methods 169—180
Semiconductor manufacturing, measurement methods, clean factories 169—173
Semiconductor manufacturing, measurement methods, gettering 176—180
Semiconductor manufacturing, measurement methods, wafer cleaning 173—176
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