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Plummer J.D., Deal M.D., Griffin P.B. — Silicon VLSI Technology: Fundamentals, Practice, and Modeling
Plummer J.D., Deal M.D., Griffin P.B. — Silicon VLSI Technology: Fundamentals, Practice, and Modeling

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Íàçâàíèå: Silicon VLSI Technology: Fundamentals, Practice, and Modeling

Àâòîðû: Plummer J.D., Deal M.D., Griffin P.B.


Unique in approach, this book provides an integrated view of silicon technology — with an emphasis on modern computer simulation. It describes not only the manufacturing practice associated with the technologies used in silicon chip fabrication, but also the underlying scientific basis for those technologies. Modern CMOS Technology. Crystal Growth, Wafer Fabrication and Basic Properties of Silicon Wafers. Semiconductor Manufacturing — Clean Rooms, Wafer Cleaning and Gettering. Lithography. Thermal Oxidation and the Si/SiO2 Interface. Dopant Diffusion. Ion Implantation. Thin Film Diffusion. Etching. Backend Technology. For anyone interested in Fabrication Processes.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: US edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2000

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 817

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 27.10.2010

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
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Dislocation free wafers      98
Dislocation loops      99 481
Dislocations      98—100 110
Dissociative mechanism      187
DLTS (Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy)      180 488
DNQ resists      240 241 259—264
DNQ resists, g-line/i-line      259—263
Dopant activation      484—486
Dopants      13—17
Dopants, heavy doping effects      21 22
Dopants, shallow donors      19 20
Double crucible method      144
Drain formation      80—82
DRAM      155 156 182 201
Drive-in diffusion      375
dry etching      see "Plasma etching"
Dual damascene process      724
Dual diffusion mechanism      422
Dual Pearson distribution      461—463
DUV resist      225
Dynamic random access memory      see "DRAM"
Edge bead      240
Effective diffusivity      434
Electric field effects      406
Electrical measurements, of silicon wafers      111 112
Electroless deposition      570 571
Electromigration      88 89 696—698 765—776
Electron Back-Scattering Diffraction (EBSD)      733
Electron beam lithography      273—275
Electron cyclotron resonance (ECR)      530 632 633
Electron microscopy      119—121
Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA)      732 733
Electronic Grade Silicon (EGS)      102
Electronic stopping      273—275
Electroplating      570
Elemental semiconductors      14
Ellipsometer      45 300 572 733
emission      514
Emission flux      578
Emitted flux, physically based topography models      579 580
End-Of-Range (EOR) defects      481 484
Enhanccment/Depletion (E/D)      42
Epitaxial lateral overgrowth (ELO)      146
Epitaxial layers      65—70
Epitaxial silicon deposition      519 556—558
Erosion      746
Error function      382—385
Etchback planarization      711
Etching      609—681
Etching, anisotropic etching      611
Etching, anisotropy      611 616
Etching, basic concepts      612—637
Etching, bias      613
Etching, directionality      610 611
Etching, dry etching      see "Plasma etching"
Etching, historical development      612—637
Etching, isotropic etching      611 616
Etching, manufacturing methods      637—650
Etching, manufacturing methods, plasma etch methods for various films      643 644
Etching, manufacturing methods, plasma etching aluminum      649 650
Etching, manufacturing methods, Plasma etching conditions/issues      638—643
Etching, manufacturing methods, plasma etching polysilicon      647—649
Etching, manufacturing methods, plasma etching silicon dioxide      644—647
Etching, measurement methods      650—653
Etching, models, for etching simulation      653—656
Etching, models, linear etch model      656—663
Etching, models, saturation/adsorption model for ion-enhanced etching      663—669
Etching, plasma etching      619—637
Etching, plasma etching, chemical etching      622—625
Etching, plasma etching, in barrel etchers, for      628—630
Etching, plasma etching, in high-density plasma systems      632—634
Etching, plasma etching, in parallel plate systems-reactive ion etching (RIE) mode      630 631
Etching, plasma etching, in parallel plate systems—plasma mode      630 631
Etching, plasma etching, ion-enhanced etching      622 626—628
Etching, plasma etching, mechanisms      621—628
Etching, plasma etching, physical etching      625 626
Etching, plasma etching, sputter etching and ion milling      634—636
Etching, plasma etching, system design      619 620
Etching, selectivity      609—611 613
Etching, uniformity      641 642
Etching, vertical etching      611 666
Etching, wet etching      609 612—619
Etching, wet etching, Buffered HF (BHF)/Buffered Oxide Etch (BOE)      612 618
Etching, wet etching, common etchants (table)      619
Etching, wet etching, etch bias      613
Etching, wet etching, etch rales      618 619
Etching, wet etching, etch thickness/depth      613 614
Etching, wet etching, overetching      614 615
Etching, wet etching, selectivity      612 613
Etehstop layer      724
Evaporation method, PVD      511 531—539
Evolve      573
Exposure field requirements, lithography      201
Extension (LDD) formation      76—80
Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) lithography systems      202 203 277
Extrinsic effects      21—30
Extrinsic effects, in diffusion      406—413
Extrinsic effects, in oxidation      343
Extrinsic gettering sites      164
Extrusion fill      554
Face-Centered Cubic (FCC) cells      94 95
Far field diffraction      212—218
Far field diffraction, the Huygens-Fresnel principle      210 211
Fast diffusers      386
Femri level      23—25
Fermi-Dirac distribution function      26
Fermi-Dirac probability function      23 25
Fick's laws modifications to account for concentration-dependent diffusion      409—413
Fick's laws modifications to account for electric field effects      406—409
Fick’s laws      314 378 379 392 403—417 429—441
Fick’s laws, first law      378 520
Fick’s laws, modifications, to account for concentration-dependent diffusion      409—413
Fick’s laws, modifications, to account for electric field effects      406—409
Fick’s laws, second law      378—380
Field implants, defined      64
Field implants, under LOCOS regions      63—65
First-level dielectric processing      707 718 719
Fixed oxide charge      294
Flat band voltage      309
Float-zone (FZ) crystal growth process      102—105 128—131
FLOOPS process simulator      739
Focused Ion Beam (FIB) milling machines      399
Focused Ion Beam (FIB) technique      636
ForceFlll technique      554
Four-point probe measurement method      113 115 373
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)      118 119 732
Frank-Tumbull mechanism      187
Fraunhofer diffraction      212—218
Frenkel pairs      476 479
Frenkel process      132
Fresnel diffraction      212 219—221 247
FTIR      see "Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)"
Fully coupled diffusion      426—431
Fully kinetic diffusion      440—442
Gale insulator      288 289
Gap filling      509
Gas immersion laser doping (GILD)      440
Gate formation      71—76
Gate Oxide Integrity (GOI)      153
Gaussian profiles      380—382 452—457
Gettering      156 161—164 167—169 176—180 186—193
Gettering, metal atoms, making mobile      186 187
Gettering, metal atoms, trapping at the gettering site      190—193
Gettering, metal diffusion to gettering site      187—190
Gettering, strategies, for alkali ions/metals      162
Ghez and van der Meulen model      324 328
Glide planes      100
Global interconnects      721 722 681
Global planarization      710
Grain boundaries      753
Grain boundary diffusion      762—765
Grain grooving      760
Grain growth      753—762
Grain growth, abnormal or secondary      761
Grain growth, normal      758
graphite      110
Gravitational sedimentation      158
GROFILMS      602
Grown junction bipolar transistors      8
Growth kinetics, dependence on crystal orientation      329—332
Growth kinetics, dependence on pressure      328 329
Growth kinetics, mixed ambient      332 333
G—line resists      223 224
Hall effect measurements      115—117
Hall mobility      117
Hall scattering factor      117
Han and Helm model      323 324 332
Heavy doping effects      21 22 343 406
Heavy ions, distribution of      452
Henry's law      314 324
HEPA filters      158 160 165
Hexamelhyldisilane (HMDS)      239 240
High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters      158 160 165
High K dielectrics      290
High-Density Plasma (HDP) etch system      632—634
High-Density Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition (HDPCVD)      58 530 551 564 586 587 713 719
High-energy implants      466—468
High-Frequency CV curve      311
High-temperature sputter deposition      554 566
Hillock growth      696—698
Hot electron problems      77
Hot point probe      112 113
Hot-sputter deposition      554 566
Hot-wall reactors      512
Huygens-Fresnel principle      210
Hydrogen passivation      356 357
I-line resists      223 224
I-line steppers      207
Ideal cosine emission      535
Ideal gas law      314
Ienz's law      144
Implant      see "Ion Implantation"
Impurities      97
Indirect fluxes, topography models      577 654
Indium      9 388 412
Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP)      530 633
Infrared heating      240
Infrared temperature sensors      125
Inhibitors lor etching      627 640
Integrated circuit (IC), and the planar process      7—13
Integrated circuit (IC), components      1
Integrated circuit (IC), historical perspective      1—46
Integrated circuit (IC), increasing complexity of      1
Integrated circuit (IC), power supply level      76 77
Interconnects, capacitance      682
Interconnects, global      681 721 722
Interconnects, local      681 699—702
Interconnects, resistance      682
Interconnects, scaling      683
Interface charges      352—357
Interface trapped charge      294 295
Intermetal dielectrics (IMDs)      681 707 708 723
Interstitialcy      98
Intrinsic doping coefficients      387 388
Intrinsic electron concentration      16 21
Intrinsic Fermi level      23
Intrinsic gettering      52 192 195
Intrinsic gettering, sites      164
Intrinsic region      22
Intrinsic stress      734
Ion beam heating      469
ion implantation      15—17 60 61 190 346 375 451—508
Ion implantation, basic concepts      451—463
Ion implantation, effects on devices      497—499
Ion implantation, historical development      451—463
Ion implantation, manufacturing methods/equipment      463—469
Ion implantation, manufacturing methods/equipment, high—energy implants      466—468
Ion implantation, manufacturing methods/equipment, ion beam heating      469
Ion implantation, manufacturing methods/equipment, ultralow energy implants      468 469
Ion implantation, measurement methods      469 470
Ion implantation, models/simulations      470—499
Ion implantation, models/simulations, damage annealing      479—482
Ion implantation, models/simulations, damage production      476—479
Ion implantation, models/simulations, dopant activation      484—486
Ion implantation, models/simulations, local electronic slopping      474 475
Ion implantation, models/simulations, nonlocal electronic stopping      473 474
Ion implantation, models/simulations, nuclear stopping      471—473
Ion implantation, models/simulations, solid-phase epitaxy      482—484
Ion implantation, models/simulations, total stopping powers      475
Ion implantation, models/simulations, Transient-Enhanced Diffusion (TED)      486 487
Ion implantation, technologies/methods, limits and future trends in      494—500
Ion milling      634—636
Ion pairing model      191 192
Ion-enhanced etching, in plasma systems      622 626 623 663—669
Ionized metal plasma (IMP) deposition      554
Ionized PVD (IPVD)      551—554
Ionized sputter deposition      551—554
Irvin's curves      389
Isolation methods      53—59
Isoopic etching      75—76 611 616
Isotopic arrival angle distribution      544
Kick-out mechanism      187
Kinchin-Pease formula      476 477
Kohler illumination      236
Langmuir adsorption      664
Langmuir-Knudsen theory      536
Lanice constant      27 94
Lanice damage, and sputter etching      635
Lanice defects      33
Latchup      65 467
latent image      253—259
Lateral straggle      453
Law of mass action      21
LDD devices      77 78
light emitting diodes (LEDs)      30
Light ions, distribution of      452
Lightly Doped Drain (LDD) devices      77 78
Line defects      98
Linear etch model      656—663
Linear parabolic model      313
Linewidth standards      244
Lithography      107 201—287
Lithography, advanced mask engineering      271 272 277 278
Lithography, basic concepts      203—234
Lithography, contact and proximity systems      219—221 247
Lithography, contact printing      208
Lithography, diffraction      209—212
Lithography, exposure field requirements      201
Lithography, Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) lithography systems      202 203 277
Lithography, historical development      203—234
Lithography, light sources      206 207
Lithography, mask engineering      230—234
Lithography, mask engineering, Optical Proximity Correction (OPC)      230—232
Lithography, mask engineering, Phase Shift Masks (PSMs)      230
Lithography, measurement methods      241—246
Lithography, measurement methods, etched features      244—246
Lithography, measurement methods, mask features/defects      242—244
Lithography, measurement methods, resist patterns      244
Lithography, models/simulation      246—272
Lithography, models/simulation, optical intensity pattern in the photoresist      253—259
Lithography, models/simulation, photoresist developing      267—270
Lithography, models/simulation, photoresist exposure      259—264
Lithography, models/simulation, photoresist postbake      270 271
Lithography, models/simulation, postexposure bake (PEB)      264—266
Lithography, models/simulation, wafer exposure systems      247—255
Lithography, optical      202 203
Lithography, photoresists      221—30 238—241
Lithography, photoresists, basic properties/characterization of      227—230
Lithography, photoresists, Deep UV (DUV) resists      225 226
Lithography, photoresists, g—line resists      223 224
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