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Smirnov A.L. — Asymptotic Methods in the Buckling Theory of Elastic Shells |
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Bending, infinitesimal surface 63
Boundary condition, additional 161
Boundary condition, clamped edge 14 17 18
Boundary condition, clamped group 165 168
Boundary condition, free edge group 165 168
Boundary condition, geometric 63 64
Boundary condition, homogeneous 42
Boundary condition, main 161 163 207 217
Boundary condition, Navier 18 53
Boundary condition, non-tangential 168 226 251 252 261 265 301
Boundary condition, self-adjoint 71
Boundary condition, separation 151 163 168
Boundary condition, simple support 17 18 48 53 122 154 212
Boundary condition, simple support group 165 168
Boundary condition, special group 168 171
Boundary condition, tangential 166
Boundary condition, weak edge 54
Boundary condition, weak support 23
Boundary condition, weak support group 165
Boundary value problem, "on spectrum" 138 153
Coefficient, Lame 5
Effect, Dubjaga — Karman — Brazier 91
Eigensize 227 230 233 239 245 261 264—266
Energy, potential 34 35 38
Energy, potential, additional 45
Energy, potential, extension 34
Energy, potential, of tangential deformation 52
Energy, potential, under bending 52
Equation, Volterra 228
Equation, Weber 107
Equilibrium state 37 39—41
Equilibrium state, adjacent 39 42 45
Equilibrium state, axisymmetric 40
Equilibrium state, basic 39
Equilibrium state, bifurcation 39
Equilibrium state, branching 39
Equilibrium state, buckling 39
Equilibrium state, non-axisymmetric 40
Equilibrium state, seconary bifurcation 40
Equilibrium state, stability analysis 37
Equilibrium state, stable 37 39 40
Equilibrium state, unstable 39 40
Force, Archimedean 267
Force, generalized 15—17
Force, principal vector 26
Formula, Euler 58 108
Formula, Grashof — Bress 61 246 247
Formula, Lorenz — Timoshenko 57 123 272 314 316
Formula, Southwell — Papkovich 60 144 145
Formula, Southwell — Timoshenko 59
Function, Airy 235 236 289 294
Function, fast varying 303
Function, slowly varying 63 303
Function, weakly increasing with differentiation 13
Function, weakly varying 42
Gaussian curvature 103 104
Gaussian curvature, alternating 66 216 234
Gaussian curvature, close to zero 24
Gaussian curvature, negative 23 54 64 65 69 209 211 215 216 218 231 237 245 261 269 305 307 309 310
Gaussian curvature, not small 215
Gaussian curvature, positive 215 245
Gaussian curvature, zero 23 54 70 133 187 215 269 305 306 310
Generatrix, weakest 70 91 93 95 98 102 104 105 119 122 135 136 139 140 144—147 152 175 177 181—183 185 194—198 202
Hypotheses, Kirchhoff — Love 12 19 29 45
Index of variation 19 22
Index of variation, partial 23 24
Kronecker delta 115
Line, weakest 70 131 133 210
Load, axial compression 20 21 23 34 86 101 108 109 122
Load, axial compression, non-homogeneous 103 111 122
Load, axial force 40 70 79 84—86 98 109
Load, axisymmetric 70
Load, bending moment 98
Load, body 38
Load, boundary 20 47
Load, combined 61 70 84 85 88 99 102 119
Load, conservative 37
Load, critical 20 37 39—42
Load, critical, asymptotically double 86
Load, critical, close 70
Load, critical, double 80
Load, critical, lower 41
Load, critical, sensitivity 57 127
Load, critical, tetra-multiple 129 148
Load, critical, upper 41 42 51 52 70
Load, dead 43
Load, designed 41
Load, edge 16 26 37 131
Load, edge, external 26
Load, external 38
Load, external homogeneous 180
Load, follower 14 43 44
Load, follower, normal 44
Load, follower, surface 43 44
Load, moment, bending 109
Load, moment, torsional 79 86
Load, non-conservative 38 44
Load, normal 40
Load, one-parametric 50
Load, parameter 50
Load, pressure, external 131
Load, pressure, external homogeneous 40 119 145 146 185
Load, pressure, external normal 213
Load, pressure, homogeneous 84 86
Load, pressure, hydrostatic 11 38
Load, pressure, internal 61 81 82 101 103 187 191 192
Load, pressure, normal 44 85
Load, pressure, normal homogeneous 81
Load, static 37
Load, static, conservative edge 38
Load, static, conservative surface 38
| Load, surface 14 26 45
Load, surface, dead 44 45
Load, surface, external 11 20 35 79
Load, surface, tangential 29
Load, torsion 213
Load, wind 26
Method, Bubnov — Galerkin 91 146 147 198
Method, energy 49 62
Method, Goldenveizer 2
Method, Lagrange 37
Method, Maslov 3 70
Mitred joint pipe 147
Moment, bending 23
Moment, principal 26
Parallel, weakest 69 79 81—84 87—89 161 295
Pit 121 128 130
Pit, amplitude 127
Pit, center of 127
Pit, depth 114 121 127
Pit, domain 129
Pit, inclination 127
Pit, inclination angle 114
Pit, phase 127
Pit, size 114
Point, bifurcation 39 40
Point, turning 71 72
Point, weak 111 122
Point, weakest 70—72 103 112 115 119—123 128 129 131 163
Polynomial, Hermite 74 125 140
Problem, Sturm — Liouville 223 228
Relations, Codazzi — Gauss 8 65 88
Relations, constitutive 7 12 17 19 20 22 25 27 33
Relations, Novozhilov — Balabukh 13
Shell in a liquid 253
Shell of revolution 20 21 23 25 30
Shell with imperfections 32 41 42 47 48
Shell with slanted edges 70
Shell with variable thickness 133
Shell, closed 133
Shell, conic 26 70 133 135 143 158 176 180 183 200 203
Shell, conic, circular 183 185
Shell, conic, straight circular 199
Shell, conic, truncated 185
Shell, convex 111 115 133 209
Shell, convex, shallow 49
Shell, cupola 245 250
Shell, cylindrical 21 26 32 33 111 122 128—130 133 135 143 144
Shell, cylindrical, cantilever 146
Shell, cylindrical, circular 33 122 129 143—146
Shell, cylindrical, elliptic 104 148 196
Shell, cylindrical, long 33 34
Shell, cylindrical, moderate length 20 147
Shell, cylindrical, non-circular 32 33 70 122 133 145 147
Shell, elliptic 82—86 88 89 119 122 148
Shell, elliptic, oblate 82 90
Shell, elliptic, prolate 82 119
Shell, elliptical 291 296
Shell, elliptical, oblate 291
Shell, nearly conic 203 204 207 213
Shell, nearly cylindrical 203 213
Shell, non-closed 140
Shell, reinforced 187
Shell, shallow 31
Shell, spherical 56 57 80
Shell, toroidal 234
Stability criterion, bifurcation 37
Stability criterion, dynamic 37
Stability criterion, Euler 37 48
Stability criterion, limit point 37
Stress-couple 11 35
Stress-couple, vector 11 35
Stress-resultant 11 15 16 35
Stress-resultant, hoop 80 85
Stress-resultant, membrane 29
Stress-resultant, projection 16
Stress-resultant, shear 22
Stress-resultant, vector 11 35
Stress-strain state 20 46
Stress-strain state, additional 133
Stress-strain state, chacteristic 20
Stress-strain state, character 22
Stress-strain state, classification 19 22
Stress-strain state, combined 23
Stress-strain state, edge effect 23 29 134
Stress-strain state, edge effect, non-linear 24 30
Stress-strain state, edge effect, simple 20 24 30 31
Stress-strain state, fast varying 34 47
Stress-strain state, general 17 19 20 47 299
Stress-strain state, infinitesimal pure bendings 23
Stress-strain state, initial 42 48 122 133
Stress-strain state, main 134 135
Stress-strain state, membrane 22 27 42 45 47 48 111 133
Stress-strain state, moment 24 47
Stress-strain state, momentless 22
Stress-strain state, partial 19
Stress-strain state, post-buckling 41
Stress-strain state, pre-buckling 41
Stress-strain state, pseudo-bendings 23 66
Stress-strain state, pure bending 23
Stress-strain state, pure moment 23
Stress-strain state, semi-momentless 23 33 133 134
Theorem, Kirchhoff 38
Theory, elasticity 17
Theory, Liapunov 37
Theory, shell 7 17
Theory, shell, errors 19
Theory, shell, Kirchhoff — Love 17
Theory, shell, linear 19 20
Theory, shell, technical 29 43 47
Theory, shell, two-dimensional 12
Theory, surface 7
Transform, Fourier 96 106 123
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