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Mason P.L. — Multivariate Statistical Process Control with Industrial Application |
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Abrupt process change 174
Acceptance region 132
Advanced process control (APC) 2 3
Alternative covariance estimators 26
Analysis-of-variance table 203
Anderson — Darling test 34
APC systems see "Advanced process control"
AR(1) model see "First-order autoregressive model"
AR(2) model see "Second-order autoregressive model"
ARL see "Average run length"
Autocorrelated observations 55 193 194
Autocorrelated processes 78
Autocorrelation 69 193 196 198
Autocorrelation, detecting 68 71—73
Autocorrelation, function 72
Autocorrelation, occurrence 69
Autocorrelation, pattern 194
Autocorrelation, sample estimator 72 78
Autocorrelation, useful indication of 76
Autoregressive function 72 202 206
Autoregressive model 193 212
Autoregressive residuals 193
Average run length (ARL) for a control procedure 111
Average run length (ARL), probability of detecting given shifts in 114
Backward-elimination scheme 156
batch processes 10 27 213
Batch processes, control procedure for 213
Batch processes, category 1 213 221
Batch processes, category 1, control regions for 215
Batch processes, category 1, outlier removal for 219
Batch processes, category 2 216 226
Batch processes, category 2, control region for 217
Batch processes, category 2, outlier removal for 226
Batch processes, estimation in 217
Batch processes, monitoring 213 234
Batch processes, Phase II formulas for 231
Batch processes, Phase II operation with 230
Batch processes, types of 213
Batch production 230
Beta distribution 24 34 50 85 247
Beta quantiles 41
Between-batch variation 218 226
Bivariate control region 117 120
Bivariate control region, geometrical representation 145
Bivariate normal, contours 18 19 35
Bivariate normal, distribution 140 141
Bivariate normal, probability function 17 19
Cause-and-effect relationship 69 196
Cause-selecting (CS) chart 132
Center line (CL) 111
Central limit theorem 107
Chebyshev procedure 96
Chebyshev procedure in a control chart 48
Chebyshev procedure, application of 48
Chebyshev procedure, procedure based on 92
Chebyshev procedure, theorem 51 92
Chi-square, distribution 21 23 85 113 241
Chi-square, probability function 23
Cl see "Confidence interval"
Collinearity 55 80 174
Collinearity, detecting 65
Collinearity, occurrence 65
Collinearity, outliers 65
Collinearity, sampling restrictions 65
Collinearity, severe 67 78 182
Collinearity, theoretical relationships 65
Condition index 67 79
Condition number 67
Conditional 126 129 149
Conditional distribution 148 159 172
Conditional mean 126 141 201
Conditional probability function 140
Conditional terms 157
Conditional terms, alternative forms of 172
Conditional terms, signaling of 169
Conditional variance 126 129 141 148 162 173
Continuous process 213
contours 18
Correlogram 72 206 212
Countercorrelation 129 159 161 169
Covariance estimator by partitioning the data 27
Covariance estimator for batches 218
Covariance estimator, alternative 27
Covariance estimator, based on successive difference 26
Covariance estimator, common 27
Covariance matrix 20
Covariance matrix, known 91
Covariance matrix, nonsingular 55
Covariance matrix, sample 21 29 65
Covariance matrix, singular 55 65 78
Covariance matrix, test of equality 229
Cyclic trend 197
| Data, autocorrelated 70 211
Data, collection 61
Data, example 92 135
Data, exploration techniques 183
Data, in-control set 54
Data, incomplete 62
Data, missing 61 62
Data, preliminary set 78
Data, purging 85
Data, time-adjusted 208
Data, transforming 174
Decay, processes 98
Decay, stage 70 211 212
Decay, uniform 69 199 201 211 212
Determinant 30
Dimension-reduction technique 80
Discrete variables 50
Distance measure, see "Statistical distance"
Distribution-free methods 48 81
Eigenvalues 78 79
Eigenvectors 78 79
Electronic data collectors 9 61
Elliptical contour 18—20
Elliptical control region 115 117
Elliptical distance 8
Equal-incremental-rate formulation 183
Error residuals 172
Euclidean distance 6 13—15 21 121 137
Experimental design 11
Expert knowledge 180
Exploring process data 192
Exponential autoregressive relationship 202
F distribution 22 24 50 85 242
False alarm rate 98
First-order autogressive model AR(1) 72 199 203 206
Forward-iterative scheme 155
Functional form of variables 64 173
Functional relationships 173 191
Global variable specifications 183
Goodness-of-fit test 36 51
Gradual process shifts, improving sensitivity 188
Graphical output 192
Historical data set (HDS) 22 78 176
Historical data set (HDS), analyzing 174
Historical data set (HDS), atypical observations 81
Historical data set (HDS), construction 54—56
Historical data set (HDS), hyperellipsoid 118 158
Historical data set (HDS), hypothesis test 83 229
Historical data set (HDS), outlier in 85
Industrial process 55
Input/output (I/O) curve 180
JMP™ 11
Johnson system 47
Kernel smoothing technique 48 51 92 94 96
Kernel smoothing technique for approximation to UCL 48
Kolmogorov — Smirnov test 33
kurtosis 38 43
Kurtosis, Mardia's statistic 39
Kurtosis, sample estimate 39
Lag relationships 60
Lag values 72 209
LCL see "Local control limit"
Life cycle 69
Log sheets 61
Lower control limit (LCL) 4
Lurking variable 196 199 226
Mahalanobis's distance 8 13
Matrix 28 31
Matrix, collinearity 65
Matrix, correlation 202
Matrix, determinant of 79
Matrix, eigenvalues 65
Matrix, eigenvectors 65
Matrix, inverse 29 66
Matrix, near-singular 66 67 79
Matrix, nonsingular 30 65
Matrix, positive definite 31 32 79 144
Matrix, square 30
Matrix, symmetric 30 79
Matrix, transpose 29
Mean of a sample monitoring of 26 86 119 232
Mean vector 20 29
Mean vector, estimate 162
Mean vector, known 91
Methods of detection 212
Missing data 62 154
Model creation, using data exploration 183
Model creation, using expert knowledge 180
Model specification 172
Model specification, correct 180
Multivariate control procedure 5 6 14
Multivariate control procedure, characteristics of 9
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