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Phillips P. — Advanced Solid State Physics |
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Fermions, and Bose fields 160
Fermions, anticommutation relations 158
Fermions, definition of 17
Fermions, inherent antisymmetry of 19
Ferromagnetic interaction 105-108
Ferromagnetism, criterion for onset of 68
Field operator 23
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem 124-125
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem and structure function for free electrons 184-185
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem, Fourier transform for 124
Fourier components 149
Fourier components of interaction potential 220
Fourier series 220
Fourier transform 28 41 80 154 155 156 168 225
Fourier transform, of the interaction potential 217-218
Fractional quantum Hall 1
Fractional quantum Hall edge excitations 369
Fractional quantum Hall effect 354
Free energy 328
Free-particle energies 259
Friedel's sum rule 65 92
Gell-Mann and Brueckner result 48
Ginzburg and Landau theory, London approach in 210
Goldstone modes 176
Green functions 60-62 64 269 270 271 282-285 291
Green functions, definition of 60
Ground state 253 257 364
Ground state, energy 239-243
Hall conductance 352 356 357 364-365
Hall conductance, and disorder 359
Hall conductance, Laughlin argument 364
Hall conductance, quantization of 360
Hall field 351
Hall plateaus 352
Hall resistance 352
Hall voltage 349 351 352-353 359 364
Hamilton's equations 237 273
Hamiltonian 151 152 153 154 156 157 164 165 214 216 239 249 251 252 271 362
Hamiltonian matrix 249 250
Hamiltonian, and bosons 175
Hamiltonian, Anderson 54 66 77 105
Hamiltonian, anisotropic spin-flip 99
Hamiltonian, BCS 229 249
Hamiltonian, continuum version 158
Hamiltonian, electron velocity 9-10
Hamiltonian, electron-phonon 182 260-261
Hamiltonian, for free electrons 126
Hamiltonian, for harmonic chain 177-178
Hamiltonian, for harmonic oscillators 167
Hamiltonian, for interacting electron gas 131
Hamiltonian, interacting electron 22
Hamiltonian, interaction 88
Hamiltonian, Kondo 74 75 80-81
Hamiltonian, linear-response theory 122
Hamiltonian, local moment 58
Hamiltonian, nearest-neighbor tight-binding 300
Hamiltonian, of Hartree - Fock approximation 58-59
Hamiltonian, of single electron 1
Hamiltonian, outside Fermi sea 95
Hamiltonian, reduced electronic 15
Hamiltonian, second-quantized operators 29
Hamiltonian, single-particle 61
Harmonic chain 175-178
Harmonic chain, Hamiltonian for 175-176
harmonic oscillator 149
Hartree - Fock approximation 27-33 35 36 58-59 93
Hartree - Fock approximation, cohesive energy 41-42
Hartree - Fock approximation, difference with noninteractive model 45
Hartree - Fock approximation, excitation spectrum 39
Hartree - Fock energy 31 32
Hartree - Fock energy, per particle 38
Hartree - Fock equations 31
Hartree-Fock equations, and low-temperature heat capacity 40
Hartree-Fock single-particle energy 32
heat capacity 251 256
Heat capacity, calculation of 5
Heat capacity, classical 8
Heat capacity, low-temperature 39-41
Heat capacity, per unit volume 7
Heaviside step function 242
Heaviside step function, definition of 2
Heaviside step function, screening effects in random-phase approximation 135 136
Hebel - Slichter peak 213
Heisenberg equations of motion 155 156 157
Heisenberg equations of motion, and bosons 177
Heisenberg equations of motion, Fourier transform of 281-282
Heisenberg evolution equation 157
Heisenberg uncertainty relationship 237
Heisenberg's explanation of ferromagnetism 31
Hellman - Feynman theorem 362
Helmholtz free energy 251 252 253
Hermitian conjugate (h.c.) 107 152
Hermitian operator 18
Holons, and spinon interaction 166 167
Holons, conductivity of 171
Holons, definition of 165
Holons, interaction of 166
Hubbard interaction 159
Hubbard model 149 151
hybridization 55-57 58 62 68 75-77
Hybridization, energy 56
Hydrodynamic limit 197-199
Hydrodynamics 98
Incompressible quantum liquid 349
Insulator-metal transition 277
Insulator-superconductor transitions 305-308
Insulator-superconductor transitions, and quantum phase transitions 319-346
Integer Hall effect 353
Integer quantum Hall state 349
Integer quantum Hall state, and edge excitations 369
Ions, "plasma" frequency 199
Ions, mass 10 213
Ions, phonon modes of 13
Ions, velocity 10
Ions, wave functions 12
Jellium model 35
Josephson effect 237
Josephson tunneling 271-273
Kinetic energy, expectation value 28
Kinetic energy, operator 29
Klein factors 158 159
Kondo alloys 88
Kondo effect 268
Kondo exchange interaction 108
Kondo form 267
Kondo logarithmic term 298
Kondo problem 65 71 278 287
Kondo problem, definition of 73
Kondo problem, difference from bulk ferromagnetism 72
Kondo problem, important terms in the 91-92
Kondo problem, numerical renormalization group procedure solution 73
Kondo temperature 71 80 94-97 103 104
Koopman's theorem 32
Kramers - Kronig relationships 139
Lagrange multiplier 31 239
Landau - Fermi-liquid theory 224
Landau - Ginzburg theory 336-337
Landau levels 172 354 357 366
Landau levels, and degeneracy 355
Landau levels, and density 356
Landau levels, and disorder 358
Landau levels, and flux attachment 371
Landau levels, and Laughlin's gauge principle 363
Landau levels, and magnetic flux 355-356
Landau levels, and uniform electron charge density 367
Landau levels, energy of 355
Landau levels, Fermi level 357
Landau levels, filled 370-371
Landau levels, partially filled 365
| Landau parameter 227
Laughlin argument 364
Laughlin liquid 349 364-371
Laughlin liquid, excitations of 367-369
Laughlin liquid, quasi particles in 370
Laughlin state 349 353 370
Laughlin state, importance of 367
Laughlin state, incompressibility of 368-369
Laughlin state, variational character of 367
Laughlin's gauge, argument 369
Laughlin's gauge, principle 363
Light dispersion and Maxwell equation 121
Linear-response theory 121-127
Linear-response theory, and density response 125-127
Linear-response theory, and fluctuation-dissipation theorem 124-125
Linear-response theory, Hamiltonian for 122
Linear-response theory, Liouville equation for 122
Liouville equation of motion 122
Local magnetic moments 71
Local magnetic moments, criterion for 59 68
Local magnetic moments, formation 58
Local magnetic moments, in metal 53-69
Local magnetic moments, problem 269
Localization length 287 289 303 309
Localization, exceptions to 299-313
Localization, primer on 278-280
Localization, scaling theory of 277-278 285-291
Localization, strong 278 281-285
Localization, weak 278 291-298
Localized spin fluctuation 57
Localized state 55
London ansatz 208 211
London conjecture 211
London equation 207-208
Lorentz force 356 360
Lorentz force, cancellation of 350-351
Lorentzian distribution 358
Luttinger liquid 149 150 167 170 171 172
Luttinger liquid, charge excitation in 167
Luttinger liquid, chiral 369
Luttinger liquid, spin-charge dichotomy of 166
Luttinger model 150 152-153 167
Luttinger model, dispersion relations 151
Luttinger model, free part of 155
Luttinger model, in ground state 152
Lyapunov exponent 303
Magnetic length 354
Magnetic stability condition 68
Maxwell equation 208 209
Mean-field approximation see Hartree - Fock approximation
Mean-field solution 57-59
Mean-field solution, definition of 328
Mean-field solution, expression for free energy 330-331
Mean-field theory 71
Mean-free path 303-304
Mean-square displacement 294 301 304
Meissner effect 205 206-211
Meissner effect, complete 206-207
Meissner effect, incomplete 207
Metals, and alkalis 42 43
Metals, atoms in 45
Metals, bandwidth 41
Metals, cohesive energy 41 9
Mobility edge 279-280
Mott minimum-metallic conductivity hypothesis 279-280
Nearest-neighbor lattice site 55
Negative compressibility 217
Net acoustic-attenuation rate 263
Newton's second law 351
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) 53
Nuclear-spin lattice-relaxation rate 268
Number operator 20 54
Number operator, definition of 18
Ohm's law 287 289 349
One-body potential 216
Operator equations of motion 59
Pair amplitude 228-234 237
Pair amplitude, and BCS theory 233
Pair amplitude, exponential growth of 230-233
Pair amplitude, Fourier transform 230
Pair amplitude, time evolution of 230
Pair binding 165-167
Pair binding, energy 166
Pair fluctuations 237-239
Particle, current 200
Particle, density operator 23
Particle, energy in momentum state 37
Particle, relation between number and phase 236-237
Pauli exclusion principle 31 78 206 219 224
Pauli matrices 74
Pauli principle 68 80 205-206 229
Pauli spin matrices 266
Perturbation 10
Perturbation series 270 271
Perturbation theory 47 48 49 214 272 277-278 296
Perturbative scheme 48
Phase coherence 296 306
Phenomenological model of local moments 53
Phonon scattering 293 298
Phonons 175
Phonons, absorption of 261 263
Phonons, absorption rate of 183
Phonons, acoustic 178-179
Phonons, and resistance 187
Phonons, Boltzmann equation for 188-190
Phonons, distribution function 188
Phonons, emission rates 184
Phonons, emissions of 261-262
Phonons, interaction with electrons 179-184
Phonons, lattice collisions 188-196
Phonons, low-frequency phonons 186
Phonons, phonon drag 197-199
Phonons, scattering rate of 72
Phonons, superconductors and 260
Phonons, transverse 265
Phonons, ultrasonic attenuation 184-186
Pippard coherence length 223
Plasma excitation 167
Plasma oscillations 118-121 149
Plasma oscillations, and sound propagation in metal 199-202
Plasma oscillations, Coulomb interaction of 118
Plasma oscillations, Hamiltonian for 118
Plasma oscillations, light dispersions from 121
Plasma oscillations, Maxwell equation and 121
Plasma oscillations, random-phase approximation 120
Plasma stopping power, Bethe approach to 141
Plasma stopping power, Coulomb interactions and 141
Plasmons 118
Poisson equation 367
Poor man's scaling 97-105
Potential 219
Quantum critical 335 339
Quantum Hall 171 172
Quantum Hall effect 308 349-371
Quantum Hall effect, and Hall angle 350
Quantum Hall effect, and Hall conductance 352 357
Quantum Hall effect, and Hall field 351
Quantum Hall effect, and Hall plateaus 352
Quantum Hall effect, and Hall resistance 352
Quantum Hall effect, and Hall voltage 349 351 352-353 359 364
Quantum Hall effect, and integer 354
Quantum Hall effect, and Laughlin liquid 364-371
Quantum Hall effect, and quantum Hall plateaus 359
Quantum Hall effect, disorder 357-359
Quantum Hall effect, edge currents 359-364
Quantum Hall Effect, fractional 354
Quantum Hall effect, Landau levels see Landau levels
Quantum Hall effect, nature of charge transport in 363
Quantum Hall problem 371
Quantum Hall state 365-366
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