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Sheiham D. — Invariants of Boundary Link Cobordism
Sheiham D. — Invariants of Boundary Link Cobordism

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Название: Invariants of Boundary Link Cobordism

Автор: Sheiham D.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 110

Добавлена в каталог: 26.10.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$(F,\Phi,\eta)$      35
$(M,\phi)$      32
$(M,\rho)$      29
$(R-\mathbb{Q})_{\mathbb{Z}}$-Proj      88
$(R-\mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z})$-Proj      89
$A^{o}$      32
$A_{\mu}$      6
$B(n,\mu)$      5
$C(n,\mu)$      3
$C_{n}(F_{\mu})$      6
$F_{\mu}$-link      5
$GL(\alpha)$      53
$G^{\epsilon,\mu}(A)$      9 14 38
$H^{\epsilon}(A)$      32
$H^{\epsilon}(\mathcal{C})$      34
$K_{0}(A)$      31
$K_{0}(R-A)$      32
$K_{0}(\mathcal{C})$      31
$L_{n}(A)$      11 33
$P_{\mu}$      19 31 38
$W^{\epsilon}(A)$      33
$W^{\epsilon}(R-\mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z})$      89
$W^{\epsilon}(\mathcal{C})$, $W^{\epsilon}(R-A)$      36
$W^{\epsilon}_{\mathbb{Z}}(R-\mathbb{Q})$      88
$\epsilon$-hermitian form      32 34
$\epsilon$-self-dual      34
$\Gamma_{n}(\mathbb{Z}[\pi]\rightarrow\mathbb{Z})$      12 13
$\mathbb{C}^{-}$, $\mathbb{C}^{+}$      18 33
$\mathcal{I}(F/E)$      99
$\mathcal{M}(R)=\mathcal{M}(R-\mathbb{C})$      51
$\mathcal{M}(R,\alpha)$, $\overline{\mathcal{M}}(R,\alpha)$      20 53 54
$\mathcal{O}$, $\mathcal{O}_{K}$      73
$\overline{\mathcal{M}}(R)$, $\mathcal{M}^{s}(R)$, $\overline{\mathcal{M}}^{s}(R)$      51
$\overline{\mathcal{M}}^{s}(\mathcal{C},\epsilon)$      48
$\sigma_{M,b}(L,\theta)$      26
(R—A)-Proj      29
A-Proj      31
Addition of knots and $F_{\mu}$-links      6
Admissible subobject      35
Alexander polynomial      10 18
Algebra, Artin      63
Algebra, cyclic      82
Algebra, quaternion      22 82
Blanchfield form      10 15 19
Blanchfield — Duval form      15 17
Boundary link      5
Boundary-slice      5 8
CHARACTER      20 63—65
Character, independence of      64
Cobordism of $F_{\mu}$-links      6
Cobordism of boundary links      5
Cobordism of links      3
Cobordism of Seifert surfaces      5 6
Devissage      24 47—50
Devissage, hermitian      48
Dimension vector      20 30
Discriminant      22 85
Duality functor      20 34
Duality preserving functor      35 101
Duality preserving functor, composition of      102
Duality preserving functor, natural transformation between      102
End(M)      22
Frobenius reciprocity      59 61
Grothendieck group      31
Hasse — Minskowski map      82
Hasse — Witt invariant      22 86
Hermitian category      34
Hermitian category, equivalence of      102
Hermitian form      32
Involution      20 32
Involution of the first kind      83
Involution of the second kind      83 84
Involution, non-standard      22 83
Involution, standard      83
Isotopy      2
Jordan — Hoelder theorem      24 47
Knot      2
l(x), r(x)      92
Level of a field      96
Lewis $\theta$-invariant      22 87
Link      2
Link, boundary      5
Link, cobordism      3
Link, split      7 20
Localization exact sequence      12 15 27 88
Luna stratum      20 54
Metabolic      9 14 36 37
Metabolizer (=Lagrangian)      33 36
Morita equivalence      25 41—45
Null-cobordant      3
Ordered field      59
Path ring      19 30
Pfister's Theorem      59
quiver      19 29
Quiver, complete      20
Real algebraic set      54
Real closed field      60
Real closure of a field      60
Real Nullstellensatz      55
Real radical      55
Real ring (=Formally real ring)      55
Real variety      55
Representation      20 29
Representation of a quiver      30
Representation, algebraic      72
Representation, algebraically integral      21 73
Representation, conjugate      72
Representation, induced      67
Representation, integral      27
Representation, restriction of      68
Representation, self-dual      20
Representation, simple (=irreducible)      20 64
Representation, type      54
Seifert form      8 9 14—15 37
Seifert surface      3 5
Self-dual      34
Signature      18 23 26
Slice      3 9
Sublagrangian      36
Surgery      10 7—15
Surgery homology      10 13
Surgery on a Seifert surface      8—10
Sylvester's theorem      23
Variety of representations      20 51
Witt group of a hermitian category      35—37
Witt group of a ring with involution      32
Witt group of Blanchfield forms      10
Witt group of Seifert forms      9
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