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Schwartz M. — Principles of electrodynamics |
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Ampere’s Law 148—149
Antisymmetric tensor of fourth rank 133
Axial vector 9
Bessel functions 77
Biot — Savart law 145—146
Bohr magneton 336
Bohr radius 323
Boundary conditions for electrostatic potential 42—45
Boundary conditions for radiation field at interface between media 245
Brewster’s angle 269
Capacitance 54—62
Cavities with non-perfectly conducting walls 315—319
Cavities, energy stored in 318
Cavities, ideal, rectangular 312—315
Cavities, resonance curve 316
Cavities, TE and TM modes 313—314
Charge density 29
Charge density as component of four-vector 121—123
Charge density, magnetic 134
Charge, electric 11 28
Charge, magnetic 11
Circular polarization of radiation 223
Classical radius of electron 224
Coefficients of capacitance 57
Coherence and incoherence 289—290
Completeness 224
Conductivity 140
Conductors 34—35 38—39 55—62 140—141 235—250
Coulomb’s law 11 28—30
Curie point 337
Curl. 18—19 67 69
Current density, electric 121—123
Current density, magnetic 134—135
Cyclotron frequency 168
Cylindrical coordinates 62—67
Determinant 5
Diamagnetism 163 330—333
dielectric constant 50
Dielectrics 34
Dipole moment, electric 45—51
Dipole moment, magnetic 153
Dirac 5
Dirac, function 227
Displacement current 203—205
Displacement field (D) 45—51
Divergence 17 66 69
d’Alembertian 126
Earnshaw’s theorem 43
Eigenvalues of symmetric tensor 26
Eigenvectors of symmetric tensor 26
Electric charge 11 28
electric dipole moment 45—51
Electric field, definition 29
Electric polarizability and electric susceptibility 324—325
Electric polarizability as a second-rank tensor 325—327
Electric polarizability of nonpolar molecules 322—324
Electric polarizability of polar molecules 327—333
Electric susceptibility 50 324—325
Electromagnetic units 123
Electromotive force 187—189
Electron radius (classical) 224
Electrostatic units 29
Energy conservation in electromagnetism 195—197
Energy density of electromagnetic field 196
Energy of a static charge distribution 51—54
Energy of a static current distribution 162—168
Energy radiation by accelerating charge 221—222
Energy radiation by electric dipole radiator 279
Energy radiation by electric quadrupole radiator 285—286
Energy radiation by magnetic dipole radiator 282
Exchange force 336
Faraday effect 258—265
Faraday’s law 187—195
ferromagnetism 153—154 336—337
Flip-coil magnetometer 194
Flux of magnetic field through loop 164
Flux of vector field 14—17
Force on charged particle in electric or magnetic fields 29 131
Force on current distribution 200
Force on current loop 167—168
Force on distribution of charge 97—100
Forward-scattering amplitude 251 256—258 298—300
Four-vector 115
Fourier series and Fourier integral. 225—228
Fourier transform 228
Frauenhofer diffraction, multiple slit 300—301
Frauenhofer diffraction, single slit 293—297
Fresnel’s equations 265—268
Gauss' law 30—32
Gauss' theorem 17
Gaussian units 122
Gradient 13 64 69
Green's reciprocity theorem 57—58
Group 5
Group velocity 256
Gyromagnetic ratio for muon 174—179
Gyromagnetic ratio, definition 174
Gyromagnetic ratio, measurement of g 2
H field 155—161
Huygen's principle 293
Images, method of 45
Index of refraction (see Refractive index)
Inductance of coaxial cylinders 191
Inductance, coefficients of 164—165
Inductance, self 164
Interaction energy of charge distributions 94— 96
Interference among set of dipole radiators 290—292
Interna] reflection 269—270
kronecker 5 23
Langevin function 329
Laplace's equation 42
Laplace's equation in cartesian coordinates 69—73
Laplace's equation in cylindrical coordinates 73—78
Laplace's equation in spherical coordinates 78—90
| Laplacian 42
Larmor frequency 173
Larmor precession 172—174
Larmor radiation formula 222
Legendre polynomials. 81—83
Lienard — Wiechert potentials 214—220
Lorentz force 131
Lorentz transformation 110ff
Lorentzgroup 115
Magnetic field (B) as gradient of potential function 149—152
Magnetic field (B) determined through Biot — Savart law 145— 146
Magnetic field (B) in solenoid 147—148
Magnetic field (B) in vicinity of long cylindrical wire 142—143 149
Magnetic field (B) methods of calculating in absence of time dependence 39ff
Magnetic field (B) on axis of circular current loop 147
Magnetic field (B), required by Lorentz invariance 123—126
Magnetic flux 164
Magnetic polarizabihty 330—337
magnetization 153—161
Mass (rest) 117
Masses (rest) of some elementary particles 120
Matrix 5
Matrix four-dimensional rotation 115
Matrix, multiplication 6
Matrix, three-dimensional rotation 5—7
Matrix, transposition 7
Maxwell’s equations, derivation 131—134
Mean value theorem 42
Micbelson — Morley experiment 105—110
Momentum and energy conservation (relativistic) 118
Momentum conservation in electrodynamics 197—200
Momentum density of electromagnetic fields 200
Momentum transformation under relativity 116—117
Monopoles, magnetic 134—137 194—195
Motion of charged particle in constant magnetic field 168—170
Motion of charged particle in crossed electric and magnetic fields 170—172
Multipole expansion of electrostatic potential 90—94
Multipole expansion of radiation field, electric dipole radiation 276—279
Multipole expansion of radiation field, electric quadrupole radiation 281 282—287
Multipole expansion of radiation field, general introduction 273—276
Multipole expansion of radiation field, magnetic dipole radiation 280—282
Neumann function 77
Nuclear shape determination 96—97
Ohm’s Law 140—141
Optical theorem 300
Orthogonality 224—225
Paramagnetism 153 333—336
Pauli exclusion principle 330
Permeability, magnetic 156
phase velocity 253—255
Polar vector 9
Polarizability, electric (see Eiectric Polarizability)
Polarizability, magnetic 330—337
Polarization charge 49
Polarization of dielectric (P) 45—51
Polarization of radiation 222—223
Potential as component of a four-vector 123—126
Potential coefficients 60
Potential in electrostatics, definition 36—37
Potential, time-dependent, retarded 205—208 213 214
Potential, uniqueness theorems in electrostatics 42— 45
Poynting vector, definition 195—196
Poynting vector, time averaged for radiation field 278—279
Pseudoscalar 8
Quadrupole moment of charge distribution 93 284
Quadrupole moment of nucleus 97
Quadrupole tensor of charge distribution 284—285
Radiation fields due to accelerating charge 219—220
Radiation, absorption and reflection by material 235ff
Radiation, scattering by free charge 223—224
Radiation, scattering by harmonically bound charge 229—231
Refractive index in terms of e and n 289
Refractive index in terms of forward-scattering amplitude 256—258
Refractive index, less than I 253—256
Refractive index, physical origin 250—253
Resistance 141
Rest mass 117
Rest mass, mechanical and electromagnetic components 200—203
scalar 7
Skin depth 244 250 319
Spherical coordinates 67—69
Stokes theorem 20
Stress tensor 23
Stress tensor, electromagnetic 200
Stress tensor, electrostatic 97—100
Stress tensor, magnetostatic 179—183
Susceptibility, electric 50 324
Susceptibility, magnetic. 156 330—337
Tensor of second rank in four dimensions 116
Tensor of second rank, definition 22
Tensor of second rank, diagonalizing a symmetric tensor 24—26
Tensor of second rank, eigenvalues and eigenvectors of 26
Tensor of second rank, electric and magnetic field as components or 129—130
Tensor of second rank, symmetric and antisymmetric 24
Thomson cross section 223—224
Torque on a current loop 167
Transverse nature of electromagnetic radiation 220
Vector potential, required by Lorentz invariance 123—126
Vector potential, time-dependent 205—208
Vector potential, used to find magnetic field 141—145
Vectors in four dimensions 115
Vectors, curl 18 67 69
Vectors, differentiation 12—14
Vectors, divergence 17 66 69
Vectors, elementary operations 2—3
Vectors, polar and axial, definition 9
Vectors, transformation properties 3—12
Velocity transformation equations (relativistic) 116
Verdet constant 258 262
Virtual work, method of 166
Water as polar molecule 328
Waveguides, dominant mode 310
Waveguides, perfectly conducting, rectangular 305—312
Waveguides, phase and group velocity 311
Waveguides, TE and TM modes 306
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