Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Stanley L. — Design sensitivity analysis: computational issues of sensitivity equation methods |
Предметный указатель |
Adaptive remeshing strategy 87
Banach spaces 75
Bilinear forms 10 13 72 79
Boundary value problems, examples of linear elliptic 17—21
Boundary value problems, examples of nonlinear 22—23 81—89
Boundary value problems, linear elliptic 1 5—16
Boundary value problems, mathematical theory for nonlinear 71—80
Boundary value problems, regularity of linear elliptic 11—14
Computational algorithms 25
Continuous sensitivity equation methods 1 2 22 82 83 129
Crouzier — Raviart element 84—85
Diffeomorphism 8 25
Finite element formulations, adaptive mesh refinement 84—87
Finite element formulations, Crouzier — Raviart element 84—85
Finite element formulations, piecewise linear 37—41
Frechet differentiability 6 15 16 19 77
Gelfand triple 9 12
Hilbert spaces 14
Implicit function theorem 14 76 78
Introduction 1
Lax — Milgram Theorem 11 13
Mass matrix 61
Mathematical frameworks 5—16 71—80
| Method of mappings 1 25—28
Model problems 17—23 81—84
Navier — Stokes equations 1 21 33
Navier — Stokes equations, examples of 81—89
Navier — Stokes equations, mathematical framework 71—80
Navier — Stokes equations, variational formulation of 71—75
Optimal design 22 52—60 129—130
Preface xix
Sensitivity analysis 1
Sensitivity equations, computational algorithms for solving 28—35
Sensitivity equations, differential forms 19—21 23 29 30 32 34 37 79 82 83
Sensitivity equations, numerical calculations 43—70
Sensitivity equations, operator forms 15—16 18 19
Sensitivity equations, variational forms 36 37 79
Sobolev spaces 6—7
State gradient approximations, finite element derivatives for 44—51
State gradient approximations, projection techniques for 60—70 95—130
State gradient approximations, their affect on sensitivity approximation 63—65
Stiffness matrix 38
Stokes norm 85
Trace theorems 8—9
Trilinear forms 72—73
Zhu — Zienkiewicz error estimator 85
Реклама |