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Smith P.L. — A primer for sampling solids, liquids, and gases: based on the seven sampling errors of Pierre Gy
Smith P.L. — A primer for sampling solids, liquids, and gases: based on the seven sampling errors of Pierre Gy

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Название: A primer for sampling solids, liquids, and gases: based on the seven sampling errors of Pierre Gy

Автор: Smith P.L.


How does a marble manufacturer know that the color will be consistent throughout the products being made? How can you tell if liquid at the bottom of a container is the same consistency as at the top? How does a pellet manufacturer know if the pellets are consistently the same size? How does a chemical manufacturer know if the percent purity in a sample is representative of the whole batch? These and similar questions are answered in A Primer for Sampling Solids, Liquids, and Gases: Based on the Seven Sampling Errors of Pierre Gy.
Statisticians are well trained in sampling techniques if the sample is well defined. Examples of such samples include industrial parts in manufacturing, invoices in business processes, and people in surveys. However, what if the sampling unit isn't well defined? What if you are sampling bulk material such as a pile of coal? Author Patricia L. Smith illustrates what to look for in sampling devices and procedures to obtain correct samples from bulk materials. She gives sampling guidelines that can be applied immediately and shows how to analyze protocols to uncover sampling problems.
Smith presents the ideas of Pierre Gy in lay terms so that his concepts and principles can be easily grasped and applied. She conveys Gy's intuitive meaning while preserving his original ideas. Synonyms have been used for some technical terms to avoid confusion.
Special Features
- Presents Pierre Gy's approach to sampling bulk material-whether solid, liquid, or gas.
- Gives basic principles that can be applied to any bulk sampling situation.
- Uses everyday language and intuitive explanations.
- Gives examples of simple experiments that readers can perform on their own to understand the principles.
- Includes a brief summary after each chapter for easy reference.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 117

Добавлена в каталог: 23.10.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Assessment      58 60
Audit      55 60
Coliwasa      27 28
Control chart      38 54
Error, analytical      17 38 46 50
Error, delimitation (DE)      19 36 63 64
Error, extraction (EE)      19—21 23 26—28 46 64
Error, fundamental (FE)      9 11 37 38 46 62
Error, grouping and segregation (GSE)      11 14 29 36—38 46 62
Error, long-range nonperiodic      62
Error, long-range periodic      63
Error, preparation (PE)      19 65 see handling"
Grinding      16 72
Heterogeneity      7 11 15 67
Heterogeneity, constitution (CH)      7 8 12 15 19 62 68
Heterogeneity, cycles      37 38
Heterogeneity, distribution (DH)      7 9—11 15 19 62
Heterogeneity, long range      37 38
Heterogeneity, short range      37 38
Homogeneous      20 62
Increment      1 15 25 29
Lot      1 15 18
Nugget effect      46 47 49 50 79
Outlier      38
Principle of correct sampling      18—20 22 23 27 33 35 36 38 41 49 63—65
Riffle splitter (riffler)      29 30
Sample      1 15 see
Sample, accurate      11
Sample, biased      2 13 15 19 20 27—29 32 41
Sample, composite      1 11 13 15
Sample, consistent      2 11 13
Sample, correct      26 28 29 32 35 64
Sample, define      19 22 23 26 35 46 see delimitation"
Sample, equiprobabilistic      10
Sample, extract      see "Error extraction"
Sample, frequency      39 40 51 52
Sample, grab      19 20 32
Sample, handling      15 17 19 21 30 33 42 46 49 65
Sample, integrity      19 29 33 35 36 65
Sample, judgmental      63
Sample, number      13
Sample, random      10 15 17 18
Sample, representative      1 2 11 17 18
Sample, sequential      77
Sample, size      12 13
Sample, spot      63
Sample, subsample      13
Sample, unbiased      18 31 68
Sample, vertical      24 27 64
Sampling      see also "Sample"
Sampling, dimension      20 21 35 85
Sampling, one-dimensional      24 28 35—37
Sampling, three-dimensional      22 35
Sampling, two-dimensional      23 35
Sampling, two-stage      88
Sampling, zero-dimensional      21
Scoop      28 29
Standard deviation (SD)      13
Static mixer      32
Stream      20 31 37
Thief probe      24 25 27
Time plot      38 39 43 53 54
Variance of fundamental error (FE)      11 12 67
Variation, material      7 37 38 46 49 62
Variation, process      37 43 49 51—54 62 63
Variation, sampling-to-sampling      2 11
Variogram      43—45 53 54 63 64 79
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