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Smardzewski R. R. — Microprocessor programming and applications for scientists and engineers
Smardzewski R. R. — Microprocessor programming and applications for scientists and engineers

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Название: Microprocessor programming and applications for scientists and engineers

Автор: Smardzewski R. R.


During the past ten years the growth of the microprocessor could be appropriately described as volcanic. Today it impacts nearly all aspects of our daily lives to one extent or another. Likewise, the research applications of this marvelous device have proliferated. It is used to measure and control laboratory analog signals in instruments ranging from simple single-pan balances to complex particle-beam accelerators.
Before a microprocessor can be of any use in a laboratory situation, it must be properly programmed and interfaced to the system of interest, many of which are becoming increasingly sophisticated. As new and varied situations evolve, there is an ever increasing time gap between instrumental development and deployment. For those researchers and students wanting to automate their laboratories, the choice is simple, i.e. either wait for a particular device/instrument to be designed and developed or directly design and automate a particular experiment. It is for this last reason that this manuscript has been written. Its purpose is to provide the researcher and student with specific guidelines on how to accomplish this task...

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 1984

Количество страниц: 369

Добавлена в каталог: 23.10.2010

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