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Steele J.M. — Probability theory and combinatorial optimization
Steele J.M. — Probability theory and combinatorial optimization

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Название: Probability theory and combinatorial optimization

Автор: Steele J.M.


This monograph provides an introduction to the state of the art of the probability theory that is most directly applicable to combinatorial optimization. The questions that receive the most attention are those that deal with discrete optimization problems for points in Euclidean space, such as the minimum spanning tree, the traveling-salesman tour, and minimal-length matchings. Still, there are several nongeometric optimization problems that receive full treatment, and these include the problems of the longest common subsequence and the longest increasing subsequence. The philosophy that guides the exposition is that analysis of concrete problems is the most effective way to explain even the most general methods or abstract principles.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: illustrated edition

Год издания: 1987

Количество страниц: 170

Добавлена в каталог: 23.10.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
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TSP means, Rinnot, Y.      112
TSP means, Rinsma — Melchert, I.      3
TSP means, Rooted dual      68
TSP means, Sankoff, D.      1 4 24
TSP means, Sankoff, D.      1 4 24
TSP means, Schechtman, G.      24
TSP means, Schechtman, G.      24
TSP means, Self-similarity      44
TSP means, Self-similarity      44
TSP means, Shamir, E.      24
TSP means, Shamir, E.      24
TSP means, Shepp, L. A.      10 99
TSP means, Shepp, L. A.      10 99
TSP means, Shor, P.      141
TSP means, simple      60
TSP means, Simple subadditivity      60
TSP means, Simplex method      82
TSP means, Snyder, T. L.      50 117
TSP means, Snyder, T. L.      50 117
TSP means, Space-filling curve heuristic      41 125
TSP means, Space-filling curve heuristic      41 125
TSP means, Spencer, J.      24
TSP means, Spencer, J. H.      112
TSP means, Spencer, J. H.      112
TSP means, Square function      45
TSP means, Square function      45
TSP means, Stadje, W.      49
TSP means, Stadje, W.      49
TSP means, Steele, J. M.      25 41 43 50 75 96 99 100 117 137
TSP means, Steele, J. M.      25 41 43 50 75 96 99 100 117 137
TSP means, Stein, C.      113 124
TSP means, Stein, C.      113 124
TSP means, Subadditive ergodic theorem      19
TSP means, Subadditive Euclidean function, als      53
TSP means, Subadditive sequences      2 21 25
TSP means, Subadditivity, geometric      60
TSP means, Sulanke, R.      116
TSP means, Syzmansky, T. G.      18
TSP means, Szego, G.      25
TSP means, Szekeres, G.      6
Tusnady, G.      141
Tusnady, G.      141
van Houweninge, M. V.      93
van Houweninge, M. V.      93
Versik, A. M.      10
Versik, A. M.      10
Vohra, R.      93
Vohra, R.      93
Voronoi diagram      95
Voronoi diagram      95
Walkup, D. W.      79 93
Walkup, D. W.      79 93
Waterman, M. S.      3 4 24
Waterman, M. S.      3 4 24
Yao, A.      49
Yao, A.      49
Yukich, J. E.      68 117
Yukich, J. E.      68 117
1 2
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