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Steele J.M. — Probability theory and combinatorial optimization |
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Adler, R. 49
Aho, A.V. 18
Ajtai, M. 141
Aldous, D. 25 94 96 100 117
Alexander, K. S. 13 24 67 100 108 109
Alon, N. 24 112
Alpern, S. 50
Alpern, S. 50
Alternating chain lemma 136
Alternating chain lemma 136
Apostolico, A. 18
Apostolico, A. 18
Assignment problem 77 135
Assignment problem 77 135
Assignment problem, greedy algorithm 77
Assignment problem, greedy algorithm 77
Assignment problem, linear programming, connection 81
Assignment problem, linear programming, connection 81
Assignment problem, matching theory method 78
Assignment problem, matching theory method 78
Avis, D. 93
Avis, D. 93
Avram, F. 49 108 110 114 118
Avram, F. 49 108 110 114 118
Azuma, K. 4
Azuma, K. 4
Azuma’s inequality 5
Azuma’s inequality 5
Bailey, T. 49
Bailey, T. 49
Baldi, P. 112
Baldi, P. 112
Bartholdi, J. J. 43
Bartholdi, J. J. 43
Beard wood — Hal ton, Hammersley, (BHH) theorem, general case 34
Beard wood — Hal ton, uniform case 33
Beardwood, J. 33
Bellman, R. 40
Bellman, R. 40
Bern, M. 117
Bern, M. 117
Bersekas, D. P. 94
Bersekas, D. P. 94
Bertsimas, D. 108 110 114 118
Bertsimas, D. 108 110 114 118
Bickel, P. 110
Bickel, P. 110
Bingham, N. H. 25
Bingham, N. H. 25
Bland, R. 95
Bland, R. 95
Bollobas, B. 24 132
Bollobas, B. 24 132
Breiman, L. 110
Breiman, L. 110
Burkholder, D. L. 45
Burkholder, D. L. 45
Burkholder’s inequality 45
Burkholder’s inequality 45
Central limit theory (CLT), conditioning methods 110
Central limit theory (CLT), conditioning methods 110
Central limit theory (CLT), minimal spanning tree 108
Central limit theory (CLT), minimal spanning tree 108
Chvatal 1 4 94
Chvatal 1 4 94
Coffman, E. G., Jr. 141
Concentration inequality for the TSP 29
Concentration inequality for the TSP 29
Concentration inequality, smooth functionals 62
Concentration inequality, smooth functionals 62
Concentration inequality, space-filling curve heuristic 44
Concentration inequality, space-filling curve heuristic 44
Convex distance 120
Convex distance 120
Dancik, V. 3
Dancik, V. 3
DeBruijn, N. G. 21
DeBruijn, N. G. 21
Deken, J. P. 3
Deken, J. P. 3
Delaunay triangulation 95
Delaunay triangulation 95
Devroye, L. 93
Devroye, L. 93
Doob, J. 5
Doob, J. 5
Dyer — Frieze — McDiarmid, inequality 84
Dyer — Frieze — McDiarmid, inequality 84
Dyer, M. E. 82
Dyer, M. E. 82
Dynamic programming 16
Dynamic programming 16
Eddy, W. F. 99
Eddy, W. F. 99
Efron, B. 124 157 158
Efron, B. 124 157 158
Eggert, M. 3
Eggert, M. 3
Epstein, D. 117
Epstein, D. 117
Erdos — Szekeres Theorem 6 17
Erdos — Szekeres Theorem 6 17
Erdos, P. 6 21 24 112
Erdos, P. 6 21 24 112
Euclidean functionals 53
Euclidean functionals 53
Expander graphs 137
Expander graphs 137
Fekete, M. 2
Fekete, M. 2
Flipping lemma 10
Flipping lemma 10
Flipping method 10 127
Flipping method 10 127
Fredman, M. L. 17
Fredman, M. L. 17
FVenk, J. B. G. 93
FVenk, J. B. G. 93
FVieze, A. M. 11 13 82
FVieze, A. M. 11 13 82
Gao, J. 43
Gao, J. 43
Garsia, A. 49
Garsia, A. 49
Gaussian tail bound for the TSP 124
Gaussian tail bound for the TSP 124
Geometric subadditivity 54 60
Geometric subadditivity 54 60
Goddyn, L. 50
Goemans, M. X. 94
Groneboom, P. 116
Groneboom, P. 116
Guerra, C. 18
Halton, J. H. 33 41
Halton, J. H. 33 41
Hammersley, J. M. 6 26 33
Hammersley, J. M. 6 26 33
Hausdorff distance 132
Hausdorff distance 132
Hereditary sets 131
Heurter, I. 116
Hilbert, D. 44
Hilbert, D. 44
Hille, E. 25
Hille, E. 25
Hirshberg, D. S. 18
Hirshberg, D. S. 18
Hochbaum, D. 25
Hochbaum, D. 25
Hoeffing, V. 4
| Hoeffing, V. 4
Hsing, T. 116
Hsing, T. 116
Hunt, J. W. 18
Hunt, J. W. 18
Imai, H. 49
Imai, H. 49
Increasing-subsequence problem 6 75 125
Increasing-subsequence problem 6 75 125
Increasing-subsequence problem, concentration inequalities 10 125
Increasing-subsequence problem, concentration inequalities 10 125
Increasing-subsequence problem, sequential selection 24
Increasing-subsequence problem, sequential selection 24
Isoperimetric inequality 119
Isoperimetric inequality 119
Isoperimetric inequality, Hamming distance 61
Isoperimetric inequality, Hamming distance 61
Jaillet, P. 65 72
Jaillet, P. 65 72
Kahane, J. — P. 49
Kahane, J. — P. 49
Kakutani, S. 49
Kakutani, S. 49
Karloff, H. J. 50
Karloff, H. J. 50
Karp, R. M. 35 40 41 50 91 93 137
Karp, R. M. 35 40 41 50 91 93 137
Karp’s partioning algorithm 40
Karp’s partioning algorithm 40
Kerov, C. V. 10
Kerov, C. V. 10
Kesten, H. 76 109 117
Kesten, H. 76 109 117
Kingman, J. F. C. 18
Kodialam, M. S. 94
Komlos, J. 141
Komlos, J. 141
Kruskal, J. B. 24
Kruskal, J. B. 24
Kurtzburg, J. M. 78
Kurtzburg, J. M. 78
Lai, C. W. 93
Lai, C. W. 93
Lazarus, A. 94
Lazarus, A. 94
Leader, I. 132
Lee, S. 109 117
Lee, S. 109 117
Leighton, T. 141
Leighton, T. 141
Lens geometry for the MST 107
Lens geometry for the MST 107
Leuker, G. S. 141
Leuker, G. S. 141
Lindvall, T. 36
Lindvall, T. 36
Logan, B. 10
Logan, B. 10
Long-common-subsequence, algorithms 18
Long-common-subsequence, algorithms 18
Long-common-subsequence, problem 1
Long-common-subsequence, problem 1
Long-common-subsequence, tail bound 6
Long-common-subsequence, tail bound 6
Lovasz, L. 112
Lovasz, L. 112
Markov-chain Monte Carlo 140
Markov-chain Monte Carlo 140
Maurey, B. 24
Maurey, B. 24
McDiarmid, C. J. H. 24 82 93
McDiarmid, C. J. H. 24 82 93
McKay, D. B. 3
McKay, D. B. 3
Meyers, E. W. 18
Meyers, E. W. 18
Mezard, M. 76 94
Mezard, M. 76 94
Milman, V. D. 24
Milman, V. D. 24
Milne, S. C. 49
Milne, S. C. 49
Minimal spanning tree (MST) 97
Minimal spanning tree (MST) 97
Minimal spanning tree (MST), central limit theory 109
Minimal spanning tree (MST), central limit theory 109
Minimal spanning tree (MST), degree theorem 99
Minimal spanning tree (MST), degree theorem 99
Minimal spanning tree (MST), power-weighted edges 99
Minimal spanning tree (MST), power-weighted edges 99
Minimal-matching problem 63
Minimal-matching problem 63
Minimal-matching problem, two samples 141
Minimal-matching problem, two samples 141
Objective method 96
Objective method 96
Objective method, INDEX 159
Objective method, INDEX 159
Papadimitriou, C. 40 76
Papadimitriou, C. 40 76
Parisi, G. 76 94
Parisi, G. 76 94
Paterson, M. 3
Paterson, M. 3
Pcano, G. 44
Pcano, G. 44
Pew, L. 50
Pew, L. 50
Phillips, R. S. 25
Phillips, R. S. 25
Platzman, L. K. 43
Platzman, L. K. 43
Poissonization device 25
Poissonization device 25
Ramey, D. B. 108 109
Ramey, D. B. 108 109
Random graphs 140
Rates of convergence, loiig-commoii-subsequeiice, problem 13
Rates of convergence, loiig-commoii-subsequeiice, problem 13
Rates of convergence, MST 72
Rates of convergence, MST 72
Rates of convergence, rooted-dual method 70
Rates of convergence, rooted-dual method 70
Talagrand, M. 24 65 119 124
Talagrand, M. 24 65 119 124
Talagrand’s convex distance 120
Talagrand’s convex distance 120
Talagrand’s isoperimetric, inequality, proof 128
Talagrand’s isoperimetric, inequality, proof 128
Talagrand’s isoperimetric, theorem 120
Talagrand’s isoperimetric, theory 119
Terada, R. 41
Terada, R. 41
Traveling-salesman problem, (TSP) 27
Traveling-salesman problem, (TSP) 27
Traveling-salesman problem, Gaussian tail bound 124
TSP means 67
TSP means for the minimal matching 70
TSP means for the MST 70
TSP means for the TSP 68
TSP means, basic theorem 54
TSP means, geometric from simple 64
TSP means, Redmond, C. 68
TSP means, refinements 21
TSP means, Renyi, A. 116
TSP means, Rhee, W. T. 14 24 33 38 59 65 72 75 124
TSP means, Richardson, D. 76
TSP means, Rinnooy Kan, A. H. G. 93
TSP means, Rinnooy Kan, A. H. G. 93
TSP means, Rinnot, Y. 112
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