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Plauger P.J. — Programming on purpose III: essays on software technology |
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hypot (see Function)
I18N (see Internationalization)
IBM 14XX (see Computer)
IBM 709X (see Computer)
IBM Corporation 1 27 35 45 85 108 116 122 131 154 160 169 173 182—183
IBM Selectric (see Keyboards)
IBM System /360 (see Computer)
IBM System /370 (see Computer)
Idris (see Operating system)
IEEE 754 (see Floating-point)
image size 97 101
Implied base (see Floating-point)
In-bet weeners 104
indefinite (see Machine)
infinity (see Machine)
INTEGER (see Arithmetic)
Intel 8088 (see Computer)
Intel 80X86 (see Computer)
Intel Corporation 2—6 26 35 92
Intellectual (see Learning)
Interface, bit-mapped 86—87 91 122
Interface, graphical user 91—93
Interface, Motif 92
Interface, Presentation Manager 92
Interface, Windows 92 125—128
internationalization 173—176 182 193
Internationalization, I18N 173
ISO 10646 (see Character)
ISO 646 (see Character)
Japanese (see Language)
Journal of Object-Oriented Programming 81
Joy-stick 118—119
Kanji (see Character)
Kemighan, Brian 86—88 122 135 162—167
keyboards 76 110 116—118 124 134 173 182 188
Keyboards, dead keys 182
Keyboards, IBM Selectric 116
Keyboards, roll-over 116
Kinesthetic (see Learning)
King, Sky 107
Kitchen sink 27—30
Knobs 25—32
Knuth, Don 63 177 211
Koenig, Andy 84
Kopf, John 68 70 72 108
Langdon, Christopher G. 72
Language, American 171—173
Language, Arabic 173 188
Language, Australian 173—174 180
Language, Celtic 187
Language, Chinese 173 188 195
Language, English 171—174 182 189
Language, French 171 181 184
Language, German 171—173 183
Language, Hawaiian 173
Language, Japanese 172—173 188—189
Language, Swahili 173
Language, Swedish 182
Laplink (see Program)
Lapstrake (see Cryptography)
Lawson, C. 211
ldexp (see Function)
Learning, emotional 131
Learning, intellectual 130
Learning, kinesthetic 131
Lens aperture 94
Lesk, Mike 164 166
Letter quality (see Reproduction)
Ligature 165—166
Light pen 117—118
Line feed (see Character)
Lions, John 161
Locale 173—176 180—188 190-193
Locking shift states 188—189 192
Logarithm (see Function)
Login (see Program)
Longjxnp (see Function)
Lotus 1—2-3 (see Program)
Loudness (see Sound)
Louis XIV 25
Machine, indefinite 43
Machine, infinity 43 123
Mad Libs 69
Madonna 107 109
Maehly, H. 211
Maintenance (see Software)
markup 87 122—124 135 162—166
Massey, James L. 62 211
mbstowcs (see Function)
Mbtowe (see Function)
Mb__cur_max 191
McGee, Fibber 107
Merlin 204
Mesztenyi, C. 211
Michigan State University 67—68
Microcode 15—16
Microsoft Corporation 125—127 203 212
Microsoft LAN Manager (see Network)
Middle C 76
MIDI (see Sound)
Militant segmentism 3 6
Misaligned cursor madness 124—125
modf (see Function)
Modula-2 (see Programming language)
Modulus (see Arithmetic)
Motif (see Interface)
Motorola Inc 2 6 35
Motorola MC680X0 (see Computer)
Mouse 118—119 130—131 134
MS-DOS (see Operating system)
Multibyte (see Character)
Multiplexing (see Printer)
NaN 177—178
National Bureau of Standards (see U.S.)
National Security Agency (see U.S.)
National Semiconductor NSC32016 (see Computer)
Natural philosophy 67
NEC (see Printer)
Network 53 201—206
Network, 10BaseT 204—205
Network, Artisoft LANtastic 203—205
Network, Banyan VINES 203
Network, client 203
Network, Ethernet 204
Network, Microsoft LAN Manager 203
Network, Newton, Isaac 43 46 138 140
Network, non-local GOTO 23 43
Network, Novell NetWare 203
Network, peer-to-peer 203
Network, server 203
Normalized (see Floating-point)
Norton's Star Atlas 77
Novell Netware (see Network)
Nroff (see Program)
NUXI problem 1—3 0
Object-oriented (see Programming language)
one-time pad 55
one-way (see Function)
Ones-complement (see Arithmetic)
Operating system, Idris 3 169—170
Operating system, MS — DOS 32 88
Operating system, POSIX 172 182—183 193
Operating system, UNIX 2—3 7 32 52—55 87-92 119 122 133 151 161—162 169—172 179—182 188 192-193
Optimization (see Software)
Order of magnitude 84
Osanna, Joe 122 162—167
Overflow (see Arithmetic)
Overloading 30—31 86
Palette (see Display)
| parallel (see Computer)
Pascal (see Programming language)
Password 53—55
Peer-to-peer (see Network)
Physics 67—68 72 81 93 121
Physics Today 72
Pistol Principle 25
Pixel 93 100—105
PL/I (see Pprogramming language)
Plauger, Geoffrey 201—202
Plauger, P.J. 212
Plauger, Tana 202
Point, binary 14—15 19 141
Point, decimal 14
Polaris 77
Polynomial 48—50 143—151
Polynomial, Chebychev 48 149—150
Polynomial, economizing 48—50 143—151
Portable (see Software)
Positional encoding (see Arithmetic)
POSIX (see Operating system)
Post It notes 156
Postnormalized (see Floating-point)
PostScript (see Programming language)
PRECISION (see Floating-point)
presence (see Sound)
presentation manager (see Interface)
Preshift (see Arithmetic)
Princeton University 67 81 116 122 146 158 162
Printer, Hewlett — Packard DeskJet 201 205
Printer, multiplexing 202
Printer, NEC 125 128 201
Production quality (see Function)
Program, Adobe Type Manager 126—128
Program, Bitstream Facelift 125—128
Program, Corel Draw 102 127
Program, dc 151
Program, development system 178 201
Program, ed 133—134
Program, emacs 54
Program, eqn 166
Program, grep 188
Program, Laplink 202 205
Program, login 53—55
Program, Lotus 1—2—3 171
Program, nroff 122—123 161—167
Program, roff 122 162—164
Program, runoff 86 122—123 162
Program, tbl 166
Program, TECO 133
Program, text editor 87 123 129—135 163 175 180
Program, troff 122—123 161—167
Program, uniq 179
Program, vi 134
Program, WFNBOSS 127
Program, writing-analysis 159
Program, Xerox Ventura Publisher 102 122—128 166 201
Programming language, Ada 8 27 30—31 78 81 95 175
Programming language, Algol 68 27—31 45
Programming language, APL 163
Programming language, assembly 13 68 169 196—197
Programming language, BASIC 77
Programming language, block-structured 79 156
Programming language, C 1 6—7 13—16 23 28—37 41 54—55 76—77 81 85—88 95 141 151 156 169—193 201 212
Programming language, C++ 32 81 86
Programming language, COBOL 27 77 79
Programming language, FORTRAN 1 7 27—28 33—35 45 77 92 132 137 169
Programming language, Modula-2 81 84
Programming language, object-oriented 81 85—86
Programming language, PASCAL 1 28—32 78—79 84—86 94
Programming language, PL/I 27—28 77
Programming language, Postscript 87 92 123—128 201
Programming language, Smalltalk 85—86
Public-key (see Cryptography)
Pulitzer Prize 154
qsort (see Function)
Rabbit, Br’er 59
Railroad-track diagram 29
RANGE (see Error)
Real-time (see Software)
Refresh (see Display)
Representation, binary-coded decimal 9—10 173
Representation, fixed-point 14—15
Representation, floating-point 20 33—38 139 141 147
Representation, Gray code 10
Representation, Sterling fixed-point 27—28
Reproduction, four-color 100
Reproduction, halftone 93—95
Reproduction, letter quality 124
Resolution, angular 93—95 101—102
Resolution, spatial 93—94 101 118—119
Revelations, Book of 65
Rice, J. 211
Right shift (see Arithmetic)
RISC (see Computer)
Ritchie, Dennis 2 6—7 31 54 87 133 163 169
Rivest, R.L. 60 212
RJ45 204—205
Roff (see Program)
Roll-over (see Keyboards)
Rooney, Andy 8
Rounding digit (see Floating-point)
RSA (see Cryptography)
Runoff (see Program)
Saltus, Richard 72
Sampling 110—111
Scale factor (see Floating-point)
Scientific American 62 69—70 211
Secrecy 53—65 162 196
serif 124
server (see Network)
Set (see Character)
Set jmp (see Function)
Set-user — ID 54
Shamir, A. 60 212
Shift in (see Character)
Shift JIS (see Character)
Shift out (see Character)
shutter speed 94
Signed-exponent part (see Floating-point)
Signed-magnitude (see Arithmetic)
Signed-value part (see Floating-point)
Simmons, G. 212
Sine (see Function)
Single-key (see Cryptography)
Singularity 49 147
Skeleton 156
Smalltalk (see Programming language)
Smell (see Human)
Software tools 88
Software, debugging 4 42—43 85 178 201
Software, documenting 26 88 153—155 166 197
Software, maintenance 10 18—19 28 31 34 41 46 53 79 81 127 132—133 170 177—179 196-199
Software, optimization 2 13 32 46
Software, portable 3 19—23 33—43 51 79 92 116 120 132 145 164 169—176 202
Software, real-time 88 108
Software, user friendly 87—88
Software, validation 78
Solid angle 102—105
Sortb (see Program)
Sorting 177—184 197 211
Sorting, dictionary 174 182—183 186
Sound, aliasing 110—111
Sound, compact disk 109 111—113
Sound, compression 96 112
Sound, loudness 108—111
Sound, MIDI 112
Sound, presence 111
Spatial (see Resolution)
Square root (see Function)
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