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Murota K. — Discrete convex analysis |
Предметный указатель |
-convex set 128
-convex function 8 23 178
-convex function, integral polyhedral 192
-convex function, polyhedral 192
-convex function, quadratic 48 52 182
-convex polyhedron 129 131
-convex set 121 128
-convex function 229
-convex set 129
-optimality criterion 232
-proximity theorem 232
-convex function 229
-convex set 117
-convex function 8 27 134
-convex function, integral polyhedral 162
-convex function, polyhedral 161
-convex function, quadratic 48 52 139
-convex polyhedron 117 118
-convex set 102 117
-convex function 226
-optimality criterion 227 228
-proximity theorem 228
-convex function 226
-convex set 116
Accurate number 347
Active triple 297
Acyclic 107
Admissible potential 122
Affine hull 78
Agent 324
Aggregate cost function 335
Aggregation, by network transformation 272
Aggregation, of function to subset 143 162
Algebraically independent 354
Algorithm, competitive equilibrium 344
Algorithm, conjugate scaling 320
Algorithm, cycle-canceling 313
Algorithm, domain reduction 284
Algorithm, domain reduction scaling 287
Algorithm, fully combinatorial 290
Algorithm, greedy 3 108
Algorithm, IFF fixing 300
Algorithm, IFF scaling 299
Algorithm, L-convex function minimization 305 306 308
Algorithm, M-convex function minimization 281 283 284 287
Algorithm, primal-dual 315
Algorithm, pseudopolynomial 288
Algorithm, Schrijver's 293
Algorithm, steepest descent 281 305 306
Algorithm, steepest descent scaling 283 308
Algorithm, strongly polynomial 288
Algorithm, submodular function minimization 293 299 300
Algorithm, successive shortest path 312
Algorithm, two-stage 310
Algorithm, weakly polynomial 288
ARC 52
Arc, entering 53
Arc, leaving 52
Augmenting path 60 273 274
Augmenting path, 297
Auxiliary network 252 263
Base 105
Base family, matrix 69
Base family, matroid 70
Base family, valuated matroid 72
Base polyhedron 18 105
Base polyhedron, integral 18
Base, extreme 105
Base, matrix 69
Base, matroid 70
Biconjugate function 82
Biconjugate function, integer 212
Bipartite graph 89
Bipartite matching 89
BirkhofF's representation theorem 292
Boolean lattice 104
Boundary 53
Branch 52
Budget set 324
Certificate of optimality 12
Chain 88
Characteristic curve 54 251
Characteristic curve, discrete 57
Characteristic vector 16
Chemical process 349
Choquet integral 16 104
Closed convex function 79
Closed convex hull 78
Closed interval 77
Closure, concave function 216
Closure, convex function 93
Closure, convex set 78
Coboundary 53 248
Coboundary, another convention 253
Cocontent 55
Combinatorial optimization 3
Commodity, divisible 327
Commodity, indivisible 323
Compartmental matrix 43
Competitive economy 324
Competitive equilibrium 325
Complementarity 88
Complements 62
Concave closure 216
Concave conjugate 11 81
Concave conjugate, discrete 212
Concave extensible 93
Concave extension 93
Concave function 9 78
Concave function, quasi-separable 334
Concave function, separable 333
Cone, conductance 41
Cone, cone 78
Cone, convex 78
Cone, L-convex 131
Cone, M-convex 119
Cone, polar 82
Conformal decomposition 64
Conjugacy theorem, closed proper M-/L-convex 210
Conjugacy theorem, discrete M-/L-convex 30 212
Conjugacy theorem, in convex analysis 11 82
Conjugacy theorem, polyhedral M-/L-convex 209
Conjugate function, concave 81 212
Conjugate function, convex 81 212
Conjugate scaling 319
Conjugate scaling algorithm 320
Conservation law 54
Constitutive equation 54 349
Constraint 1
Consumer 323
consumption 323
Content 55
Contraction, normal 45
Contraction, unit 45
Convex closure, function 93
Convex closure, set 78
Convex combination 78
Convex cone 78
Convex conjugate 10 81
Convex conjugate, discrete 212
Convex extensible 93
Convex extension 93
Convex extension, local 93
Convex function 2 9 77
Convex function, closed 79
Convex function, dual-integral polyhedral 161
Convex function, integral polyhedral 161
Convex function, laminar 141
Convex function, polyhedral 80
Convex function, positively homogeneous 82
| Convex function, proper 77
Convex function, quadratic 40
Convex function, quasi 168
Convex function, quasi-separable 140
Convex function, separable 10 95 140 182
Convex function, strictly 77
Convex function, univariate 10
Convex hull 78
Convex hull, closed 78
Convex polyhedron 78
Convex program 2
Convex program, M- 235
Convex set 2 78
Convexity, discrete midpoint 23 129 180
Convexity, function 77
Convexity, in intersection 92
Convexity, in Minkowski sum 92
Convexity, midpoint 9
Convexity, quasi 168
Convexity, set 78
Convolution, by network transformation 272
Convolution, infimal 80
Convolution, integer infimal 143
Cost function, aggregate 335
Cost function, flow 53 246 255 256
Cost function, flow boundary 256
Cost function, producer's 324
Cost function, reduced 249
Cost function, tension 53
Current 41 53
Current potential 55
Cut capacity function 247
Cycle, negative 122 252 263
Cycle, simple 62
Cycle-canceling algorithm 313
Decreasing marginal return 330
Demand, correspondence 325
Demand, set 325
Descent direction 147
Diagonal dominance 41
Directed graph 52 88
Directional derivative 80
Dirichlet form 45
Discrete Legendre — Fenchel transformation 13 212
Discrete midpoint convexity, function 23 180
Discrete midpoint convexity, set 129
Discrete separation theorem, generic form 13 216
Discrete separation theorem, L-convex function 218
Discrete separation theorem, L-convex set 36 126
Discrete separation theorem, M-convex function 217
Discrete separation theorem, M-convex set 36 114
Discrete separation theorem, submodular function 17 111
Discrete separation theorem, submodular function (as special case of L-separation) 33 224
Discreteness, in direction 10
Discreteness, in value 13
Distance function 122
Distributive lattice 292
Distributive law 292
Divisible commodity 327
Domain reduction algorithm 284
Domain reduction scaling algorithm 287
Dual integrality, intersection theorem 20 114
Dual integrality, linear programming 89
Dual integrality, minimum cost flow problem 252
Dual integrality, polyhedral convex function 161
Dual integrality, polyhedral L-convex function 191
Dual integrality, polyhedral M-convex function 161
Dual integrality, submodular flow problem 261
Dual linear program 87
Dual problem 87
Dual variable 53
Dual-integral polyhedral, convex function 161
Dual-integral polyhedral, L-convex function 191
Dual-integral polyhedral, M-convex function 161
Duality 2 11
Duality, Edmonds's intersection theorem 20
Duality, Fenchel 85
Duality, Fenchel-type 222 225
Duality, L-separation 218
Duality, linear programming 87
Duality, M-separation 217
Duality, matroid intersection 225
Duality, separation for convex functions 84
Duality, separation for convex sets 35 83
Duality, separation for L-convex functions 218
Duality, separation for M-convex functions 217
Duality, separation for submodular functions 17 111
Duality, strong 87
Duality, valuated matroid intersection 225
Duality, weak 87
Duality, weight splitting 34 225
Dynamical degree 352
Economy of Arrow — Debreu type 323
Edmonds's intersection theorem 3 20 112
Edmonds's intersection theorem, (as special case of Fenchel-type duality) 34 224
Effective domain, function over 9 21 77
Effective domain, function over 21
Effective domain, set function 103
Electrical network 41 43 348
Electrical network, multiterminal 53
Elementary vector 64
Entering arc 53
Epigraph 79
Equilibrium, competitive 325
Equilibrium, economy 325
Equilibrium, electrical network 55
Exchange axiom, 118
Exchange axiom, 118
Exchange axiom, 102
Exchange axiom, 103
Exchange axiom, 103
Exchange axiom, 118
Exchange axiom, 117
Exchange axiom, 137
Exchange axiom, 135
Exchange axiom, -convex function 27 134
Exchange axiom, -convex polyhedron 118
Exchange axiom, -convex set 117
Exchange axiom, ( -EXC'[R]) 162
Exchange axiom, ( -EXC'[Z]) 134
Exchange axiom, ( -EXC[R]) 29 47 162
Exchange axiom, ( -EXC[Z]) 27 134
Exchange axiom, ( -{EXC}^{+}[R]) 48
Exchange axiom, (- -EXC[Z]) 330
Exchange axiom, (B-EXC[Z]) 18 101
Exchange axiom, (M-EXC'[R]) 160
Exchange axiom, (M-EXC'[Z]) 26 133
Exchange axiom, (M-EXC[R]) 29 56 160
Exchange axiom, (M-EXC[Z]) 26 58 133
Exchange axiom, local 135
Exchange axiom, M-convex function 26 58 133
Exchange axiom, M-convex polyhedron 118
Exchange axiom, M-convex set 18 101
Exchange axiom, matroid 69
Exchange axiom, multiple 333
Exchange axiom, polyhedral -convex function 29 47 162
Exchange axiom, polyhedral M-convex function 29 56 160
Exchange axiom, simultaneous 69
Exchange axiom, weak 137
Exchange capacity 284 312
Exchange economy 327
Extension, concave 93
Extension, convex 93
Extension, distance function 165
Extension, local convex 93
Extension, Lovasz 16 104 111
Extension, partial order 108
Extension, set function 16 104
Extreme base 105
Farkas lemma 50 87
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