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Zwiebach B. — A First Course in String Theory
Zwiebach B. — A First Course in String Theory

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Название: A First Course in String Theory

Автор: Zwiebach B.


An accessible and pedagogical introduction to the subject, this book provides a detailed and self-contained exposition of the main concepts of string theory. The first part deals with the basic concepts, reviewing special relativity and electromagnetism while introducing the concept of extra dimensions. D-branes and the classical dynamics of relativistic strings are discussed next, and the quantization of open and closed bosonic strings in the light-cone gauge, along with a brief introduction to superstrings. The second part begins with a detailed study of D-branes followed by string thermodynamics. It discusses possible physical applications, and covers T-duality of open and closed strings, electromagnetic fields on D-branes, Born-Infeld electrodynamics, covariant string quantization and string interactions. Primarily aimed as a textbook for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate courses, it will also be ideal for a wide range of scientists and mathematicians who are curious about string theory.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Квантовая теория поля/Теория струн/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 558

Добавлена в каталог: 11.10.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Partitions of N, q(N)      361 382
Photon states from covariant open-string      470—471 479
Photon states from light-cone open string      235—236
Photon states from Maxwell field      180
Physical state, covariant quantization, defined      468
Physical state, covariant quantization, gravitons      480
Physical state, covariant quantization, photons      471
Physical state, covariant quantization, tachyons      469
Physical state, light-cone quantization, open string      234
Physical state, light-cone quantization, point panicle      194—195
Planck, constant      32
Planck, energy      55
Planck, length in arbitrary dimension      57
Planck, length, mass, time      54
Point particle, action if charged      87
Point particle, coupled to dynamical electromagnetic field      88
Point particle, covariant quantization      477
Point particle, free action      80
Point particle, free equation of motion      85
Point particle, free motion in curved space      89
Point particle, Hamiltonian, when charged      88
Point particle, Heisenberg operators      191
Point particle, Lagrangian when free      81
Point particle, light-cone Lorentz generators      200—203
Point particle, light-cone momentum generators      197—200
Point particle, quantum states      194
Point particle, reparameterization symmetry      204
Point particle, Schrodinger equation      195
Point particle, Schrodinger operators      191
Primary      see “Virasoro primary”
Proper time      25
Proper time, as action      79—81
Puncture      491
Pure gauge, defined      179
Pure gauge, gravity field      184
Pure gauge, Maxwell field      180
Pure gauge, states      467
Quantum field theory, gravity field      180—183
Quantum field theory, Kalb — Ramond field      184—185
Quantum field theory, massive vector field      185
Quantum field theory, Maxwell field      177—180
Quantum field theory, scalar field      172—177
Ramond fermions      263—265
Ramond — Ramond, couplings to D-branes      321
Ramond — Ramond, fields in closed superstrings      267
Reparameterization, exercise for particle      87
Reparameterization, generated by Virasoro      227—228 244 256
Reparameterization, invariance for particle      82—83 204
Reparameterization, invariance of area      93—96
Reparameterization, invariance of Kalb — Ramond coupling      346
Riemann surface, defined      489
Riemann surface, moduli space $\mathcal{M}_{0,3}$      505
Riemann surface, moduli space $\mathcal{M}_{0,4}$      501—502 533
Riemann surface, moduli space $\mathcal{M}_{1,0}$      541
Riemann surface, moduli space $\mathcal{N}_{3}$      505
Riemann surface, moduli space $\mathcal{N}_{4}$      505—506
Riemann surface, moduli space of annuli      521
Riemann surface, points approaching each other      516
Riemann surface, the annulus      520—521
Riemann surface, the complex plane $\mathds{C}$      488
Riemann surface, the sphere $\mathds{\hat{C}}$      498—499
Riemann surface, the torus      534—539
Riemann surface, the upper half-plane $\mathbb{H}$      488
Riemann surface, the upper half-plane $\mathbb{\bar{H}}$ (bordered)      488
Rotating open string, detailed analysis      125—127
Rotating open string, further study      128
Rotating open string, in light-cone gauge      164
Scalar field, action principle      167—169
Scalar field, degrees of freedom      171
Scalar field, free equation of motion      169
Scalar field, free Hamiltonian      168
Scalar field, light-cone field equation      171
Scalar field, plane wave solutions      169—171
Scalar field, quantum theory      172—177
Schwarz — Christoffel map for four open strings      506—510
Schwarz — Christoffel map for three open strings      494—497
Schwarz — Christoffel map, closing off the polygon      517
Schwarz — Christoffel map, in general      492—494
Schwarz — Christoffel map, turning angle      492
Sectors for open strings between D-branes      283
Sectors for type II superstrings      266—267
Sectors Ramond and Neveu — Schwarz      263
Self-dual radius      401
Shapiro — Virasoro amplitude      544
Slope parameter $\alpha'$, defined      145
Slope parameter $\alpha'$, related to string length      146
Slope parameter $\alpha'$, related to string tension      145
Spacelike, separated events      15
Spacelike, vector      20
Spatial surface      90 109
Sphere, arbitrary dimension      46
Sphere, volume      48
Standard Model, first described      5
Standard Model, gauge group      323—328
Standard Model, matter content      328—337
Standard Model, string model      337—344 349—350
State space, closed string no compactification      256—260
State space, closed string with compactification      397—401
State space, Lorentz covariant      468—471
State space, open string, between Dp- and Dq-branes      294—295
State space, open string, Dp-brane      280—282
State space, open string, parallel Dp-branes      285—288
State space, open string, space-filling D-brane      231—236
Static gauge, defined      105
Static gauge, string action in      111
String bit      371 384—385
String charge, $\vec{Q}$      310 347
String charge, behaving as Maxwell current      313—314
String charge, carried by electric field      320—321
String charge, density $\vec{j}^{0}$      310—312
String coordinate      96
String coupling, and Newton's constant      260
String coupling, change under T-duality      423
String coupling, related to the dilaton      260—262
String endpoints, are charged      319
String endpoints, covariant analysis of motion      114
String endpoints, exercises on free motion      127
String endpoints, free motion      111—113
String endpoints, motion attached to D-branes      114
string length      13
String length, related to $\alpha'$      146
String length, self-dual radius      401
String number $\mathcal{N}$      314
String orientation      311
String spatial surface      109
String tension, effective      120
String tension, nonrelativistic string      65
String tension, relativistic string      100 108
Supergravity      374 381
Superstrings, charged D-branes      322
Superstrings, closed superstrings      266—267
Superstrings, heterotic      267
Superstrings, introduction to      262—268
Superstrings, NS sector      263—265
Superstrings, R sector      263—265
Superstrings, spectrum truncation      265
Superstrings, type I      268
Supersymmetry      6 342 373 378
Symmetry      see “Lagrangian symmetry”
T-duality, as torus duality      386
T-duality, closed strings as $X_{R} \rightarrow -X_{R}$      405
T-duality, closed strings from spectrum coincidence      402—403
T-duality, effect on string coupling      422 423
T-duality, open string, derivation      412—413
T-duality, open string, effect on D-branes      413
T-duality, open string, invariance of Hamiltonian      423
T-duality, open string, motivated      410—411
T-duality, open string, of DN coordinate      423
Tachyon, scattering amplitude      514
Tachyon, states in closed string      257
Tachyon, states in open string      235
Tachyon, tachyon potential      241 246
Timelike, separated events      14
Timelike, vector      20
Transverse oscillation, defined      65
Transverse oscillation, frequencies      69
Transverse oscillation, wave equation      67
t’Hooft coupling      381
Ultraviolet divergences      518—519
Units, basic      12—13
Units, Heaviside — Lorentz      40
Units, natural      151
Units, Planckian      54
Units, SI system      12—13
Unoriented, closed strings      269
Unoriented, open strings      245
Unoriented, type I theory      268
Virasoro algebra as a Lie algebra      243
Virasoro algebra, consistency of central extension      244
Virasoro algebra, subalgebra      244
Virasoro algebra, with central extension      227
Virasoro algebra, without central extension      223
Virasoro, descendent      466—467 478
Virasoro, operators, covariant closed strings      471—472
Virasoro, operators, covariant open strings      462
Virasoro, operators, light-cone closed strings      253—254
Virasoro, operators, light-cone open strings      219—228
Virasoro, operators, ordering of $L_{0}^{\perp}$      219—221
Virasoro, primary      466 478
Virasoro, transverse modes      162
Weyl transformation      476
Wilson line, defined      418
Wilson line, effect on particle spectrum      419
Wilson line, holonomy      see “Holonomy”
Wilson line, with constant $A_x$      419
Winding, closed strings      388—391
Winding, defined      391
Winding, number      391
Winding, string charge      407
Witt algebra      223
World-line      14 79 97
World-sheet, class of parameterizations      155
World-sheet, current $\mathcal{P}_{\mu}$      137—139
World-sheet, defined      90
World-sheet, fermion      262
World-sheet, momentum      256
Yang — Mills, U(1) theory      288
Yang — Mills, U(3) versus SU(3)      323—327
Yang — Mills, U(N) gauge fields      288
Zeta function, analytic continuation      243
Zeta function, defined      221
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