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Ohanian H.C. — Classical Electrodynamics
Ohanian H.C. — Classical Electrodynamics

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Название: Classical Electrodynamics

Автор: Ohanian H.C.


It is suitable as a reference for practicing physicists and engineers and it provides a basis for further study in classical and quantum electrodynamics, telecommunications, radiation, antennas, astrophysics, etc. The book can be used in standard courses in electrodynamics, electromagnetic theory, and lasers.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: Second edition

Год издания: 1988

Количество страниц: 566

Добавлена в каталог: 18.10.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$g$ factor      338
$Q$ of resonant cavity      473
$\mathbf{E}\times\mathbf{B}$ drift      280
$\mathbf{H}$ field      345 378
Aberration      370
Absolute future      173
Absolute length      155 169
Absolute past      173
Absolute time      155 169
Acceleration of charge, and radiation      411
Action-at-a-distance      45
Action-by-contact      45
Action-reaction      204
Action-reaction, for closed loops      282
Adanced potential      413
Addition law for velocity, Galilean      157 176
Addition law for velocity, relativistic      176
ALL      429 430
Alternating tensor      5 12 16 222
Alv$\ddot{a}$ger, T.      176
Amp$\grave{e}$re’s law      255 263 264 270
Ampere      528
Amplitude, scattering      494
Angular frequency of wave      363
Angular momentum in wave      367 373
Angular momentum in wave, in circularly polarized wave      376
Angular momentum, quantization      289
Anomalous dispersion      384
Antenna, array      445
Antenna, half-wave      441
Antenna, image      443
Antenna, power      445
Antenna, Poynting vector      444
Antenna, radiation pattern      444
Anticommutative law      5
Antisymmetric tensor      11 203 234
Aperture, rectangular      505
Approach to equilibrium in conductor      262 401
Arecibo radio telescope      521
Atom, radiation by      56 445 450 453 459
atomic clocks      182
Atomic structure      55
Attenuation distance of wave      396 399
Attenuation distance of wave, in waveguide      487
Average kinetic energy      140
Average macroscopic field      110 140 141
Average potential energy      140
Axes, rotation of      5
Ayres, D. S.      184
Babinet’s principle      502 507 517
Back-emf      312
Bailey, J.      184
Basis vectors for wave      364
Beaming of radiation      426 427 429 430
Beams, colliding      216
Bean, C. P.      410
Bessel function      86 510
Bessel’s equation      86
Betatron      305
big bang      290
Biot - Savart’s law      255 266 282
Blackout      409
Bland, G. F      162
Bleakney’s theorem      295
Blue color of sky      492
Boost      199
Bound charge      105 108 377
Boundary condition, Dirichlet      71 260
Boundary condition, for $\mathbf{D}$ field      114
Boundary condition, for current in conductor      260
Boundary condition, for electric field      73 113
Boundary condition, for magnetic field      350
Boundary condition, for potential      71
Boundary condition, for wave      388
Boundary condition, in cavity in dielectric      115
Boundary condition, in dielectric waveguide      483
Boundary condition, in resonant cavity      465
Boundary condition, in waveguide      477
Boundary condition, Neumann      71 260
Boundary-value problem      70 71 112
Boundary-value problem, Dirichlet and Neumann      71 260
Boundary-value problem, for current in conductor      260
Boundary-value problem, for resonant cavity      465
Boundary-value problem, for waveguide      477
Boundary-value problem, magnetic      348
Boundary-value problem, scattering      488
Bremsstrahlung      435
Brewster angle      391
Bright spot, Poisson’s      517
Brillet, A.      161
C.M. energy      214 215
C.M. frame      213
Cage, Faraday      82
Calculus, vector      1
Capacitance      145
Capacitance, coefficients      147
Capacitance, units      145 146
Capacitor      145
Capacitor, energy      149
Capacitor, parallel-plate      146
Cartesian coordinates      2 17
Causal connection      173
Cavity in dielectric      115
Cavity, resonant      463
Cavity, resonant, $Q$      473
Cavity, resonant, boundary conditions      465
Cavity, resonant, cylindrical      466
Cavity, resonant, eigenfrequency      471 472
Cavity, resonant, eigenvalue equation      464 468
Cavity, resonant, eigenvalue problem      463
Cavity, resonant, electric and magnetic fields      468
Cavity, resonant, electromagnetic      463
Cavity, resonant, energy dissipation      472
Cavity, resonant, Maxwell’s equations      467
Cavity, resonant, modes      470 471
Cavity, resonant, oscillator      463
Cavity, resonant, rectangular      468
Cavity, resonant, ring-down time      474
Cavity, resonant, superconducting      474
Cavity, resonant, TE mode      469 472
Cavity, resonant, TM mode      469-472
Cedarholm, J. P.      162
Center-of-momentum energy      214 215
Center-of-momentum frame      213
CGS electromagnetic units      39
CGS electrostatic units      31 39 527
CGS electrostatic units, capacitance      145 146 528
CGS electrostatic units, charge      31 39 40 528
CGS electrostatic units, charge density      31 528
CGS electrostatic units, conductivity      258 528
CGS electrostatic units, conversion to SI      528-530
CGS electrostatic units, current      31 528
CGS electrostatic units, current density      31 528
CGS electrostatic units, dipole moment      528
CGS electrostatic units, electric field      44 54 528
CGS electrostatic units, inductance      311 528
CGS electrostatic units, magnetic field      237 528
CGS electrostatic units, magnetic flux      528
CGS electrostatic units, magnetic moment      528
CGS electrostatic units, magnetization      528
CGS electrostatic units, potential      54 528
CGS electrostatic units, resistance      259 528
CGS electrostatic units, resistivity      258 528
CGS Gaussian units      39 (see also CGS electrostatic units)
Champeney, D. C.      163 164
Charge bound      105 377
Charge conservation      32 220 230
Charge density      31
Charge density, Lorentz transformation      219 228
Charge density, polarization      108 218
Charge density, units      31 528
Charge distribution, electric field of      47
Charge quantization      40 287 289 298
Charge, electric      31 38
Charge, equation of motion      243 276
Charge, free      112 377
Charge, magnetic      256 284
Charge, units      31 39 40 528
Charged body, force on      144 145
Charged body, potential energy in field      144
Charged body, torque on      145
Cherenkov cone      432
Cherenkov counters      434
Cherenkov effect      432
Cherenkov radiation      432
Circular aperture, diffraction      509 510
circular polarization      366
Circular ring, magnetic field      269
Circularly polarized wave      366 376
Clausius - Mossotti equation      127
Clock, atomic      182
Clock, geometrodynamic      190
Clock, light      193
clock, synchronization      164
Clock, Time dilation      178 179 371
Coaxial cable      303 314 356 474
Coaxial cable, TEM mode      475
Coaxial transmission line      356
Codata      526
Coefficients of capacitance      147
Coefficients of inductance      311
Coefficients of potential      148
Coherent radiation      496
Coherent scattering      492
Colliding beams      216
Collision, conservation of momentum      204
Column vector      2
Combination of velocities, Galilean      157 176
Combination of velocities, relativistic      176
Complementary plate      501
Complete set of functions      78 91
Complex index of refraction      396
Components, contravariant and covariant      199 202
Components, position vector      2 197
Compression of field lines      239
Condenser      145
Condition, Dirac      289
Conducting cylinder      83
Conducting medium and wave propagation      396
Conducting sphere      94
Conducting spherical shell      92
Conductivity      258
Conductivity, plasma      400
Conductivity, units      258 528
Conductor      72 258 259 260
Conductor, approach to equilibrium      262 401
Conductor, boundary-value problem      260
Conductor, cavity in      75
Conductor, charges on      75
Conductor, electric field in      76 259
Conductor, relaxation time      263 402
Cone, light      173
Conservation, charge      32 220 230
Conservation, energy      209
Conservation, energy-momentum      209
Conservation, momentum      203 204 209
Conservative field      28
Constants, changes in      33
Constants, fundamental      523-526
Contact forces      204
Contact potential      72
Continuity equation      32 218 220 230 260
Contraction of length      186 187
Contravariant components      199 202
Coordinate system vs. reference frame      154
Coordinates, Cartesian      2
Coordinates, cylindrical      17
Coordinates, rectangular      2 154
Coordinates, spacetime      197
Coordinates, spherical      21
Cornu spiral      513 514
Cosmic-ray, motion of      276
Coulomb      31 40 528
Coulomb potential      138
Coulomb’s law      39
Coulomb’s law, experimental tests      42
Covariant components      199 202
Cranshaw, T. E.      163
Cross product      4
Cross section      490
Cross section, differential      490
Cross section, Klein Nishina      491
Cross section, scattering      490 495
Cross section, Thomson      491
Cross section, total      495
Crossed fields      278
Curie temperature      348
Curl      16 25 36
Current density      31 218
Current density, in conductor      259 260
Current density, Lorentz transformation      219 228
Current density, units      31 528
Current four-vector      218 219
Current four-vector, Lorentz transformation      219
Current loop, force and torque on      281-283 334-336
Current loop, magnetic moment      274 282 333
Current, electric      259
Current, magnetic      284
Current, magnetization      343 344 377
Current, polarization      377
Current, units      31 528
Cutoff frequency      478 485
Cycloid      280
Cycloidal motion      280
Cyclotron frequency      277
Cylinder, conducting      83
Cylindrical coordinates      17
Cylindrical resonant cavity      466
Damping of fields near conductor      403
Damping time      474
Decay distance      396 399
Decay of electron      33
Decay of neutron      33
Degree of polarization      408
Del operator      14
Delta function      36
Density of energy      135 249 250
Density, fluctuations in gas      493
Density, of force      244 245
Density, of momentum      248 250
Diamagnet      333 341 346
Dielectric      105
Dielectric, boundary conditions      113
Dielectric, cavity in      115
Dielectric, constant      112 113 122 124
Dielectric, energy in      139 140
Dielectric, isotropic      111 140
Dielectric, linear      111 139
Dielectric, local field in      124 126
Dielectric, microscopic structure of      121 122
Dielectric, nonlinear      46
Dielectric, polarization charge density in      108 109 111 121
Dielectric, slab waveguide      481
Dielectric, sphere      116
Dielectric, surface charge on      73 121
Dielectric, waveguide      481
Differential equation, partial vs. ordinary      79
Differential operator      14 16 216
Differential scattering cross section      490
Diffraction      488
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