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Steiglitz K. — A Digital Signal Processing Primer: With Applications to Digital Audio and Computer Music |
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"Big-oh" notation 156
"Night Traffic" (by Paul Lansky) 121
"Now and Then" (by Paul Lansky) 121
"Sound of Two Hands" (by Paul Lansky) 121
"Still Life with Piano" (by F. White) 306 307
A-to-d conversion see "Analog-to-digital conversion"
Acoustic guitar, note of 107
Additive synthesis 142 146
Aliasing 44—50 224—225
Aliasing of phasor 44—48
Aliasing of square wave 48—50
Allpass filter 113—119 294
Allpass filter, design of 116—119
AM see "Amplitude modulation"
Amplitude modulation (AM) 295—297
Analog filter 56
Analog filter, relation to digital 274—278
Analog-to-digital (a-to-d) conversion 43
Analog-to-digital (a-to-d) conversion, oversampled 286
Angell, J.B. 96 99
Angle of complex number 10
Apodization 215
Arfib, D. 58
ARG of complex number 10
Argument of complex number 10
Asymptotic speed 156
Asymptotic speed of DFT 156
Asymptotic speed of FFT 164
Asymptotic speed of merge sort 159
Audio microscope 305—306
Backus, J. 58
Bandstop filter 67
Bandwidth 87—88
Bartlett window 216
Baseband 47
Basis 126
Basis for DFT 152
Basis for Fourier series 129
Basis for z-transform 175
Basis, orthogonal 127
Beat frequency 14—17
Beauchamp, J. 58
Bell, A.G. 52
Benade, A.H. 58
Bessel function 299
Bessel, F.W. 299
Bilinear transformation 275—278 282
Bird call 211 215
Bit-reversal, for FFT 166
Bit-reversed ordering 165
Blackman window 216
Burrus, C.S. 170 261 282
Butterworth filter 264—271
Butterworth, S. 281
Buzz signal, continuous-time 139—140
Buzz signal, digital 140—142
Buzz signal, variable-frequency 144—145
Capacity of CD 285
Carslaw, H.S. 145
Cascade connection of filters 70 97 279
CD see "Compact disc"
Central lobe, of window 203
Chebyshev filter 277
Chebyshev, P.L. 60 258
Chowning, J. 306
Circular array 258—260
Circular domain 149—151 153—155 220
Clang tone 18
Closed-form design of filters 242
Comb filter 101 —104 291
Compact disc (CD) 285—289
Compact disc (CD), capacity of 285
Compact disc (CD), sampling frequency of 285
companding 54—56
Complex number 8—11
Complex number, angle of 10
Complex number, ARG of 10
Complex number, argument of 10
Complex number, conjugate 12
Complex number, magnitude of 10
Conjugate of complex number 12
Convolution 186—187 221—224
Convolution in frequency domain 210
Cook, P.R. 104 120
Cooley, J.W. 164 170 171
Cps (cycles per sec) 27
Crochiere, R.E. 307
D-to-a conversion see "Digital-to-analog conversion"
Dantzig, G.B. 260
DB see "Decibel"
DC (direct current), as zero frequency 8 79 180 181
Decibel (dB) 39 52
Decimation 307
Deczky, A.G. 281
Delay as operator 69—71
Delay of a phasor 61
Delay, phase 116
Delta function 136 145
Derivative of a rotating vector 8
Derivative, partial 21
Design of filters 241—243
Design of filters, allpass 116—119
Design of filters, closed-form 242
Design of filters, equiripple 251
Design of filters, feedback 263—284
Design of filters, feedforward 241—262
Design of filters, iterative 242
Design of filters, length estimate for feedforward 253
Design of filters, notch 254—255
Design of filters, plucked-string 119—120
Design of filters, reson 90—92
Design of filters, reverb 290—295
Design of filters, specification of 246—247
DFT see "Discrete Fourier Transform"
Difference equation 93
Digitai-to-analog (d-to-a) conversion 226—228
Digitai-to-analog (d-to-a) conversion in CD player 286
Digitai-to-analog (d-to-a) conversion, oversampled 286
Digital filter 56 65—66
Dirac, P.A.M. 145
Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) 149—155
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), asymptotic speed of 156
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), basis for 152
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), domain 153—155
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), forward 152
Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), inverse 152 167—168
Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), matrix 152
Discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT) 177 221
Distortion, nonlinear 121
Distortion, phase 77
Distributive law 126
Divide-and-conquer algorithm 157—161
Dolan, M.T. 282
Dolph — Chebyshev window 215 258 260
Dolph, C.L. 257 260
Down-conversion 286
DTFT see "Discrete-Time Fourier Transform"
Dynamic range 53—54
Elliot, L. 215
Elliptic filter 277
Envelope 17
Equiripple design of filters 251
Euler's formula 11—13
Euler, L. 12
Fast Fourier transform (FFT) 149 162—167
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), asymptotic speed of 164
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), decimation-in-time algorithm for 162—164
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), programming 164—167
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), use of 197—217
Feedback filter 81—100
| Feedback filter, design of 263—284
Feedback filter, implementation of 278—279
Feedback, in rock guitar 121
Feedforward filter 61—80 241—262
Feedforward filter, design of 241—262
Feedforward filter, form of 243—245
Feedforward filter, implementation of 258—260
Feedforward filter, length estimate for 253
Feedforward filter, programming 258—260
Feedforward filter, resolution of 252
Fettweis, A. 121 122
FFT see "Fast Fourier Transform"
Fibonacci, L. 195
Filter 55
Filter bank 302—304
Filter, allpass 113—119 294
Filter, analog 56
Filter, Bandstop 67
Filter, bank of 302—304
Filter, Butterworth 264—271
Filter, Chebyshev 277
Filter, choice of 280—281
Filter, comb 101—104 291
Filter, design see "Design of filters"
Filter, digital 56 65—66
Filter, elliptic 96—97 211
Filter, feedback 81—100 263—284
Filter, feedforward 61—80 241—262
Filter, FIR 79 99 261
Filter, half-band 246
Filter, IIR 99 100 282
Filter, inverse comb 77—78
Filter, lowpass comb 292
Filter, notch 254—255
Filter, plucked-string 106—123
Filter, poles of 83
Filter, quarter-band 287
Filter, reson 89—96
Filter, reverb 290—295
Filter, stability of 82 83—86
Filter, transfer function 70
Filter, tunable 295—297
Filter, zeros of 72
Finite impulse response (FIR) filter 79 99 261
FIR see "Finite impulse response filter"
Flanagan, J.L. 307
Flowgraph, signal 62
FM see "Frequency modulation"
Formant synthesis 146
Fourier series 31 38—39 57 128—139
Fourier series of square wave 48 130—133
Fourier series of triangle wave 133—134
Fourier series, basis for 129
Fourier transform 125 126 173—175 219—222 274—275
Fourier, J.B.J. 31
frequency 4 27
Frequency content, via DFT 152
Frequency content, via z-transform 176
Frequency modulation (FM) 298—301
Frequency modulation (FM), synthesis 298—301
Frequency response 63
Frequency, beat 14—17
Frequency, fundamental 125
Frequency, instantaneous 17
Frequency, Nyquist 46
Frequency, radian 27
Frequency, sampling 44
Frequency, units in digital case 65—66
fundamental frequency 125
Gauss, C.F. 170
Gibbs phenomenon 145
Gibbs, J.W. 145
Goedhart, D. 306
Gold, B. 170 261 282
Golden, R.M. 307
Guitar, note of acoustic 107
Guitar, rock 121
Half-band filter 246
Half-band filter, design of 247—249
Hamming window 206—209
Hamming, R.W. 206
Hann window 216
Harmonic motion 4
Harmonics of waveform 38—39 125
Heideman, M.T. 170
Heisenberg, W. 234
Helmholtz, H.L.F. 18
Helms, H.D. 260
Herrmann, O. 282
Hertz (unit of frequency) 27
Hertz, H.R. 27
Heterodyning 204 295—297 303—304 308
HomeBrew (by Paul Lansky) 121
IIR filter see "Infinite impulse response filter"
Imaging 229
Implementation of feedback filter 278—279
Implementation of feedforward filter 258—260
Implementation of FFT 164—167
In-place algorithm, for FFT 164
Infinite impulse response (IIR) filter 99 100 282
Inner product 126
Instantaneous envelope 17
Instantaneous frequency 17
Instantaneous nonlinearity 55
Interpolation 307
Inverse comb filter 77—78
Inverse DFT 152 167—168
Inverse z-transform 187 —90
Iterative design 242
Iterative design of feedback filters 263—264
Iterative design of feedforward filters 241—262
Jacquinot, P. 215
Jaffe, D.A. 119 121 122 123
Jayant, N.S. 58
Johnson, D.H. 170
Kaiser window 215 261
Kaiser, J.F. 79 215 253 261 280 282
Karplus, K. 107 120 121 122 123
l'Hopital's rule 216 232 239
Lamb, H. 41
Lansky, P. 1 121
Laplace transform 275 283
LeBraun, M. 58
Length estimate, for feedforward filter 253
Lewis, P.A.W. 164 170 171
Linear phase 77
Linear programming 67 247—249
Lissajous figures 14
Lissajous, J.A. 14
Lowpass comb filter 292
Lowpass/highpass transformation 272—274
Lucas, G. 14
Magnitude of complex number 10
Magnitude response 63
Margenau, H. 146
Marquis de L'Hopital 216
McClellan, J.H. 79
Merge sort 157—161
Merge sort, asymptotic speed of 159
METEOR program 67 74 79 247—249
Mitra, S.K. 215 261 282
Mode (of vibration) 29
Moore, F.R. 17 133
Moorer, J.A. 292 306 307
Morse, P.M. 41 54
Mu-law companding 58
Murphy, G.M. 146
Node, of vibrating string 29
Noll, P. 58
Nonlinear distortion 121
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