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Polack T. — Focus On 3D Terrain Programming (Game Development)
Polack T. — Focus On 3D Terrain Programming (Game Development)

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Íàçâàíèå: Focus On 3D Terrain Programming (Game Development)

Àâòîð: Polack T.


You have just found the only book on the market dedicated to 3D Terrain Programming. This title from the Premier Press Focus On series will be a very fun and exciting educational adventure through the world of 3D terrain packed full of demos, figures, and information. It will take you from the most basic terrain engines to those that play a very important part in flight simulations. Primarily targeted at the Win32/OpenGL platform, Focus On 3D Terrain Programming will teach you nearly everything that you need to know about terrain engines, period.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 17.10.2010

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Mass, particle property      194
Matrix, Roettger’s quadtree algorithm      109—111
McNally, Seamus (Treadmarks)      5—7
McNally, Seamus, ROAM algorithm improvements      133
Memory, heightmap allocation      22
Merge function      159
Merge queue, ROAM algorithm      132—133
Microsoft Visual C++, code conventions used in book      8—10
Midpoint displacement algorithm, 1D explanation      34—35
Midpoint displacement algorithm, 2D explanation      35—37
Midpoint displacement algorithm, defined      33
Midpoint displacement algorithm, drawbacks      33
Military, terrain application      5
Mipmapping, geomipmapping similarities      79—80
Neighbor nodes, binary triangle tree node links      134
Neighbor structure, geomipmapping      94—97
Noise function      184
Noise, Perlin      184
Noise, pink      183—184
Noise, white      183
Normal buffer, water rendering      172
NULL pointer, data buffers      23—24
OpenGL API, main demo conventions      8
OpenGL Game Programming (Astle/Hawkins)      54
Outdoor scenes, particle engine application      201—202
Particle engines, air resistance      194
Particle engines, billboarding      198—199
Particle engines, color      194
Particle engines, CreateParticle function      195—196
Particle engines, current position      193
Particle engines, data interpolation      199—200
Particle engines, defined      192
Particle engines, development history      192
Particle engines, life span      193
Particle engines, mass      194
Particle engines, outdoor scene application      201—202
Particle engines, outdoor uses      192
Particle engines, relationships      192—193
Particle engines, size      194
Particle engines, structure elements      194—195
Particle engines, translucency      194
Particle engines, Update      196—197
Particle engines, velocity      194
Particle system, defined      192
Patch rendering, 3D distance formula      90—92
Patch rendering, Axis — Aligned Bounding Box (AABB)      99—100
Patch rendering, geomipmapping triangle arrangement      80—81
Patch rendering, geomorphing      101—103
Patch rendering, if-else statement testing      84—85
Patch rendering, neighbor structure      94—97
Patch rendering, update function      90
Patch rendering, variables      87
Patches, crack mending methods      83—86
Perlin noise      184
Perlin, Ken, Perlin Noise developer      184
Pink noise, defined      183—184
Pixels, brightness extraction      64
Pixels, heightmaps      17
Plasma fractal algorithm      (see Midpoint displacement algorithm)
Popping, defined      91
Popping, geomorphing      101—103
Priority queues, ROAM      156—160
Procedural texture generation for loops      48—49
Procedural texture generation, defined      43
Procedural texture generation, overcoming tile boundaries      51—52
Procedural texture generation, region system      44—46
Procedural texture generation, repeating textures      51—52
Procedural texture generation, texture data      48—49
Procedural texture generation, tile system      46—48
Propagate Roughness function      123—124
Propagation, Roettger’s quadtree algorithm      123—124
Queues, merge      132—133
Queues, split      132—133
Queues, split/merge priority      156—160
Radiosity, lightmapping method      65
Random demos, conventions used in book      8
RangedSmoothRandom function      185—186
RAW format, heightmaps      18
Real estate walkthroughs, terrain application      5
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, Add/Remove functions      160
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, Allocation function      160
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, backbone data structure      149—156
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, binary triangle tree      129—132
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, detail mapping      147—148
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, diamond creation function      151—153
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, diamond pool buffer      153—154
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, diamonds      149—154
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, Enqueue function      158
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, error metric simplification      134—136
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, frame-to-frame coherence      136
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, Freeing function      160
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, frustum culling      144—148
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, heightmap      147—148
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, IEEE floating-point operations      139—141
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, merge function      159
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, merge queue      132—133
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, node improvements      133—134
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, priority update function      158
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, Render function      138—139 144 155—156 162-163
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, RenderChild function      139—142 144
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, shutdown routine      142
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, Split function      158—159
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, split queue      132—133
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, split-only tessellation      136
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, split/merge priority queue      156—160
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, tessellating base nodes      131—132
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, tessellation levels      129—131
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, texture mapping      147—148
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, Tjunction      131—132
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, Treadmarks      6
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, triangle system      160
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, Update function      138 161
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, v0.25.0      137—144
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, v0.50.00      144—154
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, v0.75.0      154—160
Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) algorithm, v100.0      161—163
Reeves, William T., particle engine, developer      192
RefineNode function      117 124 125
Reflection maps, water rendering      171—172
Region system, procedural texture, generation      44—46
Region, defined      44
RenderChild function      139—142 144
RenderFan function      93
Rendering advantages      81—82
RenderNode function      117
RenderVertex function      92—93 117 216
Resolution dependency, heightmaps      49—52
Roam      (see Real — Time Optimally Adapting Mesh algorithm)
Roettger, Stefan, Roettger’s quadtree algorithm      106
Roettger’s quadtree algorithm, 2D data structure      106—108
Roettger’s quadtree algorithm, bottom-up approach      115
Roettger’s quadtree algorithm, children nodes      110—111
Roettger’s quadtree algorithm, CQUADTREE class      116—117
Roettger’s quadtree algorithm, d2 calculations      114—115
Roettger’s quadtree algorithm, detail added where needed      78
Roettger’s quadtree algorithm, distance equations      112—113
Roettger’s quadtree algorithm, frustum culling      115—116 125
Roettger’s quadtree algorithm, Global Resolution Criteria equation      112
Roettger’s quadtree algorithm, illustrated      107—108
Roettger’s quadtree algorithm, Init function      117
Roettger’s quadtree algorithm, initialization      117
Roettger’s quadtree algorithm, leaf node      111
Roettger’s quadtree algorithm, matrix      109—111
Roettger’s quadtree algorithm, node refine function      118—119
Roettger’s quadtree algorithm, node refining      118—119
Roettger’s quadtree algorithm, node-rendering function      111
Roettger’s quadtree algorithm, PropagateRoughness function      123—124
Roettger’s quadtree algorithm, propagation      123—124
Roettger’s quadtree algorithm, RefineNode function      117 124 125
Roettger’s quadtree algorithm, Render function      117
Roettger’s quadtree algorithm, rendering      117
Roettger’s quadtree algorithm, rendering function      119—121
Roettger’s quadtree algorithm, RenderNode function      117
Roettger’s quadtree algorithm, RenderVertex function      117
Roettger’s quadtree algorithm, root quad node rendering      110—111
Roettger’s quadtree algorithm, shutdown      117
Roettger’s quadtree algorithm, tessellation      110
Roettger’s quadtree algorithm, top-down approach      112
Roettger’s quadtree algorithm, updating      117
Roettger’s quadtree algorithm, upper-mid vertex node calculation      123—124
Root quad node, Roettger’s quadtree algorithm      110—111
Screen-pixel determination algorithm, popping avoidance      91—92
Shankel, Jason, FIR filter suggestion      31
shutdown function      117
Size, particle property      194
Skv-dome, cloud textures      182—187
Skv-dome, Cosinelnterpolation function      185—186
Skv-dome, defined      178
Skv-dome, Fractal Brownian Motion (FBM) theory      183—187
Skv-dome, generation discussion      179—182
Skv-dome, Perlin Noise      184
Skv-dome, ranged random function      185—186
Skv-dome, RangedSmoothRandom function      185—186
Skv-dome, rendering      182
Sky-box, special effects      175—178
Slope lighting, 45 degree increments      67
Slope lighting, customization function      68
Slope lighting, defined      66
Slope lighting, dynamic lightmaps      68—71
Slope lighting, visual example      67
Special Effects Game Programming with DirectX 8.0 (McCuskey)      54
Special effects, camera-terrain collision detection      187—189
Special effects, distance-based fog      189—190
Special effects, particle engines      192—202
Special effects, Perlin Noise      184
Special effects, sky-box      175—178
Special effects, sky-dome      178—187
Special effects, vertex-based fog      191
Special effects, water rendering      166—174
Split function      158—159
Split queue, ROAM algorithm      132—133
Split-only tessellation. ROAM algorithm      136
Split/merge priority queue, ROAM algorithm      156—160
statements, if-else      84—85
Structures, BinTriNodes      134—135
Structures, CD — ROM contents      207
Structures, STRN_TEXTURE_REGIONS      44
Structures, STRN_TEXTURE_TILES      47
System requirements, CD — ROM      206
Temporary buffers, creating      30
Terrain programming, 3D game development      5—7
Terrain programming, applications      4—5
Terrain programming, fractal terrain generation      27—37
Terrain programming, heightmaps      16—18
Terrain, defined      4
Tessellations, base nodes      131—132
Tessellations, binary triangle tree      129—132
Tessellations, d2 calculations      114—115
Tessellations, merge queue      132—133
Tessellations, quadtree matrix      110
Tessellations, split queue      132—133
Tessellations, split-only      136
Texture coordinates, standard range      40—41
Texture data, procedural texture generation      48—49
Texture maps, detail maps      52—54
Texture maps, heightmap resolution dependency      49—51
Texture maps, procedural texture generation      43—52
Texture maps, ROAM algorithm      147—148
Texture maps, simple application      40—43
Texture maps, texture-presence line      44—45
Texture maps, tiles      42—43
Texture maps, vertex rendering      41
Texture maps, water rendering      168—169
Texture-presence line, texture mapping      44—45
Tile system      46—48
Tile system, procedural texture generation      46—48
Tiles, overcoming boundaries      51—52
Tiles, region system      44—46
Tiles, texture maps      42—43
Tjunction, tessellating binary triangle tree base nodes      131—132
Translucency, particle property      194
Travel planning (virtual tourism), terrain application      5
Treadmarks, 3D terrain development history      6—7
Triangle arrangement, geomipmapping patch rendering      80—81
Triangle system, ROAM algorithm      160
True function      21
Turner, Bryan, ROAM tutorial      136
Update function      90 138 161 196—197
Variables, floating-point      30
Variables, patch structure      87
Variables, RGB value extraction      48—49
Variables, ucShade      59—60
Variables, uiS      140—141
Variables, unsigned char      16 18
Variables, vecLightColor      60
Velocity, particle property      194
Vertex-based fog      191
Vertexes, rendering      41
Vertices, crack mending method      83—86
View frustum, bounding sphere testing      145—146
View frustum, geomipmapping      98—101
Virtual tourism (travel planning), terrain application      5
Water rendering      172
Water rendering, alpha blending      169
Water rendering, force buffer      172—174
Water rendering, lighting      174
Water rendering, normal buffer      172
Water rendering, quad setup      167—168
Water rendering, reflection map, L      71—172
Water rendering, texture addition      168—169
Water rendering, texture animation      170
Water rendering, vertex buffer      172
Weather visualization, terrain application      5
Web sites, Algorithm Whitepapers      79
Web sites, author’s ROAM algorithm implementation      144
Web sites, Flipcode      203
Web sites, GameDev.Net      7 203
Web sites, Ken Perlin      184
Web sites, Mark Morley’s Frustum Culling in OpenGL      99
Web sites, radiosity technique      65
Web sites, Virtual Terrain Project      4 203
White noise, defined      183
X axis for loops      48—49
X axis heightmaps      16
X axis interpolation calculation      50—51
Y axis, heightmaps      16
Z axis for loops      48—49
Z axis, heightmaps      16
Z axis, interpolation calculation      51
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