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Richter K. — Semiclassical theory of mesoscopic quantum systems |
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Acoustic wave 1
action 20 23 65
Andreev billiard 12
Andreev reflection 12
Antidot, experiment 55
Antidot, finite lattice 68
Antidot, lattice 5 50 57
Area distribution 95
Autocorrelation function 92
Ballistic 8 38 71 147
Ballistic model 76
Ballistic conductance fluctuations 72
Berry — Tabor trace formula 26 46
Billiard, Andreev 12
Billiard, circular 10 66 129
Billiard, disk 47
Billiard, electron 8
Billiard, elliptic 91
Billiard, ring 97
Billiard, Sinai 6
Billiard, square 82 110 148 180
Billiard, stadium 9
Bohigas — Giannoni — Schmit conjecture 5 191
Bohr — van Leeuwen theorem 11 80
Born approximation, self-consistent 61 141 146
Bouncing-ball magnetism 121
Canonical partition function 203
Chaotic geometry 160 164
Chaotic scattering 64
Chaotic structure 185
Chaotic system 26 40 90
Charging model 168
Coherent backscattering 66 75
Conductance fluctuations, ballistic 72
Conductance fluctuations, chaotic 71
Conductance fluctuations, fractal 71
Conductance, semiclassical approximation 65
Conductivity, classical 57
Conductivity, diagonal 51
Conductivity, Drude 52
Conductivity, frequency-dependent 36 53
Conductivity, Hall 51
Confined system, disorder effects 141
Cooper channel 170
Cooperon 158
Correlation function, disorder 138
Correlation function, spectral 29 137
Correlation function, two-point 29 137 156
Correlation, disorder-induced 137
Correlation, size-induced 137
Coulomb blockade 167
Cyclotron, frequency 84
Cyclotron, motion 8 145
Cyclotron, radius 121
de Haas — van Alphen oscillation 81 86 126 147
Density of states 24 35 93 107
Density of states, local 14
Diagonal approximation 30 67 74 94 159
Diagrammatic framework 158
Diagrammatic perturbation theory 141
Diffraction effect 66
Diffusive dynamics 104 155
Diffusive interacting systems 173
Diffusive quantum dot 177
Diffuson 158
Disorder correlation length 139 145
Disorder potential, smooth 144
Disordered metal 2
Disordered ring 174
Dynamic response function 37 41 44
EBK quantization 26
Ehrenfest time 76
Eigenfunction scar 15
Eikonal approximation 204
Ericson fluctuation 9
Escape rate 68
Excitation gap 13
Far-infrared absorption 46
Fermi energy 12
Fermi function 32
Fermi wavelength 3
Fock contribution 182
Force oscillation 2
Form factor 104 156 157
Fractional quantum Hall regime 147
Free energy 87 89
Frequency-dependent absorption 46
Frequency-dependent conductivity 53
Friedel oscillation 182
Gaussian disorder 142 202 204
Grand canonical potential 32
Green function for electrons in a magnetic field 145
Green function for free particle 22
Green function, finite-temperature 171
Green function, impurity-averaged 140 159
Green function, recursive technique 61
Green function, semiclassical 20 112 159 172
Green function, single-particle 139
Green function, two-particle 143
Green function, Wigner transform 24
Gutzwiller trace formula 26
Hall conductivity 51
Hannay — Ozorio de Almeida sum rule 31 95
Hartree contribution 182
Heisenberg time 30 156
Hikami box 77
Imgaes, method of 112
Impurity potential 141
Interacting systems 185
Interaction, ballistic quantum dots 179
Interaction, contribution to the susceptibility 183
Interaction, coulomb 170
Interaction, diffusive systems 173
Interaction, effect 167
Interaction, screened 181
| Kubo formalism 51
Landau diamagnetism 86
Landau level 126 144
Landau susceptibility 85
Landauer conductance 63
Landauer formalism 63
Liapunov exponent 58 77
Linear response 35
Liouville operator 76
Lorentzian line shape 10 68
Magnetic length 145
magnetic moment 83
magnetic susceptibility 11 88 147 161
Magnetization of bulk 147
Magnetoconductivity 53
Magnetoresistance 70
Magnetoresistivity 56
Maslov index 20 22
Matsubara frequency 171
Mean free path, elastic 39 136 203
Mean free path, transport 136 203
Mesoscopic physics 1
Mesoscopic quantum phenomena 5
Mesoscopic regime 4 81
microwave 1
Mixed phase space 28 73
Monodromy matrix 27
Multiple-scattering 14
Nondiagonal channel 184
Normal-superconducting structure 12
Nuclear scattering process 1
Orbital magnetism 11 79 161
Paramagnetic 117
Particle-particle operator 180
Particle-particle propagator 171
Path "of zero length" 141
Periodic orbit 27 53 59 111
Perron — Frobenius operator 31 76
Persistent current 90 170 175
Persistent current of a chaotic system 96
Persistent current of noninteracting rings 129
Persistent current, definition 87
Persistent current, experiment 133
Phase coherence length 69
Phase-coherence length 4
Poincare surfaces of section 57
Poincare — Birkhoff theorem 106
Poisson summation 26 84
Power spectrum of transmission amplitude 66
proximity effect 12 13
Quantized conductance 2
Quantum chaos 2 29
Quantum corral 13
Quantum dot, diffusive 177
Quantum dot, interacting 179
Quantum dot, square 160
Quantum Hall effect 144
Random-matrix theory 3 168
Random-phase approximation 170
Renormalization 175 182 184
Resonant tunneling diode 50
Return probability 156 174
Rough boundary 12
Rydberg atom 1 3
Scanning tunneling microscope 14
Self-energy 39 195
Semiclassical formalism 171
Semiclassical Green function 20 112 159 172
Semiclassical pertubation theory 106
Semiclassical technique 3
Semiclassical trace formula 26
Shell effect 80 115
Shubnikov — de Haas oscillations 8 54
Sinai billiard 6
Single-particle relaxation time 39
Sommerfeld expansion 34
Squid 11
Stationary-phase approximation 64 195
Streda formula 53
Superconductor 12
Superlattice 5 50
Supersymmetry 2
Surface electronic state 14
susceptibility 11 88 147 161 170 178 186
Susceptibility for bulk 87
Susceptibility for chaotic billiards 103
Susceptibility for chaotic rings 100
Susceptibility for perturbed systems 108
Susceptibility for squares 117
Susceptibility, average 117
Susceptibility, canonical 90 202
Susceptibility, definition 83
Susceptibility, disorder- and size-averaged 151
Susceptibility, dynamic 37 46
Susceptibility, grand canonical 202
Susceptibility, interaction contribution 183
Susceptibility, Landau 85
Susceptibility, typical 88
Thermodynamic potential 170
Thomas — Fermi potential 181
Time-dependent transport 167
Transfer operator 28
Transmission amplitude 65
Two-dimensional electron gas 6
Two-particle localization length 168
Universal conductance fluctuations 2 49
Weak localization for chaotic systems 66
Weak localization for finite antidot arrays 69
Weak localization, ballistic 8 76
Weak-localization 9
Weyl part 24
White noise 139
White-noise 158
Wigner transform 24 85
Winding number 58 95 104
Zeeman-splitting 84
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