Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Neufeld G.G., Immers R. — Inside Commodore DOS |
Предметный указатель |
1541 binary to GCR look up table 114 — 115
Aborted validate routine 27
Asterisks in file names 24 — 25
Autoinitialization feature 22
B-A 72
B-E 72
B-F 72
B-P 71
Backup of a protected diskette 162
Bad sectoring 122
Bam 21 26 36
Binary to GCR conversion 115 — 116
Bit copying 122
bit manipulation 115
Block allocate map 26
Block availability map 21
Block, data 113
Block, data, header 113
Block-allocate command 89 113
Block-execute command 72 97
Block-free 71 72 94
Block-read 71 98
Block-write command 71 77 100
Buffer 82
Buffer areas, organization of 82
Buffer-pointer command 71 75
Bugs in DOS 2.6 206 — 208
Bump 112
Byte separation 114
Bytes in the header block 32
Bytes per diskette 31
Bytes, determining 116
C 23
Cards, wild 23 24
Carriage return as a delimiter 55
Chaining 42
Characters, sychronization 113 — 114
Checksum, header block 32
checksums 118 — 119
Clock rates 30 — 31
Coda obscura 122
Codes, FDC job 109 112
Command channel 16
Command, validate 26 — 27
Commands,block-allocate 89
Commands,block-execute 97
Commands,block-free 94
Commands,block-read 98
Commands,block-write 77 100
Commands,buffer-pointer 75
Commodore encoding scheme 113
Commodore file types 43
Communications, computer-disk drive 183
Controller, floppy disk 103
Coping a locked file 70
Copy 23
Copy command 23
Copy, direct-access 71 — 72
Copy, DOS 15 — 16
Copy, initialize 21
Copy, LOAD 16
Copy, memory-execute 96
Copy, memory-write 85
Copy, rename 22 — 23
Copy, SAVE 16
Copy, scratch 24
Copy, validate 26 — 27
Copy, VERIFY 16
Data block 31 113
Data communication channel 16
DEL 69
Deleted file 69 — 70
Delimiter 55
Determining bytes 116
dir 49 51
Direct access 89
Direct-access commands 71 — 72
Direct-access data channel 72
Disk commands, execution 83 — 184
Disk drives, incompatability 208
Disk ID 21
Disk interrogation 122
Disk Management 35
Disk protection schemes 122
Disk, full 91
Diskette, recovering a physically damaged 177
Diskette, recovering an entire 177
DOS 2.6 sync mark 114
DOS bugs 206 — 208
DOS error messages 119 — 121
DOS protection 113
DOS, definition of 15
DOS, tasks of 15
Duplicating a protection scheme 123
Encoding scheme, Commodore 113
End or identify 99
EOI 99
EOR 118
EOR truth table 118
Error messages, DOS 104 119
Error, illegal quantity 74
Error, illegal track or sector 91
Error, no channel 83
Error, recovery hard 175 — 176
Error, recovery soft 175
Error, soft 175
Error, time out 112
Error, write 112
Errors, hard 175
Errors, read 120
Errors, read/write 175
Errors, write 120
execute 112
Execution of disk commands 183 — 184
FDC 103 182
FDC formatting routine 193
FDC job codes 109 112
FDC main loop 189 — 190
FDC major entry points 190
FDC read routine 191
FDC routines, major 188 — 193
FDC routines, using 193 — 199
FDC write routine 192
Fields of a directory 36
file management 184 — 185
File name limits 23
File open error 19
File padding 53
File storage, program 48
File storage, sequential 53
File types, Commodore 43
File, deleted 69 — 70
File, random access 56
File, relative 56
File, sequential data 56
File, side sector 56
File, user storage 69
Files, locked 70
Fixed record length 66
floppy disk controller 103 182
Formatting a diskette 29
forward pointer 42 48
| Full disk 91
Full new, recovering from 179 — 180
GCR conversion 114 — 115
Group coded recording 114
Hard error, recovery 175 — 176
hard errors 175
Header block 31 32 113
Header block checksum 32
Header block ID 32
Header block layout 32
Header block, byte makeup 32 — 34
i 22
ID character -2 32
ID HI 32
Illegal quantity error 74
Illegal track or sector error 91
Incompatability, write 208 — 209
Initialize command 21
Initializing a disk 21 — 22
Inter-sector gap 34 117
Inter-sector tail 117
Interface processor 103 182
IP 103 182
IP error codes 103 — 104
IP routines 182 — 185
Job codes 107
Job queue 105
jobs 103
Jump 112
Last block signal 49
Layout of a header block 32
Length, fixed record 66
Load 16
Load address 48
Locating particular relative files 68 — 69
Locked file, coping 70
Locked file, renaming 70
locked files 70
M-E 72
M-mode 177 — 178
M-R 72
M-W 72
Magnetic domains 199
Major FDC routines 188 — 193
Memory-execute command 72 96
Memory-read command 71 81
Memory-write command 71 85
Merging sequential files with copy command 23 — 24
N 21
Naming a file 20 — 21
NEW 21
Newing a diskette 29
No channel error 83
Null directory entry 47
Organization of buffer areas 82
Padding the last block in a file 53
Parser routine 104 — 105
Pointer, forward 42 48
PRG 48
Processor, interface 182
Program file storage 48
Programmer’s aid 24
Protected diskette, analyzing 122 — 123
Protected diskette, backup of a 162
Protection scheme, duplication 123 — 124
Protection, DOS 113
Question marks in file names 25
Random access file 56
Read errors 119
Read mode 200
Read/write errors 175
Reallocating sectors 173
Record size 56
Recording process 199
Recovering a hard error 175 — 176
Recovering a physically damaged diskette 177
Recovering a relative file 176
Recovering a scratched file 173 — 175
Recovering a soft error 175
Recovering an entire diskette 177
Recovering an unclosed file 177 — 178
Recovering from a full new 179 — 180
Recovering from a short new 178 — 179
Recovering scratched files 26
Recovery, relative file 176
Relative file 56
Relative file entries 44
Relative file, recovery 176
Relative files 56
Rename command 22 — 23
Renaming a locked file 70
Reset, warm 100
Save and replace operation 44 — 45
Scratch command 24
Scratched files 27
Scratched files, recovering 26
Scratching a file 24
Scratching an unclosed file 27
Sector 31
Sector filling sequence 42
Sector layout 31
Sector number 32
sectors 29
Sequential data file 56
Sequential file storage 53
Short new, recovering from 178 — 179
Side sector 56
Side sector file 56
Signal, last block 49
Soft error, recovery 175
soft errors 175
st 99
status variable 99
Stopgap measure 117
Sychronization characters 113 — 114
Sync mark 31 — 32 115
Sync mark, placement 114
Sync mode 114
Tail gap 34 117
Time out error 112
Tracing a file 26 — 27
Track number 32
tracks 29
Tracks on a formatted diskette 29
U1 71
U2 71
Unclosed file, recovering 177 — 178
Unclosed files 27
Unscratching a file 173
User file storage 69
Using IP routines 185
Using the FDC routines 193 — 199
USR 69
V 26
Validate command 25 26
Validate routine, aborted 27
Variable, status 99
Warm reset 100
Wild cards 23
Wild cards in file names 24
Write error 112 120
Write mode 114 200
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