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Wiggins S. — Chaotic transport in dynamical systems |
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225 230
, normally hyperbolic invariant (2m-1)-dimensional sphere 227
, exponentially small in 257
Action-angle representation 212
Action-angle variables 78 222 228 256
Annulus 77
Area-preserving 18
Arnold diffusion 212 241 268
Attracting set, time-dependent 179
Attractor viii 1
Aubry-Mather theory 1
Barriers, partial 193
Beats 159
Beats, homoclinic 159
Behavior, asymptotic 206
Bernoulli shift 55 56 57 60
Bernoulli shift on two symbols 61
Bifurcation theory 122
Boundary conditions, rigid 102 114
Bubble dynamics 10
Cantor set 61 76 185
Cantor set of 1-tori 186
Cantor set of points 186 189
Cantori 7 17 78 81 82 194
Cantori, noble 208
Chaos ix 54 92 184
Chaos, suppression of 190
Chaotic 57
Chaotic region 98
Codimension one 209
Coefficient of expansion in the direction of 97
Coherent structures 82 89
Commensurate 159
Conservation laws 33
Convection, steady 114
Convection-diffusion equation 101
Correlations 200
Cray X-MP 117
Cut-off parameter 203
Decay rates 43
Diffusion coefficient 196
Diffusion, infinite 202
Diophantine condition 78
Dissipative term 141
Duffing 168
Duffing oscillator, two-frequency forced 174
Dynamical systems theory 121
Dynamics 1
Dynamics near the resonance 251
Dynamics, one-dimensional 76
Effective diffusivity 102 103
Elliptic 210
Elliptic periodic point 74
Energy surface 209
Energy transfer, intramolecular vii
Energy, drift in 271
Escape probabilities 61
Fast mixing 202
Flow Control 89
Flux 73 89 108 175
Flux across the roll 103
Flux of species 109
Flux of species 91
Flux of species into region 31
Flux, average 157 158 167
Flux, computation of 157
Flux, instantaneous 156
Flux, local 23
Flux, long time 137
Frequency vector 250
Generating function 75
Geometrical, structures 124
Geometry, pendulum-type 206
Global minimum 76
Golden, mean 132
Guassian probability distribution 116
Hamiltonian 135
Hamiltonian, -resonance 263
Hamiltonian, single resonance 252
Harmonic oscillators 216
Heteroclinic cycle 62 129
Homoclinic coordinates 68
Hopf fibration 216
Hydrodynamic stability 82
Hyperbolicity 18
Hyperbolicity, normal 127 183 222
Implicit function theorem 70
Incommensurate 138 159
Incommensurate frequencies 166
Incompressible 89
Integrable 210
Integrals 211
Interpolate 121 122
Intersections, secondary 204
Invariant circles, nonexistence of 78
Invariant set 58
Invariant set, normally hyperbolic 209 250
Invariant tori, foliation by 211
Involution 211
Irrational rotation 75
Island bands 198
Island chains 194 249
KAM theory 7 76 215 230 236
KAM tori 82 87 117 198 204 212 257
Liapunov characteristic exponent 96
Liapunov characteristic exponent in the direction of 97
Liapunov exponent 202
Liapunov exponent, time-dependent 97
Liapunov-type numbers, generalized 222
Librational motions 5
Lift 75
Liouville — Arnold theorem 211 217
Lobe area 200
Lobe dynamics 37 42 53 92 119 200
Lobe structures 176
Lobe transport 114
Lobes 20 21 34 35 42 49 72 89 132 133 141 147 150 159 176 239 270
Lobes in 142
Lobes in the set, number of 146
Lobes of fluid 178
Lobes, families of 148
Lobes, generalization of 247
Manifold, homoclinic 65 255
Manifold, invariant 174
Manifold, orientable, two-dimensional 18
Manifold, primary intersection (pim) 135 136 137 141 142
Manifold, transverse heteroclinic 231 232
Manifold, transverse homoclinic 231 232
Map on the cylinder 205
Map sequence, traveling horseshoe 185
Maps, area-preserving 31 73 223
Maps, bi-infinite sequence of 121 122 124 126 144 173
Maps, extended shift 189
Maps, horseshoe 184
Maps, non-area-preserving 34
Maps, sequences of 121 172
Maps, standard 51
Maps, traveling horseshoe 188
Markov models 193 197 198 200 206 208
Markov processes 197
Melnikov function 233 235 242 247
Melnikov function, quasiperiodic 129 130 132 135 141 142 147 149 159 160
Melnikov’s method 13 64 122
Metric 55
minimizing 76
| Mixing infinite 206
Mixing region 87 92 96
Molecular diffusion 81 103 105 111 114 117 119 197
Molecular diffusion coefficient 115
Molecular diffusivity 82
Molecular dissociation viii
Molecular dissociation, semi-classical study of 171
Morse function 270
Morse oscillator 13 43
Morse oscillator, quasiperiodically forced 171
Moser Twist Theorem 76 77 78
Mutually commensurate 138
Mutually commensurate frequencies 160
Mutually incommensurate 139 221
Nekhoroshev’s theorem 236
Non-area-preserving 18
Nonhyperbolicity 79
Nonresonance 212
Normalization 167
Notational ambiguity 51
Orbit 122
Orbit, critical 4
Orbit, heteroclinic 71 129 130
Orbit, homoclinic 5 7
Orbit, periodic 265
Orbit, quasiperiodic 17 73 75
Orbit, quasiperiodic minimizing 76
Oscillating strain-rate field 176
Oscillating vortex pair (OVP) 38 83 84 167
Oscillating vortex pair (OVP) flow 105 176 179 193 194
Oscillating vortex pair (OVP) lobe structure 177
Oscillation, modes of 260
Partitions 207
Partitions, complete 202
Passive scalar vii 81 102 108 111 114
Passive scalar, transport of 91
Peclet number 102
Peclet number, chaotic 116
Pendulum 217
Periodic points, saddle-type hyperbolic 18
Perturbations, nonintegrable 216
Phase shift, relative 150
Phase slice method, double 184
Phase slices 122 137 141 157 159 160 185 189
Phase space 30 33
Phase space structure, pendulum-type 254
Phase space transport 43 61 123
Photodissociation of molecules 13
PIM see "Manifold primary
PIP see "Point primary
Poincare map 7 14 38 64 67 71 72 81 82 86 87 89 105 122 126 173 204 228 229
Poincare map of a periodically forced pendulum 44
Poincare map, double 184
Poincare section 71 135 144 154 235
Poincare — Birkhoff normal form 74
Point, heteroclinic 19
Point, homoclinic 19
Point, primary intersection (pip) 19 20 21 141 146 157
Poisson bracket 211 233
Quasiperiodic 123
Quasiperiodic functions 123
Rayleigh number 103
Rayleigh — Benard convection 101
Rayleigh — Benard convection, two-dimensional, time-periodic 201
Recurrent 75
Regions 89
Relative scaling factors 167
Relative scaling factors for the frequencies 131
Resonance 249
Resonance band 202
Resonance channels 260
Resonance junction 266
Resonance, 1:1 44 51 197
Resonance, capture and passage through 9
Resonance, multiple 261
Resonance, orbit-orbit 9
Resonance, single 250 260
Resonance, spin-orbit 9
Resonant module 262
Rotation number 75
Rotation number of an orbit 75
Rotational motions 5
Runge — Kutta code, fourth-order 117
Sensitive dependence on initial conditions 54 56 62
Separatrix 204 209 210 213
Shift map 56
signatures 114
Signatures of the heteroclinic tangle 111
Signed measure of the distance 71
Singular perturbation 102
Smale horseshoe map 57
Smale horseshoes 81 82 92
Smale — Birkhoff homoclinic theorem 59 62 122
Species 89
Species 30
Spiral, ( )-dimensional 137
Stability, islands of 194 197
Stagnation points 104
Stochastic regime 194
Stochastic regions 96 194 195 196 197 206
Stochastic subregions 202
Streamlines 85
Stretch, total 99
Stretching 92
Structural mechanics viii
Systems near integrable 269
Systems, autonomous 124
Systems, dissapative 271
Systems, nonautonomous 124 172 173
Systems, periodically adiabatically forced 204 206
Three-tori 266
Time dependence, quasiperiodic 121
Topologically conjugate 60
Topologically transverse 21
Toral pims 141 187
Torus, k-dimensional 211
Torus, KAM 212
Torus, normally hyperbolic invariant 125 126 127
Torus, whiskered 212
Tracer 198
Transition probabilities 196
Transition rates 200
Transport 17 121 218
Transport in the phase slices 14
Transport near resonance 249
Transport of a given species 190
Transport rates 203
Transport surface 142 174
Transport theory 122 173
Transport, barriers to 209 251
Transport, roll-to-roll 105 114 197 198
Transversal intersections 68
Trial-and-error 184
Turnstile 17 23 24 31 53 108 145 146 172 175 181 196 206 239 249 270
Turnstile dynamics 40 44 50 61
Turnstile lobes 30 161 171
Turnstile, multilobe 147
Turnstile, self-intersecting 27 204
Turnstile, time-dependent 175
Twist map 74
Two-dimensional map theory 135
Two-tori 265
Universal cover of the cylinder 74
Vector fields, nonautonomous 143
Vector fields, quasiperiodic 128 184
Vortices, elliptical 2
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