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Weinberg S. — The Quantum Theory of Fields. Vol. 3 Supersymmetry
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Название: The Quantum Theory of Fields. Vol. 3 Supersymmetry
Автор: Weinberg S.
Аннотация: Nobel Laureate Steven Weinberg continues his masterly exposition of quantum field theory. This third volume of The Quantum Theory of Fields presents a self-contained, up-to-date and comprehensive introduction to supersymmetry, a highly active area of theoretical physics that is likely to be at the center of future progress in the physics of elementary particles and gravitation. The text introduces and explains a broad range of topics, including supersymmetric algebras, supersymmetric field theories, extended supersymmetry, supergraphs, nonperturbative results, theories of supersymmetry in higher dimensions, and supergravity. A thorough review is given of the phenomenological implications of supersymmetry, including theories of both gauge and gravitationally-mediated supersymmetry breaking. Also provided is an introduction to mathematical techniques, based on holomorphy and duality, that have proved so fruitful in recent developments. This book contains much material not found in other books on supersymmetry, some of it published here for the first time. Problems are included.
Рубрика: Физика /Квантовая теория поля /Учебники /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 2000
Количество страниц: 419
Добавлена в каталог: 09.10.2005
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Mandula, J. 2 12 13 14 15 17 19 20 23
Manohar, A. 245
March — Russell, J. 244
Martin, S. P. 243 246
Masiero, A. 242 244 245 381
Masses for broken supersymmetry 145—8 193—4
Masses for unbroken supersymmetry 136— 40
Masses, sum rule 147 192 Gauginos Higgs Neutralinos Sleptons Squarks Qravitino)
Matchev, K. T. 243
McGlinn, W. D. 23
McKellar, S. R. 244
Messenger superfields 220—2 224
Metric superfield H 319—26
Michel, L. 23
Miinz, M. 245
Minimal supersymmetric standard, model 198—240
Misiak, M. 245
Modified 352—3
Modular fields 287—8 365
Mohapatra, R. N. 242
monodromy 299—304
Montonen, C. 174 177
Montonen-Olive duality (see Duality)
Moroi, T. 381
Multiplication rules 64 71—72 346—7
Munoz, C. 247 381
Murayama, H. 247 380
Nahm, W. 379 383 408
Naive dimensional analysis 208
Nandi, S. 246
Nanopoulos, D. V. 242 243 244 245 247 380
Nappi, C. 245
Nath, P. 244 247 379 380
Naturalness bounds 186
Nelson, A. E. 242 246 381
Neutralinos 219—30
Neveu, A. 5 23 177
Next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle 234—5
Ne’erman, Y. 1 24
Nihei, T. 247
Nilles, H. P. 176 242 243 246 380
Nilsson, B. E. W. 177
Nir, Y. 244 245 246
No-scale theories 354
Nomura, Y. 242 381
Non-linear -models 106—7
Non-renormalization theorems 148— 55 269 313—6
Novikov, V. A. 306
Nurmagambetov, A. 409
Ogievetsky, V. I. 177
Ohta, N. 380
Olive, D. 7 23 174 177 242
Oliver, L. 244
On shell symmetries 79 169
Osborn, H. 177 178
Oshimo, N. 244
Ovrut, B. 245
O’Raifeartaigh models 83—5 252—6
O’Raifeartaigh, L. 23 83 112
P branes 397—401
Paban, S. 244 245
Pagels, H. 243
Pais, A. 22 23
Pakvasa, S. 244
Palumbo, F. 176
Panvini, R. S. 243
Parity in Wess — Zumino model 83
Parity of component fields 66 74
Parity of superfields 66 74
Parity of supersymmetry generators 41—42
Park, J. 409
Parke, S. 177
Partouche, H. 306
Pasti, P. 409
Pati, J. C. 247
Peccei — Quinn symmetry 185 214 232 361—2 365 368 373
Peccei, R. D. 242
Pendleton, H. N. 45 54 379 408
Pene, O. 244
Pham, T. N. 244
Photino 277 (also see Bino and wino)
Piguet, O. 316
Pokorski, S. 245
Polchinski, J. 23 176 242 244 249 306 380 408
Polonsky, N. 242 243 246
Polonyi, J. 380
Pomerol, A. 242 246 380
Pons, J. 112
Ponton, E. 381
Popescu, C. 409
Porrati, M. 178 306
Potential of scalar fields 79 84—5 134 144 163 352—4 362 371—2
Potential superfields 88—9 308—9 359 361
Prasad, M. K. 177
Prepotential 291
Primack, J. R. 177 243
Raby, S. 176 242 243 245 246 247
Radicatti, L. A. 22
Ramon Medrano, M. 380
Ramond, P. 5 23
Randall, L. 245 380 381
Rarita — Schwinger equation 333—5 344
Rarita, W. 333 380
Rattazzi, R. 226 228 244 246 380
Raynal, J. — C. 244
Reduced coupling constants 208
Renormalizability conditions 76
Renormalization group equations 149 173—4 188—92 269 279 339
Ridolfi, G. 245
Right-chiral superfields (see Chiral superfields)
Riotto, A. 242
Robinson, J. 245
Rocek, M. 176 177 317
Ross, G. 247
Rossi, G. C. 306
Roszkowski, L. 246
Rudaz, S. 247
Sakai, N. 176 243 246
Sakita, B. 5 22 23
Salam, A. 23 55 59 60 112 176 242 316
Samuel, S. 245
Sarid, U. 243
Savoy, C. A. 380
Scale non-invariance superfield X 97 324 338
Scherk, J. 7 23 177 379 380 408
Scheunert, M. 316
Schlindwein, M. 316
Schwarz, J. H. 5 23 177 408 409
Schwinger, J. 177 333 380
Seiberg — Witten solution 287—305
Seiberg, N. 148 176 177 226 244 246 266 285 286 287 291 292 299 302 303 306 307 381
Sen, A. 178
Sezgin, E. 408 409
Shadmi, Y. 380
Shifman, M. A. 306
Shirman, Y. 245 246 380
Short supermultiplets (see BPS states)
Siegel, W. 176 177 317
Silvestrini, L. 244 245
Sleptons 180 189 223—4 229 363 374
Smilga, A. V. 279 306
Smith, J. R. 241
Smith, P. F. 242
Sohnius, m. 24 25 53 54 177 382 383 408
Sola, J. 243
Sommerfield, C. M. 177
Soper, D. E. 243 306
Sorokin, D. 409
Space inversion (see Parity)
Sparticles 43 (also see Gauginos Squarks Sleptons Higgsinos Charginos Neutralinos)
Spin, in higher dimensions 393 401—7
Spontaneous breaking 7—8 80 134 6 153—5 194—5 248—56 276—87 Gravity-mediated Anomaly-mediated
Srednicki, M. 242 245 380
Stelle, K. S. 177 244 245 379 380 408 409
Strathdee, J. 23 55 59 60 112 176 242 316 408
Sundrum, R. 380 381
Supercurrent O 1 90 96—102 321 323— 5
Superderivatives , defined 64—5
Superfields 59—68
Superfields, field equations 96—7 (also see Chiral superfields Current Linear Potential Gauge Higgs Quark Lepton Messenger Metric Supercurrent Einstein Scale-non-invariance
Supergraphs 307—16
Supergravity 45 318—9 395
Supergravity for weak fields 319—43
Supergravity to all orders 343—55 (also see Gravitino Anomaly-mediated)
Superpotential 73 82 149—52 266—76
Superpropagators (see Supergraphs)
Superspace 60
Superspace, field equations 87—9
Superspace, integrals 86 (also see Superfields Superderivatives)
Superstrings (see Strings)
Supersymmetry breaking, partial breaking 249—50
Supersymmetry breaking, soft breaking 155—7 199—201
Supersymmetry, algebras xx 29—40 382—93
Supersymmetry, current 90—3 140—1 248 324
Supersymmetry, gauge theories 101—76 276—87 353
Supersymmetry, generators (see Algebras)
Surface tension 330—1
Surface tension, types IIA and IIB supergravity 396—7
Susskind, L. 23 176
Sutter, D. 243 244
Symanzik, K. 176
Takita, M. 247
Tamvakis, K. 246 247 380
Tanaka, T. 244
Taylor, T. R. 306
Teitelboim, C. 379
Teplitz, V. L. 242
Thomas, S. 245 246
Tommasini, D. 242
Tonin, M. 409
Townsend, P. K. 177 380 408 409
Troitsky, S. V. 246
Turnbull, H. W. 408
Unconventional symmetries 1—4
Unification of strong and electroweak, couplins 188—92 221
Unitarity gauge 136
Vacuum energy density 33 249—51 257—8 264—6 329—31 333
Vafa, C. 178
Vainshtein, A. I. 306
Van der Waerden 30
Van Holten, J. W. 408
van Nieuwenhuizen, P. 242 379 380
van Proeyen, A. 380 408
Vegas, F. J. 244
Veneziano, G. 306
Vierbein 319 375—6
Volkov, D. V. 1 23
Vysotsky, M. I. 247
Wagner, C. E. M. 245
Wali, K. C. 23
Wang, J. 246
Weight, defined 383
Weiglein, G 245
Weiler, T. J. 243
Weinberg, S. 23 176 241 242 243 244 245 246 379 380 408
Wells, J. D. 246
Wess — Zumino gauge 117—9 159—60
Wess — Zumino gauge for supergravity 323 341
Wess — Zumino model 6—7 58—9 82—3 252
Wess, J. 6 7 8 23 59 83 112 176 379
West, P. C. 177 379 380 409
Weyl group 282
Weyl transformation 331—3 351
Wigner, E. P. 1 10 22
Wilczek, F. 242 243 244 245 246 247
Wilsonian Lagrangian 149—52 268
Wiltshire, D. L. 408
Winding number v 132 268 270 284 295
Wino 180 222—6 229 238 340 364
Wise, M. B. 244 245 380
Witten index 251—6 277—285
Witten, E. 23 177 178 243 249 278 287 291 292 294 299 302 303 305 306 408
Wolfram, S. 242
Wu, Y. — Y. 381
Wyler, D. 243 380
X superfield (see Scale-non-invariance superfield)
Yanagida, T. 246 247 381
Yildiz, A. 244
Yuan, T. C. 244
Zaffaroni, A. 178
Zakharov, V. I. 306
Zee, A. 177 246
Zhang, R. — J. 242 244
Zino (see Bino and wino)
Zumino, B. 6 7 8 23 54 59 83 106 112 176 379 380
Zwanziger, D. 177
Zwimer, F. 245 246