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Wahlin L. — The Deadbeat Universe |
Предметный указатель |
Acceleration 1 7
Acceleration, cosmic 26 27 42 145
Allen 70
Ampere's equation 107
Anaximander 2
Anaximines 2
Angular frequency 66
Archimedes 4
Aristarchus 2 6
Aristotle 2 3
Background radiation 51
Bagge 71
Bending of light 13 59 139
Berkeley, George (Bishop) 11 13
big bang 14 16 18 29 50 96
Birch 67
Black holes 64 91
Black-body radiation 16 99 100
Black-body temperature 72 99 28
blue shift 18 59 99
Boltzmann's constant 87 145
Bondi 29 101
Bremsstrahlung 46
Burbidge 51 53
Centrifugal force 11 13 22
Charlier 33
Clausius 113
Collapsing Universe 2 18 29 38 41 46 48 68 83 86 96 101
Columbus 4
Coma cluster 43 46 115
Compton red-shift 86
Compton wavelength 44 145
Continuos creation 29 101
Copernicus 3 5 6 7 79
Cosmological principle 2 5 17
Crommelin 60
Curvature of space 13 105 115 117
Davisson 83
de Broglie, Loius 82 83
de Vaucouleurs 46 97
Deceleation parameter 50
Descartes 8 61
Desclaux 86
Digges, Thomas 5
Dirac — Fock correction 86
Dirac, P.A.M. 86 108
Doppler shift 14 43 73 93—96
Eather 10 12 57 89 121
Eddington 60 104 106 107 108 118 119
Eddington's magic number 104 106 145
Einstein, Albert 12—16 29—32 37 39 47 59 84—86 104 115 122 138
Electron 9
Electron's electromagnetic radius 46 103 145
Emissivity 71
Energy 1 15 35
Energy density of matter 100
Energy density of radiation 29 100
Energy self enegy 55 58 77 86 104
Energy, kinetic 31 35 113 123 128 139
Energy, potential energy 24 28 38 42 54 58
Equivqlence principle 138
Eratosthenes 4
Fixed stars 11 13
force 1 9
force constant 67
Fujii 107
Galileo 7 136
General Relatively 12 60
Germer 83
Gilbert, William 9
Giordano Bruno 5
God 5
Gold 29 101
Gravitational constant 10 28 32 105 107 113 130 145
Gravitational potential 56
Gravitational red-shift 93
Gravitational tension 13 31 49 56 64 87 90 122 135 140
Harmonic motion 21
Heisenberg 15 26
Heliocentric 2 8
Heraclides 2
Hipparchus 4
Hooke, Robert 9
Hoskin, M. 6
Hubble's Law 43 51 105 134
Hubble, Edvin 14 42
Huchra 70
Inertia 8 11 30 31
infinity 5 13 16 17
Inhalation 112
Jupiter 10 56
Kaellen 86
| Karachentsev 46
Kazuaki Kuroda 107
Kembhavi 101
Kepler 7 9 18 19 65 87
Kiang 33
Landsberg 73
Lanzerotti 71
Large number ratios 103
Lebach 63
Light year 42 145
Long 107
Lorentz 12 122
Lorentz — Fitzgerald conraction 122
Lovell 3
Mach's principle 11
Mach, Ernst 11 13
mass density 27 50 54 89 100 105 113 117 120 134 145
Maxwell 89 119
Michelson 12 121
Michelson — Morley experiment 12 121
Microwave radiation 16
Missing mass problem 50 53 115
Mohr 86
Momentum 15 44 83
Morley 12 121
Munitz 4
Narlikar 51 101
Newton, Isaac 9 31 35 39 59 84 85 110 121
Nicholas (Cardinal) of Cusa 5 13 17
Olbers' paradox 99
Olbers, Heinrich, Wilhelm 99
Ozernoy 46
Pair production 29 101
Penzias 16 51
Photon 87
Planck, Max 15 74
Plank's constant 15 28 44 46 80 145
Plank's wavelength 44
Poincare 12
Posidonius 4
Quantized 70
Quantum 80
Radian 22 66
Radiation 79
Radio polarization 67
Recession velocities 16 38 43 49 96
Red shift 14 16 26 28 38 42 59 86 93
Ritz 122
Rutherford 149
Saslaw 33
Segal 46
simple harmonic motion 21
Sir Cavendish, Henry 59
Sir Hoyle, F. 29 101
Sir Thomson, G.P. 83
Slipher 42
Smoot 73
Snell's law 61
Soneira 46
Special relativity 12 39
Spin 152
Stacey 107
Star aberration 10 64
Stefan's law 72 87
Stephan Boltzmann's constant 52 72 87 118 136 145
Stewart, John 104 118
Temperature 16 27 72
Thales 2
Time 30
Time dilation 30 32 94
Time universal constant s 32 145
Twin paradox 32
Uehling 86
Uncertainty principle 16 26
Vacuum polarization 86
van den Bergh 46
Velocity 1 22 26 35
Velocity of light 12 89 145
Velocity of ligth in gravitational field 63
Virgo cluster 97
Virial theorem 53 113
von Soldner, Johann Georg 59
Wahlin 18
Wavelength of particles 82
Weight 8 30
Weyl, Herman 103
Whittaker 119
Will 59
Wilson 16 51
X-ray 46
zero point energy 46 70
Zwicky, F. 48 115
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