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Tsang L., Kong J.A. — Scattering of electromagnetic waves (Vol 3. Advanced topics) |
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Nonuniform temperature distribution 344
Ocean spectrum 108
Ocean spectrum, Durden — Vesecky 115
Ocean spectrum, large scale 109
Ocean spectrum, small scale 109
Optical theorem 158 see
Optical thickness 236 374 383 385 386 393 395 399 400
Pair distribution function 136 137 139 211 250 309 343
Pair distribution function for clusters 150 152 156 158 159
Pair distribution function for low-frequency scattering 258
Pair distribution function for multiple species 224 294 310 324 351
Pair distribution function for sticky particle 308 310
Pair distribution function, cross species 280—282
Pair distribution function, Hole — Correction (HC) 261 266
Pair distribution function, Percus — Yevick (PY) 259 261 280 310 324
Pair distribution function, sparse limit 213
Passive remote sensing 324 340 344 346 349—351
Permittivity fluctuation 162 168 169 178—180
Perturbation series 102 137 162 163
Phase function 146 150 302 305 307 316
Phase function for clusters 158
Phase function, Henyey — Greenstein 399
Phase matching 126 270 283
Phase matrix 300 301 340 343
Phase matrix, body frame 305
Phase matrix, principal frame 306 307
Phase perturbation method (PPM) 2 101
Phase perturbation method (PPM), bistatic scattering coefficient 108
Phase perturbation method (PPM), coherent field 105
phase velocity 259 261
Photonic band gap 360
Point scatterer 366 373 374
Point scatterer, albedo 369
Point scatterer, isotropic 374
Polder and van Santern mixing formula 179 182
Position operator 199
Potential function 199
Potential operator 199
Potential operator, modified 214
Poynting's vector 69 108 136 344
Primary scatterers 151
Principal value 169 180 220
Propagator 181
Quasi-crystalline approximation (QCA) 210 246 249 267 281 287 288
Quasi-crystalline approximation (QCA) for size distribution 280
Quasi-crystalline approximation (QCA) in DMRT 246 300
Quasi-crystalline approximation (QCA), T-matrix formalism 246
Quasi-crystalline approximation with coherent potential (QCA-CP) 216 324
Quasi-crystalline approximation with Coherent Potential (QCA-CP) for multiple species 224 325
Quasi-crystalline approximation with Coherent Potential (QCA-CP) in DMRT 324
Radiative transfer equation 240
Radiative transfer equation, cascading of layers approach 122
Radiative transfer equation, difference form 149
Random height function 3
Random process 96 163
Rayleigh phase matrix 343
Rayleigh scattering 281
Rayleigh size distribution 281 293 294
Reciprocity relation 87
Reciprocity relation for bistatic reflection coefficient 88
Reciprocity relation for bistatic transmission coefficient 88
Reducible diagram 164 173 see
Reflectivity 15 51 88 105 266
Resonant scattering 261
Scattering coefficient 78 83 257 301 302 307 362 see
Scattering coefficient, backscattering see "Backscattering coefficient"
Scattering coefficient, bistatic see "Bistatic coefficient"
Scattering dyad 202
Scattering rate 236 296 316
Schwarzschild — Milne, integral equation 374
Schwarzschild — Milne, problem 239
Second moment 329
Second moment, coherent 330
Second moment, incoherent 330
Secondary scatterers 152
Shadowing 77 78 83 89 90 92
Shadowing, function 91
Single scattering 89 122 126 133 152 163 185 342 360 362 367
| Slope, crosswind 109
Slope, distribution 109 113
Slope, local 108
Slope, rms 92
Slope, upwind 109
Slope, variance 98
Small perturbation method (SPM) 2
Small perturbation method (SPM) for 2-D conducting rough surface 2
Small perturbation method (SPM) for 2-D dielectric rough surface 18
Small perturbation method (SPM), bistatic scattering coefficients 48 57 58
Small perturbation method (SPM), coherent reflection 48
Small perturbation method (SPM), emissivities 48 51
Small perturbation method (SPM), first-order 8 29
Small perturbation method (SPM), second-order 11 37
Small perturbation method (SPM), zeroth-order 7 27
Small slope approximation 2 4
Smoothing approximation 167
Snell's law 266 271 276 283 286 309 339 341
Snow 293 314 316 352 355
Snow, dry 187 281 298 299 353
Snow, extinction of 281 298 299
Snow, wet 187 192
Sommerfeld identity 238
source state 204
Specific intensity 350 391
Specific intensity, diffuse 239
Specific intensity, downward-going 239
Specific intensity, upward-going 239
Spherical waves 247
Stationary phase method 90
Sticky parameter 246
Sticky particle 246 302 309—311 314 317 318
Stokes parameters 114 133 306 324 340
Stokes vector 133 340
Stokes vector, coherent 342 349
Stokes vector, incoherent 342 343 349
Strong localization 127 149 332
Strong permittivity fluctuation theory (SPF) 179
Strongly connected diagrams 164 165 170 174
Structure factor 140 155 310 311
T-matrix 246 266 275 285
Tangent plane approximation 66 74 77 see
Tensor product 173
Thick layer 122 125 132 150
Thin layer 122 125 128 130 144 150
Transition operator 128 198 201 203 204 214 219 232 233 235 368
Transition operator for point scatterer 130 368
Transition operator, coordinate representation 129
Transition operator, dyadic 201
Transition operator, mixed representation 219
Transition operator, modified 222 224
Transition operator, momentum representation 129 130 202
Transition operator, relation to scattering amplitude 129
Transition operator, relation to scattering dyad 202
Translational formula 248
Translational invariance 166 278
Translational theorem 207
Transmissivity 88
Transport rate 386 395
Two-level diagram 173
Two-scale model 2 108
Unidirectional point-source Green's function 386 391 392
Unit operator, coordinate representation 199
Unit operator, momentum representation 200
Vector spherical harmonics 273 291
Vector spherical harmonics, addition theorem 276
Volume integral equation 328
Volume integral equation for half-space Green's function 327
Ward identity 226 227
Wave equation 144 149 162 176 180 367 368
Wave equation, scalar 130 135 167
Wave equation, vector 162 168 178—180 227 329
Weak localization 360
Weakly connected diagrams 164 165 167 170 173 174
Wiener method 2
Wigner 3j symbol 259 275
Wind, speed 114
Wind, vector 110
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