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Boillot M. — Basic Concepts and Structured Problem Solving |
Предметный указатель |
abs 217 222
Absolute value, definition 145
Absolute value, function 217 222
Accumulating 260-262
Accumulator 262
Accumulator, initializing 266
Address 4
Algol 16
Alphabetic data see alphanumeric strings
Alphanumeric data, comparing 85
Alphanumeric data, contrast to numeric data 84-90
Alphanumeric data, entering 100
Alphanumeric data, in arrays 318
Alphanumeric strings 228-229 235
Alphanumeric strings, on files 508 509 518
Alphanumeric strings, STR$ function 363
Alphanumeric strings, VAL function 363 (see also captions character
AND 241
APL 16
APPEND 515 516
Apple Computer 6 18
Apple Soft 533
Applications programs 13-15
Approximation 304-305
Area of triangle, formula 145
Area under curve 307
Argument, definition 214
Argument, of function 215
arithmetic expressions 64
Arithmetic operations 5 57-58
Arithmetic operations, symbols 5
Arithmetic/logical unit 3
Arrays, one-dimensional (linear) 312-317 397
Arrays, one-dimensional (linear), accumulating elements of 316 322-323
Arrays, one-dimensional (linear), adding 321
Arrays, one-dimensional (linear), character strings 349
Arrays, one-dimensional (linear), duplicating 321
Arrays, one-dimensional (linear), for graphing 484-487
Arrays, one-dimensional (linear), initializing 321
Arrays, one-dimensional (linear), input/output 326-328 333-335
Arrays, one-dimensional (linear), loading unknown number of records 328-329
Arrays, one-dimensional (linear), merge 323
Arrays, one-dimensional (linear), names 319
Arrays, one-dimensional (linear), printing elements 316
Arrays, one-dimensional (linear), reading data into 315 326-328
Arrays, one-dimensional (linear), reversing 322
Arrays, one-dimensional (linear), search 324
Arrays, one-dimensional (linear), size 319
Arrays, one-dimensional (linear), subscripts 314-315 318-320
Arrays, two-dimensional 392-421
Arrays, two-dimensional, addition 400
Arrays, two-dimensional, column interchange 401
Arrays, two-dimensional, column subscripts 397
Arrays, two-dimensional, column-fashion processing 400 404
Arrays, two-dimensional, diagonals, definitions 413
Arrays, two-dimensional, initializing 400
Arrays, two-dimensional, loading 394 404-405
Arrays, two-dimensional, output 405-407
Arrays, two-dimensional, row subscripts 397
Arrays, two-dimensional, row sum 397 401 402
Arrays, two-dimensional, row-fashion processing 394-400
Arrays, two-dimensional, search 401
Arrays, two-dimensional, subscripts 397
ASCII characters 291-292 347 348 533
Atari 18
auto 86
backslash 229
BACKSPACE 36 103 128
Bar graph 280-282 415-418
BASIC language 4 16-17
BASIC language, minimal 17
BASIC language, mode 19
BASIC language, operations 57
Batch processing 5
Benefit/cost ratio 377
Binary numbers, conversion from decimal 305
Binary numbers, conversion to decimal 303
Blank line, writing 48 84 429
Blanks, in alphanumeric strings 84
Blanks, in BASIC instructions 33 83
Break key 99 128
Break-even point, formula 206
Buffer 509 514
Burroughs computer systems 533
Bus architecture 21
C (image control character) 236 238-241
calculations 8
Captions 40 130 229 232-236 238-241 alphanumeric
Casio computer 18
Centering heading 239
Central processing unit 3-4 10-11
Channels 13
Character strings (arrays) 346-362
Character strings (arrays), function 353 355-358
Character strings (arrays), comparison 347-348
Character strings (arrays), concatenation 355-358
Character strings (arrays), in arrays 349
Character strings (arrays), in DATA statement 347
Character strings (arrays), in IF statement 347
Character strings (arrays), in PRINT statements 347
Character strings (arrays), in replacement statements 347
Character strings (arrays), in response to INPUT statements 347
Character strings (arrays), LEFT$ function 353-354
Character strings (arrays), LEN function 353 355
Character strings (arrays), MID$ function 353-355
Character strings (arrays), names 347
Character strings (arrays), number of characterrs 347
Character strings (arrays), processing 353-359
Character strings (arrays), quotation marks 347
Character strings (arrays), RIGHT$ function 353 354
Character strings (one-dimensional) 359-362
Character strings (one-dimensional), comparison 361
Character strings (one-dimensional), concatenation 361
Character strings (one-dimensional), length 360
Character strings (one-dimensional), names 360
Character strings (one-dimensional), subscripts 361
Character strings (one-dimensional), substrings 360
Characters, keyboard 59-60
characters, special 60
Characters, special, collating sequence 347
Chr$ function 291-292
Circle, equation 497
clear 31 363
Clear screen 41 50 86
CLOSE 506 508 509 516 33
CLOSE# 503
CLS 41 50 86
Collation sequence 347
Columns (of matrices), interchange 401
Columns (of matrices), limit 398
Columns (of matrices), processing 400 404
Columns (of matrices), subscript 397
Comma, for concatenation 361
Comma, for spacing output 40-41 55-56 72-74 506 508 509 518
Comma, format control character 229
Comma, image control character 236
Comma, in alphanumeric string 102
Comma, in DATA statement 157 159
Comma, in MAT statements 431 434
Comma, in PRINT statement 40-41 55-56 72-74 506 508 509 518
Comma, in subscripts 398
Comma, separating input data 100-102 431
Commodore 64 17 19
Comparisons 57 59 113
Compiler 4 14
Computer languages 16
Computerese 21
| Computers 2-4
Computers, components 3-4
Computers, model 7-10
Computers, speed 15-16
Computing systems 5-6 11
con 433 438
conditions 113 241
Conditonal branching 8
Conformable, definition 431
Constants, alphanumeric 61-62
Constants, alphanumeric, length 62
Constants, numeric 60-61
Constants, numeric, significant digits 60
Continuation of lines 70
Control break 285-287
Control unit 3
Coordinating code 460-461
Coordinating module 460-461
Counter 162
Counter, initializing 266
Counting 154 161-166 260-261
Counting, events 166
Counting, loop control 161-163 189-191
Counting, number generation 164-165
CPU 10-11
Cramer's rule 496
CRT console 12
Cues see prompts
Data dictionary 174
data files 166-168
DATA statement 154 156-160 327 328 505
DATA statement, placement 157
Data validation 181
debugging programs 37 290
DEC computers 18 533
Decimal notation 80
Decimal points, aligning 228 236
Decision block, three-way 139
Deleting instructions 36 137
Depreciation 207
Determinant, definition 496
Die, simulated throwing 250
Digital data noiseelimination 452-453
Digital image enhancement 453-454
Digital Research /operating systems 18
Dim statement 314 318-320 360 387-398 436
DIM statement, placement 319
Discount, simple 204
Disk drive codes 506
disks 12 19 504 505
Distance between two points 489
Documentation 43 (see also REM)
Dummy arguments , definition 491-492
Dummy arguments in functions 479-480
Dummy arguments in subroutines 471
e 515 516
Easter date, computation 93 252 481-482
EBCDIC code 347 348
else see IF/THEN/ELSE
Encoding messages 500-501
END 31 54 75
END - IF 123-125
end-of-file 166-170 293-294 328-329 517 533
end-of-file marker 505 509 533
Enter 27-28 32 36 54 101-103 532
eof 509 517 533
Equations, iterative solution 147
Equations, solving a system 433-435 496
ERR 293-294
error codes 293
error trapping 293-294
Errors 34-37
Errors, "out of data" error 159
Errors, common, in expressions 65
errors, correcting 36 103 128
Errors, in input data 103 128
Errors, logical 35-36
errors, syntax 34-35
errors, system 36
ESC (escape) key 99 128
Euclidean algorithm 304
Exclamation point 231 382
Executive 14-15
Exponential notation 80
Expressions, arithmetic 64
Extend mode 515
Factorial 382
Fibonacci sequence 208
FILE 533
File numbers 514-518 519
file processing 507
File processing statements 504-509 514-519
File processing statements, table 533
File processing, sequential 504
Files 504-509
Files, adding records 524 532
files, closing 515-516
files, creating 508 510 532-533
Files, deleting records 532
Files, listing 512
files, naming 509
files, opening 514-515
files, reading 508
Files, reopening 515-516
Files, update program 511-512
Flowcharts 104-110 129 130
Flowcharts, IF 115 117
flowcharts, symbols 106-110
Flowcharts, translating to BASIC, example 118-121
FOR/NEXT loop 256-259 261-266 268-269 326-328
FOR/NEXT loop, with two-dimensional arrays 404-417
Format control characters 228-229
Formulas, geometric 91 145
Fractions, storing 85
Franklin Ace computer 18
Frequency distribution 337-339 409-411
function keys 18
Functions 214-224
Functions, as subscripts 319
Functions, BASIC-supplied 215 217
functions, mathematical 215-216
Functions, trigonometric 214
functions, user-defined 479-481 (see also names of specific functions)
Generalized procedures 465-468
get 504
Golden mean 208
gosub 462 465 471-473 477
goto 69 103-104 113 130 460 462
Graphic codes 291-292 418
Graphics 20
graphics, color 18
Graphs, bar 280-282 415-418
Graphs, plotting 460-487
Greatest common factor 303-304
Hardware 10-13 15
headings 239
Hierarchy chart 461 471
High-level languages 4-5 14
Hypotenuse, length 482
i 508 509 514-515
IBM keyboards 18
IBM Personal Computer 6 7 18 504 506 508 514 515 533
IDN 432 438
if 69 113 115-117 121 126-127 462
IF/THEN ELSE 112 122-125
Image 235
Image control characters 235 236
Index of loop 289
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