Spin density function see "SDF" "SDF-LSD" "SDF-
Spin polarization 237 241 242 245—246 266—276
Spin-density fluctuations 93 208 229 230 232 245 474—478
Spin-dependent scattering (SDS) due to magnetic impurities 397—398 408—412 458—469 471
Spin-flip excitations 228—229 245—246 265—277
Spin-flip scattering 331 398 471 478
Spin-orbit coupling 159
Spin-orbit coupling and band structure 171 184—186 208 209 216
Spin-orbit coupling and constant energy surfaces 153 205—206 211 217
Spin-orbit coupling and Fermi surfaces 215 221—222 236 253 257 263—264
Spin-orbit coupling and Fermi surfaces for alloys 339 340
Spin-orbit coupling and Fermi surfaces in Strain-response models 297—300
Spin-orbit coupling and Fermi surfaces, and magnetic anisotropy 237—238
Spin-orbit coupling and g-shifts 438 449 452—454
Spin-orbit coupling, parameter values 184—185 263 264
Spin-splitting 136 221 396 403
Spin-splitting and local magnetic moments 397—399 406—407 477
Spin-splitting zeros 207 396 397 412 460 464 467 471 473
Spin-splitting zeros and g-factor measurement 403—404 439 440 441 447 448 450
Spin-wave stiffness 244 247 272—274
Spin-waves 93 99 230 238 243—248 267 270—277
Spiral waves 27 135
Spontaneous magnetization 127 196
Square-well pseudopotentials 176
Sr, electronic structure of 179 214—215
Standard potential 160 181—182 204 207 209 212 213 214 215 221 223
Static field technique for dHvA measurement 493 502—503
Stoner coefficient of term 266 267 271
Stoner enhancement factor/parameter 64 66—67 92 235 248
Stoner enhancement factor/parameter, for 93
Stoner enhancement factor/parameter, for transition metals 194—196
Stoner excitations 228—229 245 265—276
Stoner theory 194—196 227 228—230 248
Stoner-RPA theory 229—230
Stress, effect on Fermi surface 278—318 see "Dilation" "Hydrostatic "Pressure" "Tetragonal "Uniaxial
Stress, effect on Fermi surface, experimental methods, direct 284—286
Stress, effect on Fermi surface, experimental methods, indirect 286—291
Stress, effect on Fermi surface, experimental results 297—317
Stress, effect on Fermi surface, experimental results, for Cu 304—309
Stress, effect on Fermi surface, experimental results, for Pb 297—304
Stress, effect on Fermi surface, experimental results, for W 309—317
Stress, effect on Fermi surface, theoretical models 291—296
Strong scattering and the Fermi surface in alloys 325—326
Subtraction Principle 400—401 500 505
Sum rule 94
Sum rule, Friedel 348 349 353 374
Superconducting solenoids 486—489 493
Superconducting temperature 78
Superconductivity and 77—79 84
Superconductivity and domain nucleation 130—131 133—135
Surface conductivity 16
Surface energy 129 130—132 133—134
Surface impedance 24 31
Surface scattering 122—123
Surface tension 134
susceptibility 60—61 62—67
Susceptibility and the electron-phonon interaction 68 72—73
Susceptibility for 84 86 87 89—92
Susceptibility for alkali metals 447 452
Susceptibility tensor 229 232
Susceptibility tensor and spin density fluctuations 229—230 232
Symmetry directions 286 424 426—431 484
T-matrix 328—332 343—347 350—352 354 365 374
TA 212
Tb 221
TC 179 219
Temperature dependence of boson particle numbers 4
Temperature dependence of, dHvA amplitude 83 250—251 366
Temperature dependence of, dHvA phase 250—251
Temperature dependence of, Dingle temperature 478
Temperature dependence of, Fermi surface in ferromagnets 243—251 265—271
Temperature dependence of, impurity scattering in Rh(Fe) 474—476
Temperature dependence of, lifetimes 81—82
Temperature dependence of, magnetization in ferromagnets 228 230—231
Temperature dependence of, magnetoresistance oscillations 143—145
Temperature dependence of, magnetothermal oscillations 140—141
Temperature dependence of, relaxation time 96—97
Temperature dependence of, residual magnetization 271—277
Temperature dependence of, resistivity 18 145 475
Temperature dependence of, self-energy 82—83 334 364 366—367 460
Temperature dependence of, sound wave attenuation and velocity 97—99
Temperature dependence of, transport coefficients of pure metals 19
Temperature modulation technique 239
| Temperature of electron gas, measurement of 121
Tetragonal shear 280 281—283
Tetragonal shear, response of Fermi surface to 303 307—308 317
Tetragonal shear, response of Fermi surface to, for Cu 308
Tetragonal shear, response of Fermi surface to, for Pb 303—304
Tetragonal shear, response of Fermi surface to, for W 311—315
Th, electronic structure of 209—210
thermal conductivity 76 109 112
Thermal mass 338 348
Thermal neutron scattering 231—233
Thermodynamic properties of itinerant ferromagnets 243—248
Thermoelectric effects 106 117—120
Thermoreflectance 202 213
Thin oxide barrier tunnelling 74
Thin plate resonance 31
TI 217
Torque measurements 288 289 303 310 315 367 see
Torquemeter 289
Torsion balance measurements 138—139 142 144
Transition metals see also "Individual metals"
Transition metals as solute in dilute alloys 476—478
Transition metals, cohesive properties of 186 189—193
Transition metals, effects of magnetic impurities in 474—477
Transition metals, electronic structure of 149—224
Transition metals, g-factors 450 451
Transition metals, strain dependence of Fermi surface 278 295 309—317
Transport properties 44 76—77 94—101 318
Transport properties, path-integral approach to 102—123
Transverse sound waves 283 291
tunnelling 39 74—76 78 84
Turning points in dHvA waveforms 380 424 484 485
Two-band model 379 476
Two-centre approximation 173
Ultrasonics see "Sound waves"
Ultraviolet photoemission 153 198
Umklapp processes 18—19 22 34
Uniaxial tension, Fermi surface dependence on 278 279 303 305—312
Uniaxial tension, Fermi surface dependence on, direct experiments 286
Uniaxial tension, lattice strain produced by 280—282
V 212 213
Valence difference 353
VBH approximation 252—256
Vector mean feee path 109—114 123
Vector mean feee path for non-uniform fields 120
Vector mean feee path, path-integral calculation of 114—117
Vector mean feee path, physical interpretation 110
Vector projection technique 397 413—420 443 444—445
Volume of Fermi surface 99—101 234 236—237 238
von Barth — Hedin (vBH) approximation 252-256
W, band structure and optical properties 213—214
W, Fermi surface 152 211 212—213 257 268
W, Fermi surface, stress dependence of 279 288 289 309—318
Wave-function renormalization 76—77 100 331—332 344 348 366 380—381 391
Waveshapes in the dHvA effect 393—478 see dHvA
Waveshapes in the dHvA effect and electron spin effects 403—405
Waveshapes in the dHvA effect and g-factor measurement 438—455
Waveshapes in the dHvA effect and magnetic impurity effects 405—412 456—478
Waveshapes in the dHvA effect and magnetic interaction effects 412—420
Waveshapes in the dHvA effect, dephasing effects 395 420—437 445
Waveshapes in the dHvA effect, dephasing effects, due to field inhomogeneity 436—437
Waveshapes in the dHvA effect, dephasing effects, due to lattice dislocations 431—435
Waveshapes in the dHvA effect, dephasing effects, due to mosaic structure 422—431 445 508
Waveshapes in the dHvA effect, Fourier analysis of 136 399 400—402 485 497—502 503
Waveshapes in the dHvA effect, Fourier analysis of, fast Fourier transform 497—502
Waveshapes in the dHvA effect, information content in 393—399
Waveshapes in the dHvA effect, measurable quantities for 400—403
White tin, uniaxial tension measurements on 286
Wigner — Seitz cells 55 160 161—162 180 188
Wigner — Seitz rule 170 177
X-rays, fine structure near absorption edges 154 198 209
X-rays, use in specimen orientation 482—483
Y, electronic structure of 175 179 216 217
Yb as solute in Au-based alloys 471 473 474
Yb, electronic structure of 214 221
Young's modulus 290
Zeeman splitting 396 398 403 407
Zero padding in fast Fourier transforms 498
Zero sound 87 94 97—99
Zero-crossing points 493—494 496 504—505
Zn 301 396
Zn, alloys of 361 397 478
Zn, g-factor 439 449 453
Zr 179 217