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Shifman M.A. — ITEP lectures on particle physics and field theory (Vol. 2) |
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term 235 288
't Hooft determinant interaction 291
't Hooft interaction 257
't Hooft matching 498
't Hooft matching (consistency) conditions, 185 415 423 439
't Hooft model 129
't Hooft symbols , 242
't Hooft, G. 129 185 217 256 348 354 361 367 565
Abrikosov vortices 360 540
Abrikosov, A.A. 360
ADS (Affleck — Dine — Seiberg) model 516
Affine algebra 716
Affleck, I. 499 536 616
Amati, D. 412
Asbel — Hofstadter problem 861
Atiyah, M. 288
Axion 235
Bagger, J. 500
Banks, T. 436
Belavin, A.A. 205 435 556 580
Berezin, F.A. 293 313
Berezinian 566
Bernoulli numbers 122
Berry's phase 778
Berry, V.M. 778
Bethe, H.A. 660
Bigi, I. 31 39
Bjorken sum rule 32 77
Bjorken, J. 32 58 62
BLM (Brodsky — Lepage — Mackenzie) prescription 90
Bloch zone 806
Bloch, F. 232 463
Bogomol'nyi condition 356
Bogomol'nyi, E.B. 354
Bogomolny, E. 540
Bohr — Sommerfeld's quantization rule 797
Borel parameter 125
Borel transformation 124
BPS (Bogomol'nyi — Prasad — Sommerfield) limit 354 358
BPS (Bogomol'nyi — Prasad — Sommerfield) saturation 540
BPS (Bogomol'nyi — Prasad — Sommerfield) states 356
BPST (Belavin — Polyakov — Schwarz — Tyupkin) instantons 555
Brodsky, S. 90
Callan, C. 225 272 673
Calogero, F. 850
Cardy, J.L. 667
Cartan subalgebra 872
Central charge 541 667 685
CGG/BUV (Chay — Georgi — Grinstein — Bigi — Uraltsev — Vainshtein) theorem 31 39 73
Chay, J. 31
Chern — Simons current 230 288
Chiral limit 119
Chiral superfield 372 501
Chromomagnetic operator 48
Closure condition 837
Cluster decomposition 234
Coleman — Mandula Theorem 340
Coleman, S. 340
Confinement regime 495
Confining phase 359
Conformal families 689 722
Conformal group 250
Conformal plane 686
Conformal regime 187 435
Conformal weights 560 683
Conformal window 188 454 633 673
Coset construction 705 730 862
Coulomb phase 351 359 450 606 633
Crewther, R. 463
Critical exponents 654
D function 138
D-flatness condition 385 511 515
Dashen, R. 225 272
De Rujula, A. 363
Descendant fields 722
Descendant states 721
descendants 689
Determinant of differential operator 210
Dilute instanton gas 225 274
Dine, M. 499 536 616
Discrete unitary series 729
Disoriented chiral condensate 465
domain walls 464
Double logarithms 102
Dual Coxeter number 525 533
Dynamical smearing 128
Dynkin index 405 425 434 525 533 622 732
Dyons 358 365
Elemenatry symmetric polynomials 853
Elephants 619
Ellis, J. x
End point domain 69
ER (energy reflection) symmetry 794
Euclidean formulation 207
Extremal path 207
F-flatness condition 504
Faddeev, L.D. 262 763
Fayet — Iliopoulos mechanism 490 506 612
Fayet, P. 490
Flat directions 508
Flux tube 359
Foldy — Wouthuysen transformation 12
Four-quark operators 147
Fractionals 364
Friedan, D. 727
Fusion rules 691
Gaillard, M.K. x
Gamma matrices 695
Gamma matrices (standard representation) 6
Gauge mediated scenario 497
Gauss decomposition 755
Gell-Mann — Low function 186 190 435 670
Gell-Mann — Oakes — Renner formula 145
Gell-Mann, M. 186 361 364
Georgi — Glashow model 348 353 367
Georgi, H. 31 348
Ghosts 262
Ginzburg — Landau model 360 547
Ginzburg, V.L. 360
Glashow, S. 348
Gluino condensate 498 534
Gluon condensate 117 137 145
Goddard, P. 734
Golfand, Yu.A. 336 340 373
Graded algebras 305 845
Grassmann coordinates 500
Grassmann numbers 313
Grassmann variables 846
Gravity mediated scenario 497
Gribov, V.N. 232
Grinstein, B. 31
Gross, D. 225 272
GUT (grand unification) 496 516
Hedgehog 233 252 358
Heisenberg algebra 781
Higgs mechanism (phase, phenomenon) 253 353
Higgs phenomenon 494
Higgs, sector 254
Holomorphic anomaly 401 409 588
Holomorphic factorization 681
HQET (Heavy quark effective theory) 10 28
Hybrid logarithms 93 173
Iliopoulos, J. 490
Index theorem 288
Instanton, liquid model 145 188 225
Instanton, measure 223
Instanton, size (radius), center 245
instantons 672
Intriligator, T. 496
Ioffe, B.L. vii 114
| Isgur, N. 15
Ising model 721
Ising, E. 659
ISS (Intriligator — Seiberg — Shenker) model 499
ITEP (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics) v
ITYI (Intriligator — Thomas — Izawa — Ianagida) mechanism 496
Izawa, K. 496
Jackiw — Rebbi index theorem 550
Jackiw, R. 550 677
Kac — Moody central charge 710
Kac, V.G. 726
Kaehler function 504
Kaehler manifold 504
Kaehler potential 504
Kaehler quotient 514
Kaellen — Lehmann spectral function 362 437
Kamran, N. 779
Kaufman, B. 660
Khodjamirian, A. 114
Khriplovich, I.B. 266
Kinetic energy operator 48 180
Klinkhamer, F.R. 261
Konishi anomaly 403 459 475 544
Konishi current 528
Konishi, K. 403 459
Krammers — Wannier duality 660
Krammers, H.A. 660
Landau phase 353 443 454
Landau pole 353
Landau, L.D. 217 220 333 351 360 456
Lebedev Physical Institute 342
Lenz, W. 659
Lepage, M. 90
Level of the Kac — Moody algebra 691
Levi-Civita symbol 374 473
Lie, S. 675
Liftshitz, E.M. 217 220 333
Light-cone, distribution function 73 79
Light-cone, wave function (distribution amplitude) 174
Likhtman, E.P. 336 340 373
Low, F. 186
Luke, M. 65
MAC (maximum attraction channel) hypothesis 414
MacKenzie, P. 90
Majorana spinors 335
Mandelstam, S. 348 361
Mandula, J. 340
Manton, N.S. 261
Matching 85
Meissner effect (dual) 117 349 360
Messenger sector 496
Migdal, A.A. 435
Minimal models 714
Moduli 512 559
Moduli, space 512 559
Moduli, space of vacua 385
Morse potential 782 805
MS (Modified minimal subtraction) scheme 116
MSSM (minimal supersymmetric standard model) 496
Mueller, A. 143
Multicolor QCD 128
Murayama, H. 630
Nanopoulos, D. x
Non-Abelian bosonization 763
Normal ordering precedure 711
Normalization point 138 182
Novikov, S.P. 734
Novikov, V. xiii 86 405
NSVZ (Novikov — Shifman — Vainshtein — Zakharov) function 405 433 436 457 498
Null state 724
O'Raifeartaigh mechanism 490 611
O'Raifeartaigh, L. 490
Oblique confinement 364 453
Okun, L.B. viii
Olive, D. 541 734
Olver, P. 779
Onsager, L. 660 667
Optical (Voloshin's) sum rule 32 98
Orbit 827
Pauli matrices 501
Pauli — Villars regularization 566
Pauli — Villars regulator fields 263 265 269
Peiers, R. 657
Penguin graph x
Pfaffian 600
Photino 350 505
Plateau mechanism 627 637
Poeschl — Teller potential 782 805
Polyakov — Wiegmann decomposition 744
Polyakov, A. 580 657 660 674 692 741
Polyakov, A.M. 205 217 348 354
Pomeranchuk, I.Ya. vi
Popov, V.N. 262
Practical OPE 86
Prasad, M.K. 354 540
Prevacuum 232 234 256 261 463
Primary fields 687 712
Pseudoparticle 217 278 280
Quadratic Casimir coefficient 735
Quantum tops 826
Quark condensate 117 136 145
Quark-hadron duality 76
Quasigauge transformation 786
Quasiprimary fields 688
Radial quantization 686
RCFT (rational conformal field theories) 689 714 728
Rebbi, C. 550
Reflection positivity 674
Regge trajectories 120 129 168
Renormalon 143
Ricatti equation 786
Riemann function 122
Rubakov, V. 673
Rudaz, S. x
Run-away vacuum 396 521
Runge — Lenz vector 659
Running coupling constant 116
s confinement 433
Salam, A. 374
Scalar potential 384 503
Scale transformation 677
Schwarz, A.S. 205 580
Schwarzian derivative 712
Schwinger term 684 701
Schwinger, J. 22 684 704
Seiberg's duality 626
Seiberg, N. 413 433 436 449 457 499 536 606 673
Selectron 350 373 505
Selfduality 244 252
Shenker, S. 499
Shuryak, E. 7 55 173
Sigma models 737
Similarity transformation 786
Simonov, Yu.A. vii
Singer, I. 288
Skyrme model 461
Skyrmion 229 735
SM (standard model) 494
Sommerfield, C.H. 354 540 705
Space of vacua 385
Spectral density 120
Spectrum generating algebras 780
Spontaneous magnetization 653
SQCD (supersymmetric quantum chromodynamics) 494 508
SQED (supersymmetric quantum electrodynamics) 505
Standard model 253
Strathdee, J. 374
Structure functions 59
Subflavors 509
Sudakov corrections 102
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