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Shankar R. — Principles of quantum mechanics |
Предметный указатель |
Perturbations, adiabatic 478
Perturbations, periodic 482
Perturbations, sudden 477
Perturbations, time-independent 451
Phase shift 546
Phase space 88
Phonons 198
photoelectric effect 111 499
photons 110 198
Photons, quantum theory of 516
Physical Hilbert space 67
Pictures, Heisenberg 147 490
Pictures, interaction (Dirac) 485
Pictures, Schr dinger 147 484
Planck’s constant 111
Poisson brackets 92
Poisson brackets, invariance of 96
Polarizability 464
Population inversion 395
Postulates 115 211
Probability amplitude 111 121
Probability current density 166
probability density 121
Product basis 403
Projection operator 23
Propagator, Feynman’s 578
Propagator, for (classical) string 72
Propagator, for coupled masses 51
Propagator, for free particle 153
Propagator, for Gaussian packet 154
Propagator, for harmonic oscillator 615
Proper vectors 67
Pseudospin 639
Quadrupole tensor 425
Quanta 197
Quantization of energy 160
Quantum Hall Effect (QHE) 589
Radial equation in three dimensions 339
Radial equation in two dimensions 316
Radial part of wave function in three dimensions 339
Radial part of wave function in two dimensions 316
Raising operator for angular momentum 222
Raising operator for harmonic oscillator 205
Range of potential 525
Rare earth elements 371
Ray 118
Recursion relation 193
Reduced mass 86
Reduced matrix element 420
Reflection coefficient 168
Resonances 550
Rotations, generators of (classical) 100
Rotations, generators of (quantum) 308
Rotations, invariance under (classical) 100
Rotations, invariance under (quantum) 310
Runge — Lenz vector 360 422
Rutherford cross section 531
Rydberg 355
S$ matrix, partial wave 547
Scattering amplitude 527
Scattering, from step potential 167
Scattering, general theory 523
Scattering, of identical particles 560
Scattering, of two particles 555
Schr dinger equation, equivalence to path integral 229
Schr dinger equation, time-dependent 116 143
Schr dinger equation, time-independent 145
Schr dinger picture 147 484
Schwartz inequality 16
Selection rule, angular momentum 458 459
Selection rule, dipole 459
Selection rule, general 458
Shell 370
Singlet 405
Spectroscopic notation 350
Spectroscopic notation, modified 415
Spherical Bessel functions 348
Spherical Hankel functions 348
Spherical harmonics 335 336
Spherical Neumann functions 348
Spin 325 373
Spin statistics theorem 264
Spin-orbit interaction 468
Spinor 375
Spontaneous decay 517
Spontaneous emission 521
Square-well potential 164
Stark effect 459 465
Stationary states 146
Statistics 264
| Statistics, determination of 269
Stem — Gerlach experiment 399
Subspaces 17
Superposition principle 117
Symmetric states 263
Symmetries, classical 98
Symmetries, quantum 279
Symmetries, spontaneous breakdown of 620
Tensor, antisymmetric ( ) 319
Tensor, Cartesian 417
Tensor, irreducible 418
Tensor, operator 417
Tensor, quadrupole 425
Tensor, second rank 418
Tensor, spherical 417
Thermal wavelength 625
Thomas factor 468 571
Thomas — Reiche — Kuhn rule 457
Time translation invariance 294
Time-ordered integral 148
Time-ordering symbol 633 651
Time-reversal symmetry 301
Top state 410
Total S basis 405
Trace 30
Transformations 29
Transformations, active 29 97 280
Transformations, canonical 92
Transformations, generator of 99 283
Transformations, identity 98
Transformations, passive 29 280 284
Transformations, point 94
Transformations, regular 97
Transformations, unitary 27
Translated state 280
Translation, finite 289
Translation, generator of 100 283
Translation, operator 280
Translational invariance, implications of 98 292
Translational invariance, in quantum theory 279
Transmission coefficient 168
Transverse relaxation time 395
Triangle inequality 116 412
Triplets 405
Tunneling 175 616
Two-particle Hilbert space 247
Uncertainty 128
Uncertainty principle, applications of 198
Uncertainty principle, derivation of 237
Uncertainty principle, energy-time 245
Uncertainty principle, physical basis of 140
Uncertainty relation 138
Unitarity bound 548
Unitary operator 27
Unitary operator, eigenvalues of 39
Unitary operator, eigenvectors of 39
Variational method 429
Vector addition coefficients 412
Vector operator 313
Vector space, axioms for 2
Vector space, basis for 6
Vector space, dimensionality of 5
Vector space, field of 2
Vector space, infinite dimensional 57
Vector space, of Hilbert 67
Vector space, subspace of 17
Vectors, components of 6
Vectors, improper 67
Vectors, inner product of 8
Vectors, norm of 9
Vectors, orthogonality of 9
Vectors, outer product of 25
Vectors, proper 67
Virial theorem 212
Virial theorem, for hydrogen 359 471
Wave functions 121
Wave-particle duality 113
Waves, interference of 108
Waves, matter 112
Waves, plane 108
Wick’s theorem 645
Wigner Eckart theorem 420
WKB approximation, and bound states 445
WKB approximation, and path integrals 438
WKB approximation, and tunneling 444
WKB approximation, introduction to 435
WKB approximation, three-dimensional 449
Yukawa potential 531
Zeemann effect 398
zero point energy 198
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