Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Schreiber E. — Femtosecond real-time spectroscopy of small molecules and clusters |
Предметный указатель |
Absorption, spectrum 167
Absorption, three-photon 162
Absorption, two-photon 155
Acousto-optic modulator 16
Adiabatic, expansion 27 181
Adiabatic, potential 73
Adiabatic, representation 64
Alternation, even-odd 146 152 175
Amplification, titanium sapphire 7
Anharmonicity 55 94
Argon ion laser, actively mode-locked 13
Autocorrelation 23
Autocorrelation, function 24 116
Autocorrelation, interferometric 17 32 123 124
Autocorrelation, trace 17
Autocorrelation, width 25
Autocorrelator 13
Autoionization 79
Background gas 37
Baffle 26
Bandwidth 13 17
Bandwidth, transform-limited 4
Beam waist 14 15
Beat structure 172
Beta ( -)barium borate (BBO) 20 36 149
Birefringent filter 17
Bohr frequency 177
Boltzmann distribution 113
Bond breaking 131
Born — Oppenheimer approximation 41 46 64 160
Branching ratio 134
Catalysis 5
Cavity 12
Cavity, length 20
Charge reversal, experiment 33
Charge reversal, process 6 7 46 155
Chirp 12 15
Chirp, negative 16
Chirp, positive 15
Chirped pulse amplification 34
Chromophore 177
Coexpansion 27
Coherence 3 42
Coherent, control 2
Coherent, radiation 18
Cohesion 153
Cold reflex discharge ion source (CORDIS) 37
Collision 155 165
Collision, reactive 182
Condon point 53
Configuration-interaction method (CI) 134 148
Control 3 176
Control, mechanism 83
Control, molecular dynamics 4 51 115
Control, parameter 83
Control, reaction 83 122
Convolution function 44 137
Critical stability 29
Cross correlation 22 44
Curve crossing 72
Dark state 3 117 124
Decay, constant 174
Decay, dissociative 6
Decay, radiative 6 134 136
Decay, single exponential 174
Decay, time 124 151 175
Deconvolution 167
Delay time 10
Density matrix method 7 163
Density matrix method, time-dependent ab initio quantum chemical 47
Dephasing time 97
Depletion spectroscopy (DS) 5 103 123 132 139
Depopulation 132
Detection, mass-selected 9
Diabatic representation 64
Dichroic mirrors 149
dielectric constant 42
Difference potential analysis 77 78
Diffractive grating 35
Dipole, absorption 148
Dipole, approximation 42 66
Dipole, transition moment 42 66
Dipole, transition moment, function 112
Discrete variable representation (DVR) 41
Dissociation, channel 133 175
Dissociation, dynamics 5
Dissociation, photo 5
Dissociation, ultrafast 6
Downhill simplex method 46
Dunham fit 52
Dye laser, astigmatically compensated 13
Dye laser, colliding-pulse mode-locked (CPM) 7 12
Dye laser, continuous wave (cw) 12
Dye laser, synchronously pumped 12
Eigenenergies 1
Electron 41
Electron, excess 156
Electronic state, crossing 172
Electronic state, dissociative 43
Electronic state, double minimum 176
Electronic state, excited 166
Electronic state, ground 87 127 137 173 174
Electronic state, perturbed 173
Energy detachment, adiabatic 165
Energy detachment, vertical (VDE) 165
Energy, conservation 19
Energy, eigenstates 1
Energy, gap 84
Energy, Hartree 113
Energy, kinetic 38 41 111 162
Energy, level scheme 145
Energy, potential 41 111
Energy, shift 172
Energy, transfer 5 123
Energy-level model 175
Energy-level model, extended 45 124
Energy-level model, simple 44 137
Excitation, selective 122
Faraday rotator 35
Fast Fourier transform (FFT) propagation 112
Fluctuation, pulse-to-pulse 7
Fourier analysis 33 55 68 78 171 173
Fourier component 79
Fourier limit 17
Fourier spectrum 59 91 116 128 174
Fourier transform 89
Fourier transform propagation method 40
Fourier transform spectroscopy 52
Fourier transform, algorithm 42
Fourier transform, method 42
Fourier transform, second-order differencing fast (SOD-FFT) 67
Fourier transform, sliding-window 60
Fourier transformation 3
Fragmentation 5 43 124 132 136 144 151 166
Fragmentation, dynamics 139
Fragmentation, ionic 153
Fragmentation, model 140
Fragmentation, photoinduced 132 133
Fragmentation, probability 5 134 138 142 145 152
Fragmentation, process 138
Fragmentation, time constant 138 175
Franck — Condon detachment process 159
Franck — Condon factor 73 121 155 159 162 165 175
Franck — Condon overlap 169
Franck — Condon point 96
Franck — Condon principle 52
Franck — Condon process, vertical 159
Franck — Condon transition 47 96 181
Franck — Condon window 3 53 77 82 173
Frequency, mixing 36
| Frequency, resolved optical gating (FROG) 25
Full width half maximum (FWHM) 12
Gain, media 14 15
Gain, profile 14
Geometrical phase 112
Gires — Tournois interferometer (GTI) 16 17
Grid propagation 47
Group velocity dispersion (GVD) 12 15 17 32
Hamilton matrix 41 110
Hamiltonian 41 64 65 111
Hamiltonian, Watson 47
harmonic oscillator 47
Harmonic progression 139
Hartree — Fock formalism 41
Heat-pipe oven 94
Helium clusters 179
Hole, dynamical 88
Interference 168
Interference, quantum 177
Interferogram 177
Internal energy transfer 131
Intersystem crossing (ISC) 63
Intersystem crossing (ISC), process 3 118
Intramolecular vibrational redistribution (IVR) 3 101 120 144 164 179 181
inversion 15
Ion, continuum model 84
Ion, deflector 29
Ion, fragment 166
Ion, lens 37
Ion, trajectory 39
Ion, trap 37
Ion, yield 167
Ionization (TPI), two-photon, two-color 144
Ionization, limit 133
Ionization, multiphoton (MPI) 1 9 123 159
Ionization, multiphoton (MPI), resonantly enhanced (REMPI) 9
Ionization, potential (IP) 157 160 165
Ionization, potential (IP), vertical 159
Ionization, probability 159
Ionization, three-photon (3PI) 32 172
Ionization, threshold 148
Ionization, two-photon (TPI) 9 156 169
Isomer, bond-length 176
Isomerization 7 165 176 179
Isotope 3 52 68 97 172
Isotope, selective 172
Isotopic, correction factor 97
Isotopic, shift 97
Jahn — Teller (JT) distortion 101
Jahn — Teller (JT) effect 111
Jahn — Teller (JT) effect, pseudo- (PJT) 111
Jahn — Teller (JT) effect, second-order 181
Jahn — Teller (JT) system 102
Jellium model 144 152 175
Langmuir — Taylor detector 29
Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) 6 52
Least-squares fit 167
Least-squares fit, algorithm 142 151 175
Least-squares fit, functions 143
Least-squares fit, routine 46 137
Lifetime 5 124 134 136 146 175
Lifetime, radiative 134 138
Lithium triborate (LBO) 20
Littrow incidence 35
Mass-to-charge ratio (m/e) 29
Master-slave technique 21
Michelson interferometer 24
Mode, asymmetric bending 174
Mode, asymmetric stretch 104
Mode, breathing 105
Mode, normal 110
Mode, pseudorotational 121
Mode, symmetric bending 104 165 174
Mode, symmetric stretch 104 116 128 165 174
Mode, vibrational 174
Mode-locking, active 12
Mode-locking, amplitude-modulation 13
Mode-locking, colliding-pulse 7
Mode-locking, Kerr-lens 7
Mode-locking, passive 12
Mode-locking, regenerative 7 16
Mode-locking, self- 7
Mode-selective excitation 179
Molecular Dynamics 160
Molecular dynamics, control 40 172-174
Molecular supersonic beam 26
Molecular vibration frequency 53
Momentum conservation 19
Nd:YLF laser 34
Nonequilibrium state 175
Nonlinear crystal 24
Nozzle 28
Nucleation 27
Optical encoder 31
Optical Kerr effect (OKE) 15
Optical parametric amplifier (OPA), travelling-wave (tw—OPA) 36
Optical parametric generation (OPG) 36
Optical parametric oscillation (OPO) 7
Optical parametric oscillator (OPO) 18 149
Optical parametric oscillator (OPO), continuous wave (cw) mode-locked 19
Optical parametric oscillator (OPO), idler 18
Optical parametric oscillator (OPO), signal 18
Optical parametric oscillator (OPO), synchronously pumped 19
Optical-optical double resonance 52
Overall system response 44 124 137 142 167
Perturbation 51 75 172
Perturbation matrix 73
Phase noise spectral density (PNSD) 23
Phase, compensation, cubic 12
Phase, compensation, quadratic 12
Phase, space density 163
Phase-frequency detector 22
Photo, detachment 6 33 155 175
Photo, diode 16
Photo, dissociation 148 174
Photo, electron 155
Photo, excitation 175
Photo, excited 10
Photo, ionization 33
Photo, probability 175
Pickup source 177
Piezoelectric transducer (PZT) 20 22
PIN Photodiode 22
Plasmon 147
Pockels cell 35
Point group symmetry, 165
Polarization, optically induced 18
Population density 44 140
Population density, initial 142
Population density, transient 141
Population dynamics 71
Potassium dideuterium phosphate (KD*P) 35
Potential-energy surface (PES) 4 9 41
Potential-energy surface (PES), Mexican hat 161
Potential-energy surface (PES), repulsive 123 132 172 175
Potential-energy surface (PES), torsional 180
Power, average 13
Predissociation 6 133 135 139 175
Predissociation, lifetime 139
Predissociation, threshold 137
Pseudorotation 4 51 103 104 133 161 162 174
Pseudorotation, angular coordinate 105 112
Pseudorotation, barrier 181
Pseudorotation, lifetime 162
Pseudorotation, radial coordinate 105
Pulse, 88
Pulse, 88
Pulse, compressor 34
Pulse, duration 13
Pulse, Fourier-limited 3
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