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Khoo A. — Secrets Of Self Made Millionaires
Khoo A. — Secrets Of Self Made Millionaires

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Название: Secrets Of Self Made Millionaires

Автор: Khoo A.


You Must Learn to be Extremely Rich and Happy
If you have always wanted to build a million-dollar fortune then stop dreaming. It is time you learnt how you can make your dreams a reality right now! You will learn that it does not require a Harvard Business Degree, good luck or lots of capital to make it rich. With a strong desire, million-dollar mindset and the right money-making strategies, you will find that anyone can become a self-made millionaire.
This is the most practical, powerful & comprehensive book ever written on how to create, manage, multiply and enjoy your money. It is a must read for entrepreneurs, managers, professionals, executives and anybody who has ever dreamed of getting out of the rat race and onto the path of financial freedom.
Invest in this book and you will be personally coached by Adam Khoo, an entrepreneur who became a self-made millionaire by the age of 26. Over the last 15 years, Adam has helped hundreds of thousands of people achieve exceptional success & wealth no matter how desperate their situation.
You will learn proven and time-tested strategies like:
- The Seven Steps to Financial Abundance
- The Nine Habits of Self-Made Millionaires
- How the Rich Manage their Money
- How to Massively Increase Your Income Without Quitting Your Job
- How to Create a Money-Spinning Business from Home
- How to Manage your Money & Reduce Your Expenses by 20-35%
- How to Build a $6m Fortune by just Investing 10% of Your Income
- How to Achieve a 12.08% Return from the Stock Market...Risk Free
- How to Build Multiple Streams of Income throughBusiness, Investing and Intellectual Property
- How to Design Your Millionaire Master Plan

Язык: en

Рубрика: Экономика и финансы/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Издание: second edition

Год издания: 2009

Количество страниц: 366

Добавлена в каталог: 09.09.2010

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