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Safran S.A. — Statistical thermodynamics on surfaces, interfaces and membranes |
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Acceleration 45
aggregates 215
Aggregation number 238 240—243
Amphiphiles 180
Area per molecule 186 190 195
Bending modulus 189 (see also“Curvature modulus”)
Bilayers 180 187 244 245
Bilayers, curvature energy 192 209
Binary mixture 21 63 80 168
Binodal 26 29 52
Bjerrum length 156
Block copolymers 6 181
Boltzmann distribution 61
Boltzmann factor 9 94 206
Bose statistics 145
Calculus of variations 67
Capillary instabilities 89
Capillary number 128
Capillary waves 83 86 98
Charge density 156
Charge density, Debye — Huckel limit 160
Charge distribution 157 158
Charge distribution, around spheres 226
Charge distribution, unbound 227
Charge renormalization 228
Charge renormalization of cylindrical rods 234
chemical potential 11 12 22 24 70 160 169 184 240 241 243
Coexistence curve 25 26 61 221
Coexistence of two phases 24 58 61 67 70 80
Coexistence of two phases in wetting 122
Coexistence of two phases, polymers 75
Colloids 2 4 153 214
Colloids, aggregates 215 232
Colloids, applications 215
Colloids, charged 225
Colloids, crystals 215
Colloids, Derejaguin approximation 219
Colloids, DLVO theory 223
Colloids, electrostatic interactions 225
Colloids, interactions 223 234
Colloids, kinetics of aggregation 232
Colloids, phase separation 221
Colloids, stability 215 216
Colloids, steric stabilization 228 231
Common tangent 25
Complex fluids 2
Composition gradients 63 68 167 172
Composition profile 63
Compressibility 207
Contact angle 102 104 110 111 122 124 125
Contact angle hysteresis 110
Contact angle, hysteresis 104
Contact line 103
Contact line, fluctuations 110 130
Continuity equation 44
Continuum approximation 93
Continuum fluids 44
continuum limit 65
Correlation functions 51 74 98
Correlation functions of fluctuating contact line 114
Correlation functions of impurities on a substrate 110
Correlation functions of normals 202
Correlation functions, interfaces 85
Correlation functions, persistence length 203
Correlation functions, surfaces 86
correlation length 96 97 118
Counterions 72 153 156 160 199 225
Counterions, distribution about a charged surface 157
Counterions, distribution around spheres 226
Counterions, distribution between two charged surfaces 158
Counterions, unbound 227
Critical micelle concentration 184 240
Critical point 25 27 30 66 75 221
Crystal growth 97
Crystal shape 60
Curvature 31 34 53
Curvature elasticity 182
Curvature energy 189 194
Curvature energy of bilayers 192 209
Curvature energy of microemulsions 248
Curvature energy of random surface 256
Curvature energy of small molecule systems 198
Curvature energy of vesicles 244
Curvature energy, frustration 244 245 247
Curvature energy, microscopic model 190
Curvature modulus 189 192 193
Curvature modulus of a polymer brush 209
Curvature modulus of solids 208
Curvature modulus, electrostatic contribution 199 209
Curvature modulus, relation to pressure distribution 193 198
Curvature modulus, renormalization 203 261
Curvature of membranes 185
Curvature, elastic moduli 189 190
Debye — Huckel approximation 161 173
Density functional theory 14
Depletion interactions 167
Derejaguin approximation 219 229
Dewetting 131
dielectric constant 155
Dielectric functions 148
Differential geometry 30
Diffusion-limited aggregates 215
Diffusion-limited aggregation 234
dispersion relation 89 148 173
Dispersions 2 153 214
DLVO theory 223
Dynamics 86 97
Effective charge 227
Electrostatic interactions 153
Electrostatic interactions of colloids 223 225
Electrostatic interactions of surfaces 173
Electrostatic interactions, contribution to curvature elasticity 199
Electrostatic interactions, contribution to curvature energy 209
Electrostatic interactions, counterion distribution 158
Electrostatic interactions, Debye — Hiickel limit 160
Electrostatic interactions, forces 163
Electrostatic interactions, forces between charged surfaces 166
Electrostatic interactions, free energy 155 173
Electrostatic interactions, high charge density limit 159
Electrostatic interactions, ideal-gas limit 159
Electrostatic interactions, salt effects 154 160 223
Electrostatic interactions, stabilizing colloids 216
Electrostatic interactions, stress 166
Electrostatic interactions, stress between charged surfaces 163
Emulsification failure 250 260
entropy 8 9 30 72 151 156 183 205 216 227 245
Entropy of indistinguishable particles 10 154 160 174
Entropy of micelles 239
Entropy of microemulsions 251
Equilibrium 59 102 183
Euler — Lagrange equation 81 87 117 170 171
Excluded volume 21 73 230
Flocculation 215 219 221 223
Fluctuations 15 27 74 79 80 180
Fluctuations of contact line 110 113 130
Fluctuations of interfaces 83
Fluctuations of membranes 201 203
Fluctuations of microemulsions 247 252
Fluctuations of spongelike structures 254
Fluctuations, interactions 205 211
Fluctuations, roughening 92
force 45
Force between surfaces 162
Fourier transform 17 94 112 206
Fractal aggregates 215 232 235
Fractal aggregates, kinetics 232
Free energy 9 59 61 63 65 73 80
Free energy of charged colloids 227
Free energy of fluctuating membranes 206
Free energy of membranes 201
| Free energy of micelles 238
Free energy of photons 145
Free energy of saturated interfaces 185
Free energy of solute between walls 168
Free energy of vesicles 245
Free energy, curvature 186 189
Free energy, electrostatic 155
Free energy, Flory — Huggins 30
Free energy, fluctuations 83
Free energy, grand potential 11 12 23 28 67 116 119 156 169
Free energy, Helmholtz 9 23 67 70 174
Free energy, interfacial 91 116
Free energy, Landau expansion 27
Free energy, minimization 67 81 95 104 109 112 117 156 187 239 246
Free energy, polymeric 230
Free energy, wetting 104 109 111
Gas 69
Gas-liquid coexistence 69 102 115
Gas-liquid interfacial profile 118
Gas-liquid transition 225
Gaussian curvature 35 38 39 186
Gaussian distribution 17 50 94 256
Gibbs distribution 9
Ginzburg — Landau expansion 65 80
Gravity 85
Gravity driven flow 49
Hamaker constant 99 108 140 142 143 224
Hamiltonian 9 12 21 61 63 84 93 94 137 205
Hard spheres 217
Hard spheres, crystalization 217
Hard spheres, soft repulsions 222
harmonic oscillator 17
Helfrich interactions 204
Helfrich parameters 190
Hydrodynamics 43 98
Hydrodynamics, boundary conditions 43 46
Hydrodynamics, wetting 125
Ideal gas 13 145 155 197
Incompressibility 191 249
Incompressible fluid 45 87 127
Inhomogeneous systems 14 63 68 80 110
interactions 12 14 21 23 30 73 133 153
Interactions between surfaces 162
Interactions between surfaces, attractive 170 174 175
Interactions between surfaces, repulsive 171
Interactions between surfaces, solute-induced 167 174
Interactions of membranes 210
Interactions, attractive 14 215
Interactions, attractive, colloidal 218
Interactions, colloidal 215 216 218 223
Interactions, colloidal, phase separation 221
Interactions, competition of head-chain packing 189
Interactions, covalent 134
Interactions, depletion 167
Interactions, dipolar 135 136
Interactions, entropic repulsion 205
Interactions, hydrophobic 135 238
Interactions, ionic 134
Interactions, metallic 134
Interactions, molecular 134
Interactions, repulsive 205
Interactions, repulsive, colloidal 228 231
Interactions, repulsive, of membranes 211
Interactions, solvent mediated 135
Interactions, steric 231
Interactions, van der Waals 136 (see also “van der Waals interactions”)
Interfaces 2 3 21 58
Interfaces in microemulsions 247
Interfaces, cylindrical 90
Interfaces, flatness 84
Interfaces, fluctuations 80 83
Interfaces, free energy 66
Interfaces, gas-liquid 69 71
Interfaces, instabilities 89 90
Interfaces, neutral surface 188
Interfaces, polymers 75
Interfaces, profile 61 68 82
Interfaces, random 254
Interfaces, saturated 183 185
Interfaces, tension 58 68
Interfacial energy 123
Interfacial profile 63 70 81 82
Interfacial tension 58 68 82
Ising model 21 80
L3 phases 253
Lagrange multiplier 11 38 104 201 245
Lamellar structures 204 238 241 245 246 252 254
Laminar flow 47
Landau expansion 80
Laplace pressure 59
Lattice models of microemulsions 248
Lattice-gas 21 63 71
Liquid 69
Lubrication approximation 127
Maxwell’s equations 148
Mean curvature 35 38 39 186
Mean field approximation 23
Membranes 180
Membranes, between walls 211
Membranes, curvature 185
Membranes, curvature elasticity 182
Membranes, curvature energy 189
Membranes, electrostatic contribution to curvature energy 199
Membranes, fluctuations 201
Membranes, fluid 180
Membranes, microscopic model 190
Membranes, polymeric 209
Membranes, pressure distribution 193 198
Membranes, repulsive interactions 205
Membranes, solid 180 194 208
Membranes, unbinding 204 210
Metric 33
Micelles 5 74 136 153 238
Micelles, aggregation number 238 241
Micelles, CMC 184 240 242
Micelles, cylindrical 242 260
Micelles, disklike 243 260
Micelles, spherical 241
Microemulsions 5 241 247
Microemulsions, bicontinuous 5 247 253
Microemulsions, colloidal aspects 250 260
Microemulsions, curvature energy 248
Microemulsions, cylindrical 251
Microemulsions, emulsification failure 250 260
Microemulsions, fluctuations 252
Microemulsions, interactions 260
Microemulsions, lamellar 252
Microemulsions, lattice models 248
Microemulsions, shapes 248 249 252
Microemulsions, spherical 250
Microstructures 6
Minimal surfaces 42
Monge representation 39 80 201
Navier — Stokes equation 45 89 127
Nearly ideal gas 12 50
Neutral surface 186 188 208
Newton’s law 45
No-slip boundary condition 43 125
normal 31 32
Order parameter 61 175
Osmotic pressure 25 70 170 173 193
Parallel surfaces 41
Partition function 10 145
Persistence length 203 204 254
Persistence length of polymers 209
Phase behavior 24
Phase separation 21 25 27 30 214 219 221
Phase separation, liquid-gas 221
Phase transitions 25
Phase transitions, first-order 26 29 52 121 131
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