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Reddy M.P.M. — Descriptive physical oceanography |
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Absorption of light 144
Advection of saline water 111
Agulhas current 378 379
Alaska current 367
Albedo 122 123
Andhra University 24
Annual Variation of sea surface salinity 113 114
Annual Variation of sea surface temperature 125—127
Antarctic bottom water mass 280 281
Antarctic bottom water mass in Atlantic Ocean 292 296—298
Antarctic bottom water mass in Indian Ocean 310 317 318
Antarctic circumpolar current 330—333
Antarctic circumpolar water mass 278—280
Antarctic coastal current 333 334
Antarctic convergence 277
Antarctic Intermediate water in Atlantic Ocean 292—294
Antarctic Intermediate water in Indian Ocean 310 313 314
Antarctic Intermediate water in Pacific Ocean 301 304
Antarctic Intermediate water mass 279 282
Antarctic Ocean 15
Antarctic Polar Front 278
Antarctic surface water mass 278 279
Arabian Sea, circulation 388—392
Arabian Sea, Height of waves 178—189
Arabian Sea, High salinity water mass 320 321
Arabian Sea, Upwelling 395—398
Arabian Sea, Water masses 320—324
Arctic Deep or Bottom water mass 286 289 290
Arctic Intermediate water mass in Atlantic Ocean 292 294
Arctic Ocean 13
Arctic Water mass 284—288
Atlantic Ocean 9
Atlantic Water mass in Arctic Ocean 286 288 289
Atmosphere 6
Attenuation of light 114
Attenuation of sound 152 153
Australian Institute of Marine Science 54 55
Autosal 80 81
Average yearly range of Sea surface temperature 127
Back wash 196
Baffin Bay, circulation 399 340
Baltic sea, Salinity 119 120
Bathythermograph, expendable 70—72
Bathythermograph, mechanical 68—70
Bay of Bengal, circulation 384—388
Bay of Bengal, height of waves 178 179 189—193
Bay of Bengal, upwelling 394 395
Bay of Bengal, water masses 324—326
Bay of Fundy, tidal bore 271
Bay of Fundy, tidal range 269
Bedford Institute of Oceanography 32—36
Benguela current 349 355
Bering strait 6 283
Biological Oceanography 1 2
Black sea, salinity 120 121
Bottom water circulation Antarctic 334 335
Bottom water circulation Arctic 340 341
Bottom water mass, Antarctic 279 282
Bottom water mass, Arctic 286 289 290
Bottom water of the Pacific 305—307
Brazil current 349 354
Breakers 195 196
Bucket thermometer 60
California current 361 366 367
Canada, tides 267—270
Canadian Arctic Archipelago, currents 337 339 340
Canadian Basin, Water masses 285—288
Canary current 349 352 353
Cape Comorin 198—211
Carruther's current device 94
Caspian sea, salinity 119
Central Arctic, currents 337—339
Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute 58 59
Centrifugal force 249 250
Challenger Expedition 19 20
Charles Darwin 19
Chemical Oceanography 1 2
Chemical titration method 77 78
Chilka lake 225 230—232
Circulation, Arabian Sea 388—392
Circulation, Bay of Bengal 384—388
Circumpolar water mass, Atlantic Ocean 292 295 296
Circumpolar water mass, Pacific Ocean 301 304 305
Coefficient, of thermal conductivity of sea ice 159
Coefficient, of thermal expansion of sea ice 158
Colour determination 141 142
Cromwell current 363 364
Davidson current 366 367
Dead Sea, Salinity 119
Dead water 246
Decibar 135
Deep Water Circulation, Arctic Ocean 340 341
Deep Water Circulation, Atlantic Ocean 356 357
Deep Water Circulation, Indian Ocean 392
Deep Water Circulation, Pacific Ocean 371
Deep Water mass, Antarctic Ocean 279 282
Deep Water mass, Arctic Ocean 286 289 290
Deep Water mass, Atlantic Ocean 292 294—296
Deep Water mass, North Indian Ocean 310 323
Deep Water mass, Pacific Ocean 305—307
Deep Water mass, South Indian Ocean 310 315 316
Deep Water mass, South West Indian Ocean 316 317
Density distribution in the oceans 138 139
Density in Situ 137
Density method. Salinity 83
Density of Sea ice 157
Different stages of wind generated waves 169 170
Direct reading and Direction finder current meter 91—94
Direct reading current meter 86—89
Direction function 199 209—211 217—219 228 229 236 237
Discolouration of the sea 143
Distribution of sea water temperature with depth 131—135
Diurnal Variation, Extinction coefficient 147
Diurnal Variation, Sea surface temperature 130—132
Diurnal Variation, Surface Salinity 115 116
Divisions of Oceanography 1 2
Drift bottle 95
Drift Pole 95
Dynamic Theory of tides 260 261
East Australian current 361 368 369
East Coast of India, Upwelling 394 395
East Coast of India, Wave characteristics 189—193
East Coast of India, Wave refraction 222—242
East Greenland current 337 338
East Wind drift 331 333 334
Ekman current meter 84—86
El Nino (Peru current) 369—371
Electrical conductivity method 78—82
Electromagnetic method 98—99
Electronic reversing thermometer 64—66
Eleurian Method 84—94
Equatorial counter current, Atlantic Ocean 350
Equatorial counter current, Indian Ocean 380 381
Equatorial counter current, Pacific Ocean 361 363
Equatorial Pacific ocean, currents 360—364
Equatorial under current, Indian Ocean 381 382
Equatorial under current, Pacific Ocean 363 364
Equilibrium theory of tides 258—260
Eurasian Basin, Water Masses 284—288
European Arctic, currents 336—338
Expendable bathythermograph 70—72
Extinction co-efficients in the sea 145
Factors affecting, density of sea water 137 138
Factors affecting, Salinity 111
Factors influencing, Colour of Sea Water 142 143
Factors influencing, Sea water temperature 122 123
Falkland current 349 355
False Divi point 232—242
Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency 41—44
First Institute of Oceanography 48 49
| Float and drag 95
Fluorescent dye 95 96
Food resources 2 3
Fresh water resource 3 4
Geological Oceanography 1 2
Geomagnetic Electro-Kinetograph 98 99
Geophysical Oceanography 1 2
Geostrophic method 99 100
Glaciers 161 162
Grand Banks, Icebergs 163 164
Gulf of Cambay, tides 264—266
Gulf of Kutch, tides 264—266
Gulf Stream 349 351 352
Halocline 117 118
Humboldt current 369
Hurrtmocked ice 155 156
Hydrographical tables 83
Hydrometer 83
Hydrosphere 6
Indian Ocean 10—12
Indian Ocean central water mass 310—312
Indian Ocean equatorial water mass 310 320
Indian Ocean expedition 21—25
Infrared radiometry 75 76
Institute of Oceanographic Sciences 36—39
Intermediate water masses, Antarctic 279 282
Intermediate water masses, North Pacific 304
Intermediate water masses, Southwest Indian Ocean 314 315
Internal waves 246 247
International Geophysical Year 21
International Ice Patrol Service 164
Intertropical convergence zone 346—348 357—360 372—374
Isotherm follower 73 74
Isothermal layer 131—133
Japan Marine Science and Technology Centre 49 50
Japan Sea (Sea of Japan) 7
Kara Sea (anticlockwise gyre) 338
Kelvin wave (El Nino) 370
Kurbshio Extension 365 366
Kuroshio 361 365
Labrador current 349 353 354
LaFond 24 25
Lagrangian method 84 95 96
Lamont-Doherty Earth Obsevatory 32
Latent heat of Freezing of Sea ice 158
Latent heat of Fusion of Sea ice 158
Latitudinal variation of Extinction coefficient 146
Latitudinal variation of Sea surface density 138 139
Latitudinal variation of Sea surface temperature 124 125
Latitudinal variation of Surface salinity 112 113
Layer of no motion 99 100
Leeuwin current 379 380
Lithosphere 6
Littoral drift 199 200
Lomonosov ridge 14 339 341
Longshore current (Littoral current) 197
Marine Engineering 1 2
Maud expedition 156
Maury, M.F. 19
Maximum tidal ranges 264—270
Meanders, Gulf Stream 352
Mechanical Bathythermograph 68—70
Mediterranean Sea Water 292 299 300
Mediterranean Sea, Salinity 118
Meteor expedition 20
Microseisms 245 246
Microwave radiometry 76 77
Mid-Atlantic Ridge 9 10
Mineral resources 3 4
Mixing of Water masses 275
Modern tidal theory 261
Monsoons 371—374
Mozambique current 375—378
National Institute of Oceanography 24 25 55—57
Neep tide 255 256
Neutrally buoyant float 96
Newton, Isaac 258
North Atlantic central water mass 291—293
North Atlantic current 349 352
North Atlantic deep water mass 294—296
North Atlantic Ocean, Wave conditions 171 172
North Equatorial current (Atlantic) 349 350
North Equatorial current (Indian) 375 381
North Equatorial current (Pacific) 360—362
North Indian deep water mass 323
North Indian Ocean, Wave conditions 178—180
North Pacific current 361 366
North Pacific Intermediate water mass 301 304
North Pacific Ocean, Wave conditions 174 175
Northeast Monsoon 372 373
Norwegian current 336 337
Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo 50—53
Ocean thermal energy conversion plants 405—407
Oceanography 1
Okhotsk Sea (Sea of Okhotsk) 7 367
Oyashio current 361 367 368
P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology 44—46
Pacific central water masses 301—303
Pacific equatorial water mass 301—302
Pacific Ocean 6—8
Pacific sub-arctic water mass 301 303
Parachute drogue 96 97
Parallel type step-resistance gauge 101
Peru current (El Nino) 361 369—371
Portable automatic tide guage 107
Portable salinometer 82
Potential temperature 280
Protected reversing thermometer 61—63
Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory 39—41
Pycnocline 139 140
Radiation, solar 121—123
Recording current meter 91 92
Red Sea, Salinity 118
Red Sea, Water mass 310 312 319 322
Red tide 143
Refraction diagram 195 198 212 240 241
Refraction function 199 206—208 214—216 226 227 234 235
Refraction, of Ocean wave 194 195
Refraction, of Sound 151
Refractive index method 83
Refractometer 83
Regions of upwelling 394
Relative currents 99 100
Remote sensing of Sea surface temperature 73 75—77
Reversing thermometers 61—64
Rip currents 197 213 242
Ripples 165
Roberts radio current meter 89—91
Ross Sea 15 278 280
Salinity 110
Salinity (practical), definition 111
Salinity - Chlorinity relationship 78
Salinity distribution in oceans 111—121
Salinity in Persian Gulf 118 119
Salinity of Sea ice 156 157
Salinity range in oceans 111
Salinometers 79
Scattering, of light 144
Scattering, of sound 153
Scripps Institution of Oceanography 26—30
Sea ice, in the Antarctic 160 161
Sea ice, in the Arctic 159 160
Sea surface temperature recorder 61
Sea wave 169 170
Secchi disk 107 108
Sediment transport, along East Coast of India 222 224—242
Sediment transport, along West Coast of India 198—223
Seiches 244 245
Semi - diurnal tide 254 255
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