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Pugovecki E. — Quantum mechanics in hilbert space |
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Plane waves, distorted 510
Plane waves, free 462
Plane waves, incoming distorted 466
Plane waves, outgoing distorted 465
Plane waves, retarded distorted see Plane waves outgoing
Povzner, A.Ya. 594 597
Principle of indistinguishability of identical particles 307
probability 46
Probability, amptitude see Transition amplitude
Probability, frequency interpretation 47
Projector 197
Prugovecki, E. 262 390 434 458 593 594 597 598
Putman, C.R. 390 598
Quantum number, azimuthal 168
Quantum number, magnetic 168
Quantum number, principal 168
Quotient space 138
Randolph, J.F. 375 598
Regge, T. 572 594 595
Resolvent equations, first 455 483
Resolvent equations, second 455
Resolvent of operators 452
Resolvent set 452
Riemann — Lebesgue lemma 216
Riemann — Stieltjes sums 441
Riesz theorem 184
Riesz — Fischer theorem 105
Riesz, F. 171 256 390 491 598
Ring, boolean 66
Rodrigues' formula 152
Rys, F. 485 598
S matrix 479 see matrix
S matrix in spherical coordinates 468
S operator 400
S operator for multichannel scattering 586
S operator, perturbation expansion of 427
S operator, unitary of 419
Scalar product see Inner product
Scattering matrix 479
Scattering operator see S operator
Scattering state 398 407
Scattering, amplitude 465
Scattering, elastic 575 576
Scattering, experiments 392
Scattering, inelastic 575 576
Scattering, theory, time dependent 415
Scattering, three-body 582
Scattering, time-independent 435
Schmidt procedure see Vectors
Schroedinger equation 3 46 48 122 332 56\36
Schroedinger operator 355
Schroedinger operator, essential self-adjointness of 396
Schroedinger operator, form 122
Schroedinger operator, n-body 503
Schroedinger picture 291
Schroedinger, E. 7 296 598
Schwarz — Cauchy inequality 19 20
Segal, I.E. 390 598
Self-adjoint operators 192
Self-adjoint operators, commuting 258 259 261
Self-adjoint operators, spectral measure of 509 525
Sequence of operators see Operators sequences
Sequence, Cauchy 26
Sequence, contracting see Sequence monotonically
Sequence, convergence in mean 105
Sequence, convergent uniformly relative to function 498
Sequence, expanding see Sequence monotonically
Sequence, fundamental see also Sequence Cauchy
Sequence, fundamental in mean 104
Sequence, monotonically decreasing 63
Sequence, monotonically increasing 63 209
Sesquilinear forms see Bilinear form
Set function 58
Set function, continuous 68
Set function, measurable 80
Set function, monotone 79
Set function, subtractive 79
Sets, additive class of see Ring Boolean
Sets, Borel measurable 80
Sets, closed 27
Sets, Lebesgue measurable 80
Sets, measurable 65 71 74
Sets, monotone class of 63
Sets, partially ordered 203
She, C.Y. 262 598
Smithies, F. 490 495 598
Spectral decomposition of operators 242 252
Spectral family see Spectral function
Spectral function 235
Spectral representation space of operations 315
Spectrum of operators, continuous 253 452 453
| Spectrum of operators, discrete see Spectrum of operators point
Spectrum of operators, point 49 227 253 452
Spectrum of operators, residual 452 454
Spectrum of operators, simple 315 424
Spherical wave, outgoing free 467
Spin, measurement of 9
Spin, Stern — Gerlach experiment 9
State vectors 301
States 2
Statistical operator 269 384 389
Stern — Gerlach experiment see Spin
Stone's theorem 335
Stone, M.H. 309 598
Stummel, F. 365 390 598
Subspaces, orthogonal complements of 199
Subspaces, orthogonal sums of 199 200
Super selection rules 301 302
Sz. Nagy, B. 171 256 390 491 598
T matrix 472 see matrix
T operator 403 434 451 472
Tensor product 303
Tensor product, algebraic 141
Tensor product, antisymmetric 306
Tensor product, Hilbert 144
Tensor product, symmetric 306
Threshold 576
Time evolution 287 292
Titchmarsh, E.C 594 598 639
Tonelli's theorem 98
Trace of an operator 374
Trace of an operator, class 374
Transform, Cayley 219 223
Transform, Fourier 218
Transform, Fourier — Plancheral 219 224
Transformations of vector spaces 172 see
Transformations, antilinear 172
Transformations, bounded 178
Transformations, continuous 178
Transformations, isometric 212
Transformations, linear 172
Transformations, semilinear seeTransformations antilinear
Transformations, unitary 212
Transition amplitude 449
Transition matrix 472
Transition operator see T operator
Transition probability 268 449
Translation 548
Unitary equivalence 332 see
Unitary operator 212
Unitary space see Euclidean spaces
van Winter, C 594 598
Varadarajan, V.S. 390 598
Vector basis 15
Vector spaces 11 36
Vector spaces, algebraic tensor products of 141
Vector spaces, conjugate see Vector spaces dual
Vector spaces, dimension of 14
Vector spaces, dual 183
Vector spaces, functional on 182
Vector spaces, inner product see Euclidean spaces
Vector spaces, isomorphism of 16
Vector subspace 16
Vectors, linearly independent 14
Vectors, normalization of 21
Vectors, orthogonal 21
Vectors, orthogonal system of 21
Vectors, orthonormalization procedure of Schmidt (or Gram — Schmidt) 22
Vectors, span of 15 36
Von Neumann's theorem 342
von Neumann, J. 56 171 258 341 390 598
Wave function 45 120
Wave operators for channel 581
Wave operators, existence of 415
Wave operators, incoming 400
Wave operators, intertwining properties of 416
Wave operators, outgoing 400
Wave packet, evanescence of 574
Wave, advanced distorted see Wave incoming
Wave, free 470
Wave, incoming distorted 470
Wave, outgoing distorted 470
Wave, retarded distorted see Wave outgoing
Weierstrass approximation theorem 157
Weyl relations 333
Wick, G.C 301 598
Wienholtz, E. 365 390 598
Wightmann, A.S. 301 342 596 598
Wigner, E.P. 301 598
Wilcox, C.E. 594 598
Zhislin, G.M. 594 598
Zinnes, I.I. 428 594 596 598
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