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Polkinghorne J.C. — The quantum world |
Предметный указатель |
-ray microscope 46ff 64 89f 93
action 42f 92
Aspect, A. 77
Balmer formula 9 11ff 84 92
Balmer, J. 8
Bell inequality 75f 91 92
Bell, J.S. 56 75
Birkhoff, G. 59
Black body radiation 5 92
Bohm, D. 56f 70
Bohr atom 10ff 83f 92
Bohr, N. 10ff 13 48 52f 54f 63f 71f 78f
Born, M. 14 54 63
Bosons 39f 89 92
Bra-vector 30 86 94
Brownian motion 55 92
Collapse of wavepacket 32 38 61ff 92
Complementarity 52f 93
complex numbers 23 40 93
Consciousness 65f
Copenhagen interpretation 63f 68 71f 78 82 93
Correspondence principle 43 93
de Broglie, L. 12 45 53 57 84
Dirac, P.A.M. 2 7 14 16 19 30
Dynamics 29f 88
d’Espagnat, B. 74 79
Eigenvalue 25 27 87 93
Eigenvector 25 27 87 93
Einstein — Podolsky — Rosen paradox 70f 80 93
Einstein, A. 6f 53f 55 70 72
Electron diffraction 12 93
Everett, H. 67
Exclusion principle 39f 93
Faraday, M. 2
fermions 39f 89 93
Feynman, R. 34 37 41ff 78
Gamow, G. 51
Hamiltonian 30 86 94
Heisenberg, W. 3 14 29 44 45f 48f 80f 89
Hermitean operator 28 87 94
Hidden variables 56f 71 73 94
Hilbert space 23 94
Hydrogen atom 9 13f
Idealism 63 66 94
Identical particles 38ff 89
Induction 74
Interference 36 43 94
Jeans, J. 5
Ket-vector 30 86 94
Kronecker, L. 6
Landau, L.D. 50
Level problems 68f 94
Light 2 17f
Linear operators 24f 87 94
Locality 71 73f 94
Many-worlds interpretation 67f 94
Mascall, E. 81
| Matrix mechanics 14 94
Maupertuis, P. 43
Maxwell, J.C. 2 7
Measurement 3f 25 27f 31ff 47f 60ff 68 80 94
Non-commutativity 25 28 92
Non-locality 57 71 76 94
Nucleus 10 51f 94
Observables 24f 95
Particle-wave duality 2 7f 12f 36f 49 95
Path integrals 41ff 95
Pauli, W. 39
photoelectric effect 6f 95
Photon 7 18 40 47 95
Pilot wave 57 95
Planck, M. 5f
Planck’s constant 6 11 42 45 50 84 95
Podolsky, B. 70
Polarisation 17ff 95
Polariser 18 26f 28 32
Positivism 72 78f 95
Potentia 81
Probability amplitude 40f 42 88 95
Probability interpretation 3 14 18f 23f 31 56 95
Quantum field theory 7 95
Quantum logic 58f 95
Rayleigh, Lord 5
Realism 1f 33 72 74 79f 81f 95
Relativity 76f
Rosen, N. 70
Rutherford, Lord 10
Rydberg constant 9 12
Schroedinger equation 13 30 60 64ff 84ff 96
Schroedinger, E. 13 29 44f 53 89
Schroedinger’s cat 61f 67
Schwinger, J. 43
Sommerfeld, A. 49
Spectroscopy 8 96
Spin 19 22f 58f 60f 70f 74f 96
State 16f 24 39 96
Statistics 39 96
Stern — Gerlach experiment 60f 96
Sum over histories 41ff 96
Superposition principle 17 19f 33 38 41 66 96
Thomson, J.J. 9
Thought experiments 46 96
Tomonaga, S. 43
tunnelling 50ff 96
Two-slits experiment 34ff 49f
Ultraviolet catastrophe 5 96
Uncertainty principle 3 28 44ff 50 54f 80 90 96
Vector spaces 20ff 24ff 86 96
von Neumann, J. 56 59
Wave mechanics 13 24 29 39 40f 44f 80 81f 84ff 86 96
Wien, W. 48f
Wigner, E. 65f
Wigner’s friend 62
Young, T. 2 12 36
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